DBE Blogs: Omori VS The Batter





(Ibrahim Muhammad)

(Izumi Zoldick)




"Silence is a lie that screams at the light."
-Shannon L. Alder

Omori, the guardian of the Headspace cycle.

The Batter, embodiment of Purification and prophet who seeks to bring purity to the world.

Sometimes it is better to be happy in ignorance than to suffer from the harsh truth that you want to deny. Hiding a secret or your intentions from those you care about can lead to your lie falling apart, and revealing who you really are

When a painful truth should not come to light, internal entities are responsible for bringing purity and happiness at the cost of ignorance, and they are the best possible example. Today's fighters have proven to be incredible manipulators who can mess with even our most perverse thoughts, but who will succumb and who will emerge victorious in a DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start...

Since both only have one game, we decided to take external media for both. For The Batter, we will use the DeviantArt of Mortis Ghost and his Q&A stream. For Omori, we will use the two interviews with Omocat, the art book and the Omori Wiki, and although Omori will have a manga, we don't know if it will be canon or not, so that will be the media for now.

Remember to listen to "Light's Off" by Brandon Yates!


The Batter

The player (who is referred to directly) assumes control of the Batter, a man in a baseball uniform on a "sacred mission" to "purify the world". After receiving guidance from a talking cat called The Judge, The Batter begins to make his way through four locations known as Zones, killing malevolent ghost-like creatures called "spectres" in order to "purify" the Zone. Each Zone is under the direct administration of a Zone Guardian. In order to purify the Zone, the Batter kills the Guardians as he progresses. After the purification of each Zone, scenes of a sick boy named Hugo are shown, implying a form of connection to the Zone. Throughout The Batter's quest for purification, he interacts with the game's mask-wearing merchant, Zacharie, who provides the Judge with cryptic hints. The Batter's only companions throughout the game are three circular entities known as "Add-Ons," each of them named after a Greek letter (Alpha, Omega, Epsilon) who also have character classes that correspond to the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit respectively).

The first Zone consists of a series of towns that is ruled by a vulgar, imposing humanoid creature named Dedan. The Batter is informed that there are spectres within the smoke mines of the first town, Damien, and promptly rushes through them in order to purify the area. Once the smoke mines are purified, The Batter proceeds to the metal farms of Pentel, the second town. As The Batter exterminates spectres within a barn, Dedan, the Zone Guardian, berates one of the workers for their incompetence. The Batter resolves to defeat Dedan, advancing to the next town, Shachihata, which is known for its post office. The Batter encounters Dedan at the highest floor of the office, who perceives The Batter as the "lord of the phantoms." Dedan escapes to the final town in the zone, Alma, the location of his office. The Batter advances through the Zone and confronts Dedan within his office, defeating him and claiming that the Zone is purified. A cutscene with Hugo plays out, where he says "That started badly..." and the Batter returns to the Nothingness.

The second Zone, known as Bismark, centers around a towering library. The town itself appears to be an infinite loop. The Batter is informed that there are spectres within the library and advances through the building, encountering the Zone Guardian, Japhet, who appears to merely be a cat. Japhet flees the battle. The Batter is informed that there are spectres within Bismark's shopping district, and proceeds to slay his way through the town's shopping mall. He proceeds to Bismark's amusement park, and then to the residential district, where Japhet is terrorizing citizens with spectres. The Batter dispatches of them. The Judge informs The Batter that his brother, Valerie, has been "calling himself Japhet," implying that he has been possessed by the Zone Guardian. The Batter returns to the roof of the library and engages in battle with Japhet, who reveals his true form - a hulking phoenix with Valerie's corpse still attached. The Batter dispatches Japhet, purifying the Zone in the progress. Another Hugo cutscene plays, where he says "The... The bird... He left too..."

The third Zone opens up with a gigantic factory adorned with smokestacks. The Zone's Elsen population seem ambivalent to danger, with one Elsen being murdered by spectres after claiming that the spectres were his "friends." It is explictly stated that the Zone Guardian has been feeding misinformation to the clueless Elsen. The Batter continues his journey through the Zone, discovering a sugar refinery - however, the Elsen there appear to be extremely addicted to the sugar, sending them into a rage when they are deprived of it. The Batter proceeds to the Zone's sugar factory in the district of Vesper, discovering that the sugar is made out of the corpses of dead Elsen. The Batter advances to the Director's office, meeting the Zone Guardian, a gigantic, overweight man named Enoch. The Batter flees the battle with Enoch and maneuvers through the office building in order to exhaust him before defeating him in battle, successfully purifying the three Zones. There is no Hugo cutscene.

Before advancing to the final Zone, The Room, The Batter is allowed to explore through the purified Zones. Each purified zone is entirely devoid of life, barring a singular Elsen in the second Zone. There is only one type of enemy in each of the purified Zones, known as Secretaries, who appear to be large humanoid infants in differing wrestling attire. The purified Zones do not play music, rather, they play voice clips of someone begging for help and loud banging. There are special items (all with the prefix Grand) that can only be obtained by progressing through the purified Zones.

The last Zone, The Room, begins with a long hallway. Each room has some form of symbolism that relates directly to Hugo. There are several references to Hugo's illness, ranging from the constant mention of pills to direct flashbacks. The Batter meets the Zone Guardians once again, however, they are referred to as the Tall Mister (Dedan), The Bird (Japhet), and the Big Mister (Enoch). The three of them have lost their hostility, and, evidently, their role as Guardians entirely, referring to The Batter as a mere boy. More flashbacks ensue, where Hugo reveals that he hates his father. The Batter eventually comes to a platform where he encounters The Queen, the commander of the Zone Guardians. The Batter argues with her over their "son," who is implied to be Hugo. The Batter defeats her and proceeds to search for and murder Hugo.

However, during the course of the game, the truth behind the Batter's sacred mission to purify the world is revealed. It's not saving the world, it's destroying it, eradicating any kind of life in it, leaving a white void with nothing but our remorse in them. We weren't saving the world, we were destroying it, and The Batter was never good, or a savior. He is a murderer, we were murderers.

In the Official Ending, the player sides with the Batter and swiftly kills the Judge, allowing the batter to flip the switch. Doing so displays the text, "The switch is now OFF," and the world fades to black.

In the Special Ending, the player sides with the Judge and defeats the Batter. The Judge states that "nothing remains now except for our regrets," however, he prefers this outcome to the Batter completing his mission. During the Special Ending's credits, the Judge is seen walking alone through the purified zones.

A third Secret Ending can be accessed if the player collects the Aries-Card and plays through either of the endings. This joke ending revolves around so-called "Space Apes" in a war against brain-like aliens. The Space Apes describe their plan to construct factories in the now-lifeless world of Off to produce robots capable of killing the aliens. This is a minor nod to Silent Hill's dog endings.


SUNNY was born to unnamed parents on July 20th of an unknown year, being approximately 16 years old during the events of the game. He had an older sister named MARI. He lived in FARAWAY TOWN since he was a child, sharing a room with his older sister.

As neighbors with KEL and HERO, SUNNY and MARI quickly became friends with them. Not too long after, they met AUBREY and BASIL and befriended them as well. BASIL's photo album shows the group being close friends: going to school together, celebrating birthdays, and building a treehouse.

When MARI became very invested in playing piano, SUNNY wanted to take up the violin to play with her. His wish was granted when his friends gathered enough money to buy him a violin for Christmas. The next year, SUNNY and MARI began practicing for an upcoming music recital together. However, SUNNY did not enjoy violin as he thought he would - he grew frustrated with practicing and MARI's perfectionism, wishing he could spend time with his friends instead.

On the day of the recital, SUNNY reached a breaking point with his frustration and threw his violin down the staircase. MARI soon saw the broken violin and began yelling at him. SUNNY was too disoriented to understand why. He tried to leave by going down the staircase, but when MARI blocked his path, he pushed her out of the way, causing MARI to fall down the stairs and land on top of the broken violin.

SUNNY panicked when MARI didn't get back up, and after dragging her back to bed so she could "rest," broke down upon realizing that she was dead. BASIL, who had witnessed the tragic event, became distraught at the sight of this as well. Attempting to help SUNNY avoid blame, he guided him to hang MARI's body to a tree outside and stage her death as a suicide.

At some point following MARI's death, SUNNY began visiting WHITE SPACE through a black-and-white doppelgänger called OMORI. WHITE SPACE is born out of SUNNY's cognition whenever he sleeps, so its contents are subjective from his memories and perceptions. OMORI's existence started as a sort of "shell" for SUNNY to protect himself from the horrors of the truth, which took the form of SOMETHING and BLACK SPACE.

Inside WHITE SPACE, OMORI can freely visit an imaginary world where his friends reside along with comical representations of acquaintances and familiar fictional mascots. WHITE SPACE serves as an escape from the truth behind MARI's untimely demise. To this end, SUNNY's OMORI is routinely inside WHITE SPACE, as SUNNY has been a shut-in since MARI's death and all of the interactions we seen within HEADSPACE come with a sense of great familiarity from the characters that reside within.

Eventually, BLACK SPACE encroaches on HEADSPACE, and repressing the resurfacing memories requires HEADSPACE to be reset -- which has been done several times over, only serving as a stopgap measure. As SUNNY's repression grew stronger and HEADSPACE continued to change, OMORI continued to change too, and eventually became something more than what his creator originally intended.

Years of repressing the truth resulted in OMORI becoming the very image of suicidal guilt and depression that SUNNY denies, essentially making him less of an alter ego. He becomes more of a culmination of the repression of trauma and escapism that SUNNY has done over his past four years as a hikikomori. By the time of the game's events, OMORI behaves autonomously and begins to influence SUNNY instead of the other way around; however, his goal is still the same: to protect SUNNY from the truth.

While OMORI and WHITE SPACE serve only to repress SOMETHING, OMORI begins acting more hostile towards SUNNY as he gets closer to the truth regarding MARI's death within BLACK SPACE. This culminates in OMORI turning against SUNNY once he kills DW BASIL by stabbing him in RED SPACE. Knowing that his original self has chosen to confront the truth, OMORI intends to "save" SUNNY from his guilt once and for all, even if it meant making the latter cease to exist.

Following his ill-fated fight with BASIL on the final night, landing in the hospital, and after reliving his favorite moments through MEMORY LANE, SUNNY finds himself within WHITE SPACE again. OMORI fights SUNNY in a final attempt to protect him from the truth, and presumably for control of his mind and body. There are two possible endings depending on if one of the two options is chosen upon losing to OMORI the first time around:
  • GOOD ENDING: If SUNNY chooses to continue, he performs the duet recital with MARI, remembering the good times he's spent with MARI and his friends during his youth. OMORI accepts defeat and embraces SUNNY with a hug, vanishing from WHITE SPACE. SUNNY then leaves HEADSPACE for good and awakens in the hospital, finally coming to terms with MARI's death. This allows SUNNY to overcome his guilt over his past actions and confess the truth behind MARI's death to his friends.
  • BAD ENDING: If SUNNY chooses not to continue, he will instead disappear as OMORI presumably takes control of him completely. From there, OMORI wakes up in WHITE SPACE once again. When he enters NEIGHBOR'S ROOM, all of his friends appear strangely silent. They head out for more adventuring but the scene cuts over to SUNNY standing on the hospital's balcony alone. Unable to accept the truth, SUNNY jumps off the building and plummets to his presumed death.
Omori Route

In this route, things change as SUNNY represses more memories of MARI's death as he chooses to shut himself away even more than before. By the time OMORI arrives in BLACK SPACE, he slowly begins to take over SUNNY's mind and body. However, STRANGER attempts to stop SUNNY from submerging himself further into his dream world of escapism. SUNNY tries to fight off STRANGER but fails as the shadowy figure overwhelms him, leading him to be transported into RED SPACE, where OMORI awaits him on his throne of hands.

From there, OMORI descends from his throne and helps SUNNY withstand STRANGER's wrath. However, upon confronting the STRANGER, it appears that he has given up on trying to convince SUNNY to stop his unhealthy coping mechanism. OMORI is then warped back to BLACK SPACE by a RED HAND, allowing him to rescue BASIL in the CHURCH OF SOMETHING. The two friends leave BLACK SPACE and return to NEIGHBOR'S BEDROOM, where all their friends are sleeping in their beds.

Once OMORI and BASIL fall asleep, as instructed by the BIG YELLOW CAT, this results in a soft reset for all of HEADSPACE. This leads to a repeat of the first few minutes of the game with a few changes: BASIL appears to have never discovered the truth, more areas are expanded, and more optional sidequests are available for OMORI and friends to complete.

SUNNY eventually wakes up, only to find SOMETHING following him at every step of his house. Being unable to suppress SOMETHING's presence, SUNNY succumbs further into his self-hatred and guilt as he finishes his remaining chores. By the time SUNNY falls back asleep, he ends up overwhelmed by the traumatic memories of his past, and can no longer repress them any further.

OMORI then decides to "save" SUNNY from being fully consumed by his trauma by merging with him. Upon doing so, OMORI assumes complete control over SUNNY's mind and body, causing the latter to cease to exist. From this point on, SUNNY resigns himself to an endless cycle of dreaming forever within HEADSPACE via escapism and full repression of the truth. However, he is unable to face the truth nor reconnect with his friends ever again. After waking up once more, only the NEUTRAL ENDINGS can be obtained from this point on.

Experience & Skill

The Batter

The Batter is someone capable of deceiving and manipulating others, such as The Judge and The Player, whom he made believe his false heroic purpose and hid his plan to kill everything in the zones.

He is a strategist who can create quick plans in combat, such as running away from Enoch to make him chase him and get stuck, weakening him so that The Batter can beat him more easily.

How much experience the Batter has is a somewhat complicated issue. Although he appears to be an adult man, with a wife and son, it does not mean that he is years old, rather, he was created by Hugo along with the queen to be his father figures, which means that he always saw himself that way.
On the other hand, The Batter was created when The Player opens the game and is assigned to him, so he should not have more than a couple of hours of existence until the end of the game, where he dies.


Despite being a child, Omori stands out for his combat skills and intelligence. He is skilled with a knife and other types of weapons and various objects that he uses to his advantage in combat.

His length of experience is rare to define. For one thing, the cycle and Headspace started 4 years before the events of the game, which would leave us with Omori having 4 years of experience, yet Omori can defeat enemies in Sweetheart's castle, which they have trained for hundreds of years. years, this is because the flow of time in Headspace is different from that of the real world, which is supported by the fact that MR. OUTBLACK claims to be 33,000 years old.

In terms of general intelligence, Omori is able to solve difficult and complex puzzles, and write down information about an enemy just by seeing him once, showing that he learns incredibly fast, enough to know everything about someone just by seeing him. He is someone who is manipulative, he helped Basil fake Mari's suicide, he was able to hide his identity in Headspace so they don't know he is the Dreamer, and he was able to keep the Truth hidden for an endless cycle for 4 years.


The Batter

(Draw by DummyDumDum40)

Obviously, as his name says, the Batter's main weapon is, well, his Baseball bats, which he uses to hit his enemies until they are purified, but it is not just a stick. comes in various flavors:
  • Harold Bat: +90 Hit probability and +5 Attack.
  • Masashi Bat: +90 Hit probability and +9 Attack.
  • Emmanuel Bat: +90 Hit probability and +12 Attack.
  • Michael Bat: +95 Hit probability and +15 Attack.
  • Yoshihiro Bat: +90 Hit probability and +20 Attack.
  • Lewis Bat: +90 Hit probability and +26 Attack.
  • Katsuhiro Bat: +90 Hit probability and +32 Attack.
  • Ashley Bat: +100 Hit probability and +21 (x2) Attack.
General Items
  • Luck ticket: Restores 100 HP.
  • Fortune ticket: Restores 1000 HP.
  • Silver flesh: Restores 50 CP.
  • Joker: Revives and restores 25% max HP.
  • Moloch’s meat: Cures the Poison condition.
  • Belial’s meat: Cures all conditions except Death.
  • Abaddon’s meat: Restores the party's HP and CP, and cures all status conditions. Unusable in battle.
  • Inspiration: Deals 75 base damage to a single enemy, increasing with Attack and Esprit.
  • Expiration: Deals 400 base damage to a single enemy, increasing with Attack and Esprit.
  • Eye: Analyses the enemies’ characteristics.
  • Aura of Justice: +3 Defense
  • Aura of Fear: +3 Defense
  • Aura of Perception: +4 Defense
  • Aura of Greatness: +10 Defense
  • Aura of Clairvoyance: +18 Defense
  • Aura of Tenacity: +25 Defense
  • Aura of Lunacy: +41 Defense
  • Aura of Power: +59 Defense
  • Nicolas Tunic: +4 Defense
  • David Tunic: +6 Defense
  • Min-Woo Tunic: +8 Defense
  • Canepa Tunic: +12 Defense
  • Taiyou Tunic: +16 Defense
  • Neil Tunic: +22 Defense
  • Colour of Pain: +3 Defense
  • Colour of Sadness: +5 Defense
  • Colour of Hatred: +10 Defense
  • Colour of Force: +18 Defense
  • Colour of Defeat: +29 Defense
  • Colour of Neglect: +32 Defense
  • The Eighth Colour: +50 Defense
  • Monday: Equipment that protects you from critical hits. Prevents critical hits.
  • Tuesday: Equipment that reduces the consumption of CP. Halves CP consumption.
  • Wednesday: Equipment that protects you from harmful ground. Prevents terrain damage.
  • Thursday: Equipment that is beneficial to physical attacks. Grants 30% resistance to the Furious and Madness conditions.
  • Friday: Equipment that is beneficial to competences. Grants 50% resistance to the Muted condition.
  • Saturday: Equipment that increases agility. Increases Evasion.
  • Sunday: Equipment that protects from poison. Prevents the Poison condition.
  • Secret Day: Equipment preventing poison, mute, and blindness. Prevents the Poison, Blindness, and Muted conditions.

(Gif by JCgurl201)

Add-Ons are floating objects that fight alongside their owner during combat, using their unique Competences to fill various roles in combat. Each one is named after a letter of the Greek alphabet. It is unclear whether an Add-On's owner controls it, or if they act of their own accord. The only two characters known to be able to use Add-Ons are The Batter and The Queen, though their Add-Ons differ greatly in appearance and functionality.

The Batter's Add-Ons appear as simple floating rings, and learn up to eight competences each as they level up. The Batter finds one Add-On in each of the three main Zones. After trying and failing to equip an Add-On, The Judge said that the reason The Batter can use Add-Ons may be because The Player is controlling him.

Alpha is the first Add-On that The Batter gets. Alpha (Aα) is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and Alpha's class name is "Father". It is obtained in the annex tunnel of Damien's smoke mines, where the Elsen believed it to be the "leader of the spectres". When The Batter first gets Alpha, it is Lv. 1, and is equipped with an Audacious Symbol. The names of Alpha's Competences are based on programming terminology. The "String" Competences target a single enemy and deal high damage, while the "Bracket" Competences deal low damage and have a chance to inflict status ailments.
  • Saturated String: 50 Damage.
  • Expected Bracket: Can inflict Poison.
  • Converted String: 120 Damage.
  • Requisite Bracket: Can inflict Blind.
  • Long String: 250 Damage.
  • Open Bracket: Can inflict Mute.
  • Complete String: 500 Damage.
  • Impossible Bracket: Can inflict Palsy.
Omega is the second Add-On that The Batter gets. Omega (Ωω) is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, and Omega's class name is "Son". It is obtained on the 3rd floor of the Grand Library, after fighting Valérie there. When The Batter first gets Omega, its Level is the average of The Batter's and Alpha's, and is equipped with a Persistent Symbol and a Radius Epidermis. The names of Omega's Competences are based on photographic terminology. The "Perspective" Competences target a single ally and cure various status ailments, while the "Blur" Competences target a single enemy, dealing low damage and having a variety of useful secondary effects.
  • Inverse Perspective: Cures Blind and Mute.
  • Optimized Blur: 70 Damage.
  • Overdone Perspective: Cures Poison and Sleep.
  • Photographic Blur: Ignores enemy Defense.
  • Frontal Perspective: Cures Fury, Madness, and Palsy.
  • Gaussian Blur: Decreases CP instead of damaging.
  • Multiple Perspective: Revives. Heals instead of damaging.
  • Radial Blur: Decreases Defense instead of damaging.
Epsilon is the final Add-On that The Batter gets. Epsilon (Εε) is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet, and Epsilon's class name is "Holy Spirit". It can be obtained either in the east dormitories of Zone 3 Area 1, or in the room just before the fight with Enoch. When The Batter first gets Epsilon, its Level is the average of The Batter's, Alpha's, and Omega's, and it is equipped with a Choleric Symbol and an Aura of Justice. The names of Epsilon's Competences are based on artistic terminology. The "Drama" Competences target a single ally and increase various stats, while the "Tragedy" Competences target all enemies, dealing decent damage.
  • Classic Drama: Increases Attack instead of damaging.
  • Surrealist Tragedy: Hits all enemies.
  • Baroque Drama: Increases Defense instead of damaging.
  • Abstract Tragedy: Hits all enemies.
  • Experienced Drama: Increases Esprit instead of damaging.
  • Cubist Tragedy: Hits all enemies.
  • Unrevokable Drama: Increases Agility instead of damaging.
  • Fauvestic Tragedy: Hits all enemies.


Pedalos are small boats that resemble ducks, used for aquatic transport. It is unknown how they are controlled, be it by pedals as the name would suggest, or if they are sentient creatures. However, their direction is able to be influenced by motors, as seen in the carnival portion of Zone 2.

Pedalos are accessible in the Alma Meat Fountains of Zone 1 and in the Bismark Park of Zone 2, by using access points symbolized with a walking figure. All points are initially blocked by Elsen, and defeating them allows you to spawn (used in-game as "call") a Pedalo in the designated area(s). Only one Pedalo can exist at a time, meaning that there may only be one Pedalo that transports itself.



"A journal for keeping track of foes!"

FOE FACTS! is an important item in OMORI. It is a journal given by HERO to OMORI during the PROLOGUE. It can be opened by the player via the IMPORTANT tab of the menu. It basically lists most of the enemies fought throughout the party's adventures in HEADSPACE.

After meeting or defeating a foe, OMORI and his friends would write down their observations that served as the foe's descriptions. OMORI's descriptions are mostly long and well-detailed, showcasing his talent for writing. The rest of the group's descriptions, however, are mostly short funny phrases.


"BASIL's most precious belonging."

This album contains the memories of OMORI and his friends in HEADSPACE. The photos inside are viewed during the PROLOGUE, and the album remains in BASIL's possession when he is banished to BLACK SPACE. It can only be looked at once more in his company after rescuing him in the OMORI ROUTE.

In addition, a new update for the official OMORI website features a new interactive HEADSPACE game, which includes six new polaroids. In the console releases of OMORI, these polaroids appear in BASIL's album once HEADSPACE is reset in the OMORI ROUTE with new text descriptions. Upon close inspection, the text of the new polaroids reveals that the group's memories were altered to make them believe that BASIL had never gone missing.


"A book all about battles, written by HERO.

Using this item reveals the overall mechanics of how the battle system of the game works. It covers details regarding damage output, stats, emotions, follow-ups, skills, equips, toys, and leveling up.


WEAPONS are items that are equip-able in the EQUIP tab and boosts up stats for a specific character. Unless they are using specific charms that boost hit rating, it's impossible to hit any target without the use of weapons. Each character wields weapons exclusive to them, knives for OMORI, bludgeons for AUBREY, balls for KEL, and kitchenware for HERO.
  • SHINY KNIFE: A shiny new knife. You can see your reflection in the blade.
  • KNIFE: A pretty sharp knife. It's been used a few times.
  • DULL KNIFE: Worn and harder to use. You can no longer see your reflection.
  • RUSTY KNIFE: Turning a bit brown. It's not what it used to be.
  • RED KNIFE: A shiny new knife. You can see something in the blade.


A CHARM is a type of ITEM that can be equipped, with each one granting a user a specific stat boost depending on the traits each one has. Some boosts in general suit a specific party member best, so one must consider equipping them with a strategic plan in mind.
  • "GOLD" WATCH: Most definitely-probably-not-really made of gold. Useless in battle.
  • 3-LEAF CLOVER: Just a regular clover. LUCK +3
  • 4-LEAF CLOVER: If you find one, it’s supposed to make you lucky! LUCK +4, HEART +4
  • 5-LEAF CLOVER: Is it even a clover at this point? LUCK increases with more ENERGY.
  • BACKPACK: A convenient storage device. DEF +2
  • BASEBALL CAP: A mystical hat dating back to 199X. DEF +10, SPD +15
  • BINOCULARS: Two noculars. Noculars x2. DEF +2, Increases HIT RATE.
  • BLANKET BLANKET: Soft, fluffy, and protects you from monsters. DEF +1, HEART +10
  • BOOK: Contains a wealth of knowledge within it. Wearer gains 50% more EXP in battle.
  • BOW-TIE: A simple and elegant bow. DEF +4
  • BRACELET: A simple bracelet. DEF +1
  • BREADPHONES: Two rolls of bread. HEART +10, DEF + 5
  • LIFE JAM: will heal more HEART when used in battle.
  • BUBBLE WRAP: Therapeutic packaging.
  • DEF +3
  • BUNNY EARS: Helps you hear better. DEF +3, SPD +12
  • CAT EARS: Gives you catlike reflexes! DEF +1, SPD +10
  • CELLPHONE: Absolutely indestructible. DEF +10
  • CLAM COIN: Said to bring great wealth and fortune! Doubles the amount of CLAMS earned in battle.
  • COOL GLASSES: Even cooler when worn indoors. ATK +5, DEF +5
  • COUGH MASK: Keeps germs close to your face. Increases ALL STATS.
  • DAISY (CHARM): A daisy from DAISY. HEART +10, Wearer starts HAPPY in battle.
  • EYE PATCH: The first step to becoming a pirate. ATK +7, but reduces HIT RATE.
  • FAUX TAIL: Not a real tail. SPD +15
  • FEDORA: MR. JAWSUM pulls it off. DEF +5, LUCK +5
  • FINGER FINGER: dismembered finger. Still fresh. ATK +10, DEF -5, Wearer starts ANGRY in battle.
  • FOX TAIL: A real fox tail! SPEED increases with more ENERGY.
  • FRIENDSHIP BRACELET: A bracelet that embodies friendship. HEART +10, JUICE +10
  • NERDY GLASSES: Automatically makes you look smarter. DEF +5, Increases HIT RATE.
  • GOLD WATCH: Definitely 100% gold. You can tell by the weight. SPD -10
  • HARD HAT: More difficult than an easy hat. DEF +6
  • HEADBAND HEADBAND: Used to keep the hair out of your face. Raises most STATS.
  • HEART STRING: Fragile. Treat well. HEART +30, Wearer starts HAPPY in battle.
  • HIGH HEELS: Makes you taller! KEL would probably like these. ATK +10, SPD -10
  • HOMEWORK: The bane of every child's existence. Wearer starts SAD in battle.
  • INNER TUBE: Makes swimming easier, yet harder. DEFENSE increases with more ENERGY.
  • MAGICAL BEAN: Wearer starts battle with a random EMOTION.
  • ONION RING: Just one. HEART +20, JUICE +20
  • PAPER BAG: Wear it over your head. DEF +13, HEART +40, Prevents EMOTION.
  • HECTOR (CHARM): Can talk, but is very shy. He is a good friend.
  • PRETTY BOW: A polkadot bow. Too flashy for your taste. HEART +50, ATK +10, DEF +3
  • PUNCHING BAG: Has a picture of KEL on it. Wearer starts ANGRY in battle.
  • RABBIT FOOT: A little yucky, but keeps you lucky. SPD +15, LUCK +10
  • RED RIBBON: A pretty red ribbon. DEF +5, ATTACK increases with more ENERGY.
  • DEEP POETRY: Touches the soul deeply. Wearer starts SAD in battle.
  • RUBBER DUCK: A cute rubber duck. Doesn’t like you very much. DEF +7
  • SALES TAG: Who can resist a sale? Reduces cost of the first SKILL used in battle by 50%.
  • SEER GOGGLES: Goggles that know everything. DEF +1, LUCK +3, Increases HIT RATE.
  • TOP HAT: Hope it's not haunted... DEF +13, LUCK +13, HEART +13
  • WEDDING RING: Ruthlessly discarded by SWEETHEART. Increases ALL STATS. Wearer starts HAPPY.
  • WISHBONE: For all your wish-making needs. LUCK +7
  • VEGGIE KID: A young vegetable. HEART +15, JUICE +15
  • WATERING PAIL: Embodies the spirit of SPRING. JUICE +10
  • RAKE: Embodies the spirit of FALL. ATK +3
  • SCARF: Embodies the spirit of WINTER. DEF +3
  • COTTON BALL: A fluffy ball of cotton. DEF +1, SPD +3
  • FLASHLIGHT FLASHLIGHT: Brightens up a room. DEF +4
  • UNIVERSAL REMOTE: Can change the universe. Increases ALL STATS.
  • CHEF'S HAT: The pride of every chef. DEF +15, Restores 5% JUICE every turn.
  • TV REMOTE: Changes channels on the TV. DEF +2, HEART +5
  • SUNSCREEN: Embodies the spirit of SUMMER. HEART +15
  • CONTRACT: A powerful piece of paper. Trades HEART and JUICE for other STATS.
  • FLOWER CROWN: A precious gift made by BASIL. HEART +100, JUICE +25
  • ABBI'S EYE: ABBI's remains. Predicts who a foe will target at the start of battle.
  • TULIP HAIRSTICK: Plain, simple, and bulbous. HEART +50, Wearer gains 150% more EXP.
  • GLADIOLUS HAIRBAND: Represents strength of character. ATK +10, LUCK +10, Increases HIT RATE.
  • CACTUS HAIRCLIP: A very sturdy and resilient plant. DEF +15, HEART +15
  • ROSE HAIRCLIP: Versatile and universally loved. Increases ALL STATS.


They aid you in the game by restoring health or juice and restoring friends that are toast. SNACKS can also be used outside of battle.
  • TOFU: Soft cardboard, basically. Heals 5 HEART.
  • CANDY: A child's favorite food. Sweet! Heals 30 HEART.
  • SMORES: S'more smores, please! Heals 50 HEART.
  • GRANOLA BAR: A healthy stick of grain. Heals 60 HEART.
  • BREAD: A slice of life. Heals 60 HEART.
  • NACHOS: Suggested serving size: 6-8 nachos. Heals 75 HEART.
  • CHICKEN WING: Wing of chicken. Heals 80 HEART.
  • HOT DOG: Better than a cold dog. Heals 100 HEART.
  • WAFFLE: Designed to hold syrup! Heals 150 HEART.
  • PANCAKE: Not designed to hold syrup... Heals 150 HEART.
  • PIZZA SLICE: 1/8th of a WHOLE PIZZA. Heals 175 HEART.
  • FISH TACO: Aquatic taco. Heals 200 HEART.
  • CHEESEBURGER: Contains all food groups, so it's healthy! Heals 250 HEART.
  • CHOCOLATE: Chocolate!? Oh, it's baking chocolate... Heals 40% of HEART.
  • DONUT: Circular bread with a hole in it. Heals 60% of HEART.
  • RAMEN: Now that is a lot of sodium! Heals 80% of HEART.
  • SPAGHETTI: Wet noodles slathered with chunky sauce. Fully heals a friend's HEART.
  • POPCORN: 9/10 dentists hate it. Heals 35 HEART to all friends.
  • FRIES: From France, wherever that is... Heals 60 HEART to all friends.
  • CHEESE WHEEL: Delicious, yet functional. Heals 100 HEART to all friends.
  • WHOLE CHICKEN: An entire chicken, wings and all. Heals 175 HEART to all friends.
  • WHOLE PIZZA: 8/8ths of a WHOLE PIZZA. Heals 250 HEART to all friends.
  • SNO-CONE: Heals a friend's HEART and JUICE, and raises ALL STATS for the battle.
  • TOMATO: You say tomato, I say tomato. Heals 100 HEART and 50 JUICE.
  • COMBO MEAL: What more could you ask for? Heals 250 HEART and 100 JUICE.
  • DINO CLUMPS: Chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs. Heals 250 HEART to all friends.
  • DINO PASTA: Pasta shaped like dinosaurs. Fully restores a friend's HEART.
  • MARI'S COOKIE: Everyone's favorite cookie. Made with MARI's love.
  • PLUM JUICE: For seniors. Wait, that's PRUNE JUICE. Heals 15 JUICE.
  • APPLE JUICE: Apparently better than ORANGE JUICE. Heals 25 JUICE.
  • CHERRY SODA: Carbonated hell sludge. Heals 25% of JUICE.
  • STAR FRUIT SODA: be shared with a friend. Heals 35% of JUICE.
  • BREADFRUIT JUICE: Does not taste like bread. Heals 50 JUICE.
  • TASTY SODA: Tasty soda for thirsty people. Heals 50% of JUICE.
  • LEMONADE: When life gives you lemons, make this! Heals 75 JUICE.
  • PEACH SODA: A regular PEACH SODA. Heals 60% of JUICE.
  • BUTT PEACH SODA: An irregular PEACH SODA. Heals 61% of JUICE.
  • ORANGE JUICE: Apparently better than APPLE JUICE. Heals 100 JUICE.
  • PINEAPPLE JUICE: Painful... Why do you drink it? Heals 150 JUICE.
  • GRAPE SODA: Objectively the best soda. Heals 80% of JUICE.
  • BANANA SMOOTHIE: A little bland, but it does the job. Heals 20 JUICE to all friends.
  • MANGO SMOOTHIE: Makes you tango!
  • Heals 40 JUICE to all friends.
  • BERRY SMOOTHIE: A healthy smoothie that tastes like dirt. Heals 60 JUICE to all friends.
  • MELON SMOOTHIE: Chunky green melon goodness. Heals 80 JUICE to all friends.
  • S.BERRY SMOOTHIE: The default smoothie. Heals 100 JUICE to all friends.
  • WATERMELON JUICE: Heavenly nectar. Fully heals a friend's JUICE.
  • DINO MELON SODA: Melon soda in a dino-shaped bottle. Fully heals a friend's JUICE.
  • DINO SMOOTHIE: Berry smoothie in a dino-shaped cup. Heals 150 JUICE to all friends.
  • BOTTLED WATER: Water in a bottle. Heals 100 JUICE.
  • FRUIT JUICE?: You are not sure what fruit it is. Heals 75 JUICE.
  • PRUNE JUICE: This tastes horrible. Don't drink it. Heals 30 JUICE... probably.
  • ROTTEN MILK: This is bad. Don't drink it. Heals 10 JUICE + ???
  • MILK: Good for your bones. Heals 10 JUICE and increases DEFENSE for the battle.
  • MUSH: Can't wait to be eaten! Makes a friend slightly stronger.
  • LIFE JAM: Infused with the spirit of life. Revives a friend that is TOAST.
  • COFFEE: Bitter bean juice. Increases a friend's SPEED.
  • DINO JAM: Infused with the spirit of dino life. Fully revives a friend that is TOAST.
  • JAM PACKETS: Infused with the spirit of life. Revives all friends that are TOAST.
  • MARI'S COOKIE: Your favorite cookie. Made with MARI's love.
  • ☐☐☐: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
  • ☐☐ ☐☐: ☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ ☐☐


TOYS are items that can only be used in combat, causing a variety of effects to either the party or the enemy. This includes dealing damage, inflicting different EMOTIONS, or lowering an enemy's defense. Items that deal damage will always deal a decent amount of damage and will never hit right in the HEART.
  • CAN: Recyclable material. Give to RECYCLE MACHINE for 5 CLAMS.
  • GLASS BOTTLE: Recyclable material. Give to RECYCLE MACHINE for 10 CLAMS.
  • CARDBOARD: Recyclable material. Give to RECYCLE MACHINE for 15 CLAMS.
  • DEAD BATTERIES: Recyclable material. Give to RECYCLE MACHINE for 20 CLAMS.
  • COMPUTER PART: Recyclable material. Give to RECYCLE MACHINE for 25 CLAMS.
  • JACKS: Deals small damage to all foes and reduces their SPEED. (25 damage)
  • RUBBER BAND: Deals damage to a foe and reduces their DEFENSE. (50 damage)
  • DYNAMITE: Actually dangerous... Deals heavy damage to all foes. (150 damage)
  • SPARKLER: Little fires. Inflicts HAPPY on a friend or foe.
  • CONFETTI: Small squares of colorful paper. Inflicts HAPPY on all friends.
  • POETRY BOOK: Sad words strung together. Inflicts SAD on a friend or foe.
  • RAIN CLOUD: Angsty water droplets. Inflicts SAD on all friends.
  • PRESENT: It's not what you wanted... Inflicts ANGER on a friend or foe.
  • AIR HORN: Who would invent this!? Inflicts ANGER on all friends.
  • DANDELION: Has a calming effect. Removes EMOTION from a friend or foe.
  • MYSTERY POTION: A questionable potion made for OMORI. Can only be used underwater.
  • BIG RUBBER BAND: Deals big damage to a foe and reduces their DEFENSE. (150 damage)
  • PEARL: Pretty calcium that's used in jewelry. Can be sold for CLAMS. (Sells for 100 CLAMS)

"Cannot be destroyed."

A gift from all your friends. Sunny can use his Violin as a weapon in battle.

Upon falling unconscious after saving BASIL from committing suicide, SUNNY has a dream where he talks to both BASIL and MARI's spirit in a facsimile of FARAWAY TOWN. After conversing with the two, SUNNY recovers his broken violin and some SHEET MUSIC in the toy box and leaves his home. He soon finds himself on a rainy road filled with various streetlights that transport him to cherish the memories he had with MARI and his friends. Each time he remembers a fond moment from six of his memories, SUNNY's violin slowly repairs itself.

After fixing up his violin, SUNNY enters the backstage of a building. He finds visions of AUBREY, KEL, and HERO waiting for him. They encourage him to move forward as life will get better, and even though he did something bad, that doesn't mean he's a bad person. These visions wish him good luck and disappear. SUNNY goes up to a concert stage and plays his violin. However, he breaks down crying as the song he plays reminds him of MARI.


The Batter


The Batter only exists for one purpose: That the world be pure. For this, he uses his main ability, Purification. What it does is kill everything in the Zone, erasing it and leaving a white void consumed by The Nothingness, where all the Elsens cease to exist. The Batter can use it after killing a Guardian, and this results in a dead zone where Secretaries appear. (See Before the Verdict)


OFF is not a game that simply breaks the fourth wall, but you are part of it. The Batter was created the moment you install and open the game, he is assigned to you to fulfill his sacred mission and therefore, he is able to revive thanks to you, as long as he saves his game in the red boxes, also, Characters like Zacharie have mentioned that they are aware of the player's ability to save and load. On the game's official page, it is mentioned that The Batter is controlled by a soul that is outside the universe. (See "Support" for more information about The Player)


Competences are OFF's equivalent to special attacks, spells, etc. that are typically found in other RPGs. They vary significantly in terms of power and effects, depending on the particular character and situation. The Competences of most main characters and Guardians each tend to revolve around a theme or motif.

In battle, the Competences of The Batter and Add-Ons is shown with the abbreviation CP, which stands for Competence Points, along with a numerical value. Said value displays how much CP each party member can use at that time, for varying attacks and status effects. Should CP run out, and there are no items to restore it, one has to resort to attacking normally.
  • Wide Angle: Analyzes the enemies' characteristics.
  • Save First Base: Heals an ally.
  • Run with Courage: Deals Metal damage.
  • Furious Homerun
  • Save Second Base: Heals an ally.
  • Run with Grace: Deals Plastic damage.
  • Special Homerun
  • Save Third Base: Heals an ally.
  • Run with Dementia: Deals Smoke damage.
  • Magic Homerun
  • Save Fourth Base: Revives and heals an ally.
  • Run with Belief: Deals Meat damage.
  • Save Secret Base: Heals the party.
  • Ultimate Homerun
Non-Physical Interaction 

The Batter is capable of interacting with Spectres, which are not only ghosts of the dead, but are also concepts such as evil or all the bad actions in the world, in addition to being able to hit Add-Ons, beings without physical order and described as metaphysical entities.


What kind of game wouldn't have the option to escape if you were in a dangerous situation? Luckily for us, OFF is not the case. Flee option will allow the Batter to escape from a battle, however, only he can choose it, and he usually prefers not to do so unless he has no chance in the fight, as in the case of Enoch, where he fled for a chance to win. being at a disadvantage.

Perception Manipulation
(Draw by Shunyuan)

A passive ability of the Batter is his ability to manipulate the perception of those who see him. If the viewer believes it to be a "Human" with good intentions, they will see it in its normal form.


There are five elements contributing to the world of OFF. Four of these are commonly found and collected in Zone 1 and distributed to the rest of the Zones. A secret fifth element is manufactured in Zone 3. The elements are essential for the continued existence, survival and livelihood for the denizens and the Zones of OFF. If any of these elements were lacking, it would cause grave consequences in the stability of the OFF world's current state.


"As the first of four elements... It's the most important element. Because without smoke, people would have nothing to breathe."

Smoke is the first element the Player discovers in the Smoke Mines of Damien. Smoke is what the occupants of the zones breathe, and it is exported from Zone 1 to the other zones. It is harvested through the rocks within the mines of Damien and through the use of special tools. It is then shipped to other Zones via packaging into bottles. It appears to be sold in the Gomez Galleries.


"As the first of the four elements... It's the most important element. Because without metal, people would have nothing to walk on. They would sink and drown."

Metal is the second element the Player discovers at the Metal Farmsteads of Pentel. The metal is made by extracting it from the cattle found on the farms via chopping them in half, and makes up the tools and ground of the zones. Metal of poor quality is discarded by being thrown onto the ground creating soil they walk on, while metal of desirable quality is "purified" through an unknown process and is then used to create tools and the like.


"As the first of the four elements... It's the most important element. Because without plastic, the world would have no boundaries. People would walk and walk without ever stopping."

Plastic is the third element the Player discovers in the Plastic Administrations of Shachihata. The Elsen in the Administration ship packages to the Courier Service and receive parcels full of plastic in return. Liquid plastic makes up the lakes and oceans, while solid plastic can also be used to form various objects.


"As the first of the four elements... It's the most important element. Because without meat, people would have nothing to eat, and they would devour each other."

Meat is the fourth and final natural element the Player discovers at the Meat Fountains of Alma. Meat is poured into bottles to be shipped to the other zones for consumption. Meat seems to be the only edible material in the zones. It is not entirely known where the meat flows from, but a paper in the postal service in Shachihata talks about "a sole big insect, whose mandibles spit meat".


"It's a secret element... The fifth element... The most important element... Because without sugar, people could no longer bear reality, and they would go mad."

Sugar is the fifth and final element the Player discovers at the Sugar Ovens of Vesper. Here, corpses are burnt and converted into sugar. Sugar is a "man-made" element created by Enoch to reward his workers for their daily work. The Elsen of Zone 3 are addicted to sugar, and most will not stray from the subject if interacted with. If their access to sugar is threatened, the usually timid Elsen become violent and desperate.

Conceptual Manipulation

To begin with, The Batter is capable of destroying the Spectres, which are described as evil incarnations (Remember that in OFF this term is used in a literal sense. The Batter is the incarnation of Purification, called the Purifying Incarnation), and in The books are mentioned to be the embodiments of all evil actions in the world, in addition to being described as abstract, and are entities that transcend the laws of reality.

Another argument in favor of these Ability are the Competences, these attacks are abstract, which deal with concepts such as Surrealism, Cubism, or Logic. Abilities of other characters, such as the Secretaries, manipulate concepts such as mathematics, logic, and the concepts of Infinity itself, showing that the concepts and names of the skills are literal.

Breaking the 4th Wall
^ you should listen to him

As shown in concept art, The Batter can apparently exit the game and speak to the player, although it is unknown if this is literal.

Body Control

Again, the conceptual art shows how The Batter can elongate and enlarge parts of his body such as his hand and arm.

Other Abilities

(Gif by DarkLitria)



STATS featured in-game refer to the numerical properties of both party members and enemies. In fact, these values have a role in affecting a battle's aspects, such as the damage output inflicted, damage one can take, and how fast it ends.
STATS can viewed through the EQUIP tab of the PLAYER MENU as mentioned by HERO's SELF-HELP GUIDE. From there, the player can view a party member's stats and customize the weapons and charms equipped to them. Most weapons and charms can boost certain stats, as well as a few snacks such as the SNO-CONE. The following values presented consist of:
  • HEART: is the ❤️ HP value, representing the health points party members and enemies have. If a party member's HEART is depleted completely, they become TOAST and are unable to battle nor earn any EXP unless revived.
  • JUICE: JUICE is the 💧 MP value, representing the magic points party members and enemies possess. Note that only party members are required to have a certain amount of JUICE to use their SKILLS. Enemies, on the other hand, do not require JUICE for their SKILLS, instead using this trait to reduce damage taken when inflicted with SADNESS.
  • ATTACK: Determines the damage dealt to a foe. A higher ATTACK stat increases chances of landing critical blows, more or less with a few exceptions depending on a character's stats.
  • DEFENSE: Determines how much damage received is reduced against an enemy's attacks and skills. Most of the time, higher DEFENSE reduces the amount of damage taken, with a few exceptions to certain SKILLS that end up bypassing/ignoring one's DEFENSE stat.
  • SPEED: SPEED is the AGILITY value, determining the order of which friends and foes perform their actions. It also impacts the chances of running away from a battle, as well as various SKILL formulas.
  • LUCK: LUCK affects a user’s CRITICAL HIT rate. This in turn gives them a higher chance of landing heavy damage to a foe. It is also noteworthy that each LUCK point adds 1% to the CRITICAL HIT rate of a character but doesn’t increase when leveling up.
  • HIT RATE: A character's HIT RATE determines the possibility of them successfully landing a blow on an enemy. The HIT stat displayed in-game is the HIT RATE being divided by 1%. When the HIT RATE is greater than or equal to 100%, the character can always successfully hit the enemy. The lower the HIT RATE, the more likely a user’s attacks will miss.

SKILLS can be used in-battle. Each character starts out with LEVEL 1 SKILLS, but more can be unlocked by reaching a certain LEVEL, talking to other CHARACTERS, or finding a certain ITEM. Most SKILLS are unique to one CHARACTER.

Every CHARACTER can only equip 4 SKILLS at a time. Equipped SKILLS can be swapped outside of battle.
  • ATTACK: OMORI's Basic Attack.
  • SAD POEM: Inflicts SAD on a friend or foe. Costs 5 JUICE.
  • GUARD: Acts first, reducing damage taken for 1 turn. Costs MP 0 JUICE.
  • STAB: Always deals a critical hit. Ignores DEFENSE when OMORI is SAD. Costs MP 13 JUICE.
  • BREAD SLICE: If this skill defeats a foe, gain BREAD. Costs MP 10 JUICE.
  • MOCK: Deals damage. If the foe is ANGRY, greatly reduce its ATTACK. Costs MP 20 JUICE.
  • HACK AWAY: Attacks 3 times, hitting random foes. Costs MP 30 JUICE
  • OBSERVE: Predicts who a foe will target next turn. Costs MP 0 JUICE.
  • LUCKY SLICE: Acts first. An attack that's stronger when OMORI is HAPPY. Costs MP 15 JUICE.
  • TRICK: Deals damage. If the foe is HAPPY, greatly reduce its SPEED. Costs MP 20 JUICE.
  • PAINFUL TRUTH: Deals damage to a foe. OMORI and the foe become SAD. Costs MP 10 JUICE.
  • SHUN: Deals damage. If the foe is SAD, greatly reduce its DEFENSE. Costs MP 20 JUICE.
  • STARE: Reduces all of a foe's STATS.
  • Costs MP 45 JUICE.
  • EXPLOIT: Deals extra damage to a HAPPY, SAD, or ANGRY foe. Costs MP 30 JUICE.
  • FINAL STRIKE: Strikes all foes. Deals more damage if OMORI has a higher stage of EMOTION. Costs MP 50 JUICE.
  • RED HANDS: Deals big damage 4 times. Costs MP 75 JUICE.
  • VERTIGO: Deals damage to all foes based on user's SPEED and greatly reduces their ATTACK. Costs MP 45 JUICE.
  • CRIPPLE: Deals big damage to all foes and greatly reduces their SPEED. Costs MP 45 JUICE.
  • SUFFOCATE: Deals 400 damage to all foes and greatly reduces their DEFENSE. Costs MP 45 JUICE.

FOLLOW-UP moves are bonus actions that a friend can perform after a normal attack. To do a FOLLOW-UP, attack and then press the button corresponding to the FOLLOW-UP move you want to use.

At two points throughout the story, FOLLOW-UP moves are upgraded; once after defeating SPACE EX-BOYFRIEND and once after defeating SWEETHEART. The SELF-HELP GUIDE contains information on all FOLLOW-UP moves.
  1. OMORI readies his blade. OMORI attacks again, dealing damage to a random foe! (Attack x 2 - Foe's defense)
  2. OMORI readies his blade. OMORI attacks again, dealing extra damage to a random foe!
  3. OMORI readies his blade. OMORI attacks again, dealing damage to a random foe twice! (Attack x 2 + Luck) - Foe's defense
  • TRIP:
  1. OMORI walks forward. OMORI trips a random foe, dealing damage and lowering its SPEED! (Attack + Luck) - Foe's defense
  2. OMORI walks forward. OMORI trips a random foe, dealing damage, lowering its SPEED, and making it SAD! (Attack + Luck) - Foe's 
  3. OMORI walks forward. OMORI trips a random foe, dealing damage, greatly lowering its SPEED, and making it SAD! (Attack + Luck) - Foe's defense
  1. OMORI and friends come together and use their ultimate attack, dealing huge damage to all foes! Increases stats of all friends. 300 (LV 1)
  2. Fully heal all friends. Increases stats of all friends and gives all friends HP and MP regen.


The EMOTION system functions in a manner similar to rock-paper-scissors, with each EMOTION having both an effective and ineffective counterpart. When a character attacks, their attack may have increased or reduced damage depending on the effectiveness of their current EMOTION against the EMOTION of the attack's target(s). EMOTIONS can be inflicted on friends/foes via means of ATTACKS, SKILLS, FOLLOW-UPS, the usage of ITEMS, or scripted events. The player should focus on deciding which emotion a character should have to gain the advantage over any foe they encounter. As noted by HERO himself, HAPPY beats ANGRY, ANGRY beats SAD, and SAD beats HAPPY! Some EMOTIONS also affect different STATS for both friends and foes, in addition to providing unique modifiers.

When encountering minor enemies in HEADSPACE, they will randomly be inflicted with EMOTIONS, being respectively 1/8 chance for HAPPY, SAD and ANGRY, and 5/8 chance remain NEUTRAL. In addition, the EMOTION of defeated foes can grant bonus effects. HAPPY foes have a higher item and CLAM drop rate, while ANGRY foes will give out more EXP. SAD foes are the exception, giving reduced CLAMS and EXP.

EMOTIONS also determine the action preference of foes. HAPPY foes tend to use skills providing special effect, SAD foes tend to DO NOTHING or protect themselves, and ANGRY foes tend to attack. EMOTIONS can be "stacked" up to three times, with each stack increasing the potency of the emotion's effects. For example, if a HAPPY friend/foe is affected by something which would make them HAPPY, they become ECSTATIC, and if repeated, MANIC. With these successive stages, LUCK and SPEED will be further increased, and the HIT RATE of the affected friend/foe will be further decreased. Note that most characters have some limits on emotive ability, and may face restrictions on the type and intensity of emotions they can feel. For example, only OMORI, BASIL (playable only in BOSS RUSH) and certain bosses in HEADSPACE are able to feel 3rd-level emotions (MANIC, MISERABLE, FURIOUS), while other friends/foes are limited to 1st-level or 2nd-level emotions.

Different EMOTIONS usually apply unique visual effects while also changing the appearance of friends/foes affected.


The party will always appear as NEUTRAL at the start of a battle, except if affected by a CHARM such as the PUNCHING BAG or when encountering an enemy that invokes the AFRAID emotion.

NEUTRAL does not affect gameplay in any way; all stats of a NEUTRAL friend/foe are as normal, and all attacks against NEUTRAL characters do normal damage and have no special effects.


A HAPPY friend/foe has increased LUCK and SPEED, but a lowered HIT RATE. This is effective against those who are ANGRY but weak against those who are SAD.

In addition to visual alterations, HAPPY is usually indicated by a yellow-magenta gradient background for friends, and a yellow aura for foes.
When a friend/foe is even more HAPPY, they become ECSTATIC, and subsequently MANIC.

HAPPY foes have a higher chance of dropping items after battle. They also reward 50% more CLAMS than NEUTRAL foes.


A SAD friend/foe will have increased DEFENSE, but decreased SPEED. Additionally, when hit, part of the damage that would be dealt to HEART is dealt to JUICE instead. SAD enemies are also generally less likely to use attack moves and more likely to use "DO NOTHING" moves. This is effective against those who are HAPPY but weak against those who are ANGRY.

In addition to visual alterations, SAD is usually indicated by a blue-turquoise gradient background for friends, and a blue aura for foes.
When a friend/foe is even more SAD, they become DEPRESSED, and subsequently MISERABLE.

SAD foes reward 25% less EXPERIENCE and CLAMS than NEUTRAL foes.


An ANGRY friend/foe will have increased ATTACK, but decreased DEFENSE. This is effective against those who are SAD but weak against those who are HAPPY.

In addition to visual alterations, ANGRY is usually indicated by an orange-red gradient background for friends, and a red aura for foes.
When a friend/foe is even more ANGRY, they become ENRAGED, and subsequently FURIOUS.

ANGRY foes reward 50% more EXPERIENCE than NEUTRAL foes.


Unlike other EMOTIONS, AFRAID is not listed in HERO's EMOTION CHART and cannot be inflicted by normal means such as ITEMS or SKILLS. It also cannot be inflicted on foes.

An AFRAID friend cannot perform FOLLOW-UPS or use skills other than GUARD and CALM DOWN. AFRAID also increases damage received by 1.5 times** if it is from a non-NEUTRAL enemy.
In addition to (sometimes drastic) visual alterations, AFRAID is usually indicated as a gray-black gradient background.

This EMOTION is usually reserved for special plot-related battles, though it can also be inflicted by the regular enemies CREEPYPASTA and HUSHPUPPY. Additionally, in any battles with BUG BUNNY or POTTED PLANT, HERO will start AFRAID by default due to his fear of spiders.

AFRAID normally does not have higher stages. However, exclusive to a story-related battle, SUNNY reaches a breaking point and gets STRESSED OUT, a unique emotion seen nowhere else in the entire game. STRESSED OUT increases ATTACK to 120% but decreases DEFENSE to 90%. None of SUNNY's skills can be used or even accessed once he becomes STRESSED OUT.


Multiple full-service picnics have been set up all around HEADSPACE for the group, courtesy of MARI herself. These areas are also where MARI can always be found waiting for her friends to join her on a peaceful picnic. On the OMORI ROUTE, BASIL later joins MARI to keep her company after being saved from BLACK SPACE.

Interacting with MARI allows the party to keep track of which quests still need to be completed, while interacting with BASIL will have him offer a view of his completed PHOTO ALBUM. Examining the delicious food prepared by MARI will fully restore the group's HEART and JUICE. Checking the picnic basket gives the player an option to SAVE their game. Interacting with the purple cooler will lead to a short breaktime sequence where the group spends time together (and, if the cooler is open when interacting with it, will also lead to a short dialogue between the group).

Recovering at all of MARI's picnics by interacting with the sparkling foods is required to obtain the "Anytime is a good time for a picnic!" achievement, being a total of 25 picnics available. Note that the tea within THE ROYAL THEATER required for this achievement is not an actual picnic but is still mandatory to interact with for completion. Along with that, interacting with the purple coolers does not grant the aforementioned achievement either.

Reality Warping

Omori's most mentioned ability in VS.

His ability to warp Headspace. Omori created the reality of Headspace by dreaming when he came to Black Space, and is able to change it with just his imagination, as Headspace's colorful appearance is due to Sunny's great imagination. Additionally, he created Headspace above Black Space to seal it.

Omori is able to use "Soft Reset" on the worlds of Headspace, in order to restart reality from the beginning in an endless cycle. Every time Basil finds his way to the truth, Omori resets Headspace from the beginning to live his adventures over and over again, and the stranger mentions that Omori has been to Black Space to rescue Basil several times.

Omori is also able to warp all of Headspace to change it into Black Space, turning it into another reality to go to this one.

BFR and Existence Erasure

There are some Counterarguments to his Existence Erasure ability, which are:
  1. Sunny takes these attacks as mere physical damage and they do not erase him from existence, so it is possible that they will not be erased.
  2. If Omori could really erase things, he would erase Black Space and the truth.
  3. Basil was never erased, he was only banished to Black Space where he still existed.
They all have a counterargument or several each:
  1. This could simply be because Sunny resists Existence Erasure, and it actually makes sense. Sunny was in an internal struggle with himself at the time, and Omori trying to erase him was a metaphor for the fact that he was trying to take on his personality just like what happened in the bad ending, but he refused. It makes more sense because the coral mentions that the dreamer's consciousness cannot be erased, referring to Sunny himself, so yes, Sunny resists Existence Erasure and this is the reason why he could resist Omori's RED HANDS. Furthermore, Omori's erasure did end up taking place; after losing, Sunny disappears and his personality is erased to be replaced by Omori, which shows that Omori does have the ability to erase people from existence.
  2. This point is related to the previous one. Black Space and Something are part of Sunny's consciousness, which is why they cannot be erased since they exist linked to Sunny's guilt, something that Omori does not control. The only way to erase Something is for Sunny to overcome his guilt and decide to reveal the truth, causing them to cease to exist.
  3. This is partly true, but with some errors. First, Basil began to be forgotten by his friends, as if they had never known him, this makes sense since the coral states that Basil ceased to exist, and that to find him, Omori had to erase himself from existence. Although you could say that it is because Omori can erase memory, it is not entirely true: If Omori could erase someone's memory just by sending them to Black Space, Sunny would not remember the truth since Omori is in charge of maintaining it in Black Space, but even so, he always remembers her, even Omori himself, who deleted himself to go to Black Space. To explain why Basil still "exists" in Black Space, we must keep in mind that Black Space should share nature with White Space, White Space is a void and those who are there are nothing, which means they not only ceased to exist in Headspace, if not also in all of people's reality and memory.

Red Hands

"Are you lost? Not to worry.
The red hands know the way back."

RED HANDS are disembodied red hands that constantly appear to be moving in straight horizontal and vertical lines. They often move at rapid speeds and are capable of warping individuals on their own accord. RED HANDS also occasionally group up with other hands of their own, and usually shown slithering away as they vanish upon close contact.

RED HANDS mostly appear in WHITE SPACE whenever OMORI ventures beyond the surroundings of his room. Coming into contact with a RED HAND will warp OMORI back to his starting place. Note that when getting close to a RED HAND prompts them to chase after OMORI at high speeds. They later show up occasionally in BLACK SPACE. Only after exploring each area inside the doors and getting the key inside each one, some RED HANDS manifest themselves and serve as the only way out most of the time, bringing OMORI back to the main area.

The RED HANDS have the ability to "Erasing" their enemies, this induces them into the "Afraid" state, where they cannot do anything until this effect is removed.

They also have the ability to send those they touch to White Space and Black Space, Omori can use this to either go himself and send others to other dimensions.


Immortality in Omori is not a light thing, since it has several types, all different and with unique uses, and explaining them all together would be a mess, so we decided to list all the types of Immortalities that Omori has separately, so as not to generate confusions and be able to explain them separately.

Abstract Existence

Omori isn't just a cute metaphor for overcoming your problems, it's literally the problems. Omori is the embodiment of Sunny's bad emotions, embodying suicidal guilt, depression, self-loathing and desire to hide the truth.

He shares nature with other Headspace beings, like Something, who embody an Abstract idea, he is the embodiment of truth and his variants are Sunny's fears, existing in abstract and imaginary worlds of the subconscious.


Yes, the fact that the characters will turn into bread is not just a funny joke, it is literal. After Omori and his gang died in the Bread Twins' house, they literally became Breads that Omori returned to normal, this is shown in an explicit scene. All characters in Omori can turn others into Bread, just as Omori would have this ability, he has also shown to be able to turn MR. OUTBLACK in Sand.


After Sunny surrenders after losing the battle, Omori absorbed his consciousness and erased him, giving him access to complete control of Sunny's body, both in Headspace and in the real world, this is shown when Omori comes out in mirrors and subsequently causes Sunny to commit suicide.

Fear Manipulation 

He is able to make enemies afraid with the Red Hands, this causes them to enter the AFRAID state, which prevents them from doing anything unless they can calm themselves down through skills. Characters like MR. OUTBLACK describe Omori as someone with a terrifying aura.

Also Conceptual Manipulation

Yes, I'm sure you've already seen this.
As is well known, Omori is capable of fighting against abstract concepts, these are represented in Something, who is the light bulb of Black Space, and consequently, an Abstract idea, and the very embodiment of truth, but not only this. Something is manifested as a collective idea, since in the words of Omocat, Something exists thanks to Basil's idea that it exists, and despite being Basil's idea, it can affect Sunny's consciousness. Something can also manifest itself in different variants, which are also concepts and Sunny's own fears, specifically:
  • SOMETHING IN THE DARK: Represents Sunny's fear of the dark.
  • SOMETHING IN THE WALLS: Represents Sunny's fear of spiders.
  • SOMETHING IN THE WATER: Represents Sunny's fear of drowning, which originated after the accident in the lake. 
  • BASIL'S SOMETHING: It is the Something that represents Basil's trauma.
By fighting and defeating these variants, Omori stops being afraid of them having destroyed them, which implies that Omori can destroy concepts and, collaterally, make their effects cease to exist. This is also corroborated in the ending of the game, where after revealing the truth, Something Principal will cease to exist.

However, this does not stop here. Omori (Sunny) is capable of creating abstract worlds, such as Headspace, an abstract world that exists in Sunny's subconscious. Omori purposely created him in order to hide Black Space as Stranger points out, and it is noted that Sunny created him to hide the Dark Realm and the truth.

Black Space and White Space are also abstract, they are light and darkness and repress ideas, these are opposite concepts as they are a variant of the other, this would enter the Dualism Manipulation and Dualist concepts but we will not stop to detail so much, it is an Omori blog, not a philosophy blog, damn it.

The Truth

The Truth refers to the event that Omori has fought so hard to hide and thus maintain Sunny's happiness. It is about the Death of Mari, an event that traumatized Sunny and Basil and created Something, who embodies it. Despite Omori's multiple attempts to seal the truth in Black Space, it always comes back, and once Sunny decides to reveal it, not only Something, but also Omori and all of Headspace will disappear as they no longer serve to hide the truth. Although it is not applicable to combat, it is an Existential erasure capable of erasing concepts and reality itself, in addition to being the only way to end Omori.

Max Power

"Maybe one day... things can go back to the way they were before."

During the battle between Sunny and Omori, Sunny did not give up, and ended up accepting the truth, remembering his friends' words, and by doing that, he gained a massive amplification in stats, enough to end the fight with Omori. Sunny will get this Amplification lose the fights and decide not to give up.

Other Abilities 



The Batter

The Player

As in Undertale, The OFF Player is a real character. He is capable of bringing in the Death Batter once he falls in battle along with his Add-Ons. You can help Batter search for clues in the game files and take him from one Save to another.

However, The Batter is not completely dependent on the Player to exist, this is seen in the special ending, where he Fights on his own without any help from the Player.

The only disadvantage is that The Player can only bring the Batter back when he dies, but cannot reload the game if he is defeated by incapacitation or if The Player abandons him.


"Bis vincit, que se vincet in Victoria"

Zacharie is the official merchant of Off - the only one, in fact. However, his business is not one of the most flourishing ones: only heroes are willing to buy artifacts from mysterious strangers. No one really knows where all the items he offers are coming from, nor how he even got hold of them, but as a video game player, you probably couldn't care less about it, could you?

Zacharie is an item vendor, claiming himself to be "the traditional items merchant that's necessary in every video game." While the game never specifies what his actual role is, he seems to at least know many important people that reside within the world of OFF. It is insinuated that he owns the Bismark theme park, as there is a statue of him on the roller coaster, and an Elsen guarding an office refers to him as "boss".

He wears a cat mask to emulate The Judge, who is put out of commission by the death of his brother Valerie. His talking sound also turns into a voiced "Meow" instead of his usual chuckle.

Zacharie and The Batter are often seen interacting since he sells items to The Batter, providing him what he needs, giving him clues and is an excellent friend. While Zacharie normally would speak to the Player, he may also speak to The Batter as The Batter is being controlled. In the park, he can also be seen riding a roller coaster with Zacharie with the exception of Zacharie being a statue.


The Neighbors

Kel: Friends... Friends are supposed to be there for each other.
Aubrey: I hope you can find some peace... or you know... some happiness.
Hero: Last time... We made the mistake of leaving each other when we needed each other the most. This time... we'll stay together.
Basil: Maybe one day... things can go back to the way they were before.
Mari: You'll forgive yourself... Won't you.. Sunny?

What would an adventure be without friends? Luckily for Omori, he is able to summon and create his group of inseparable friends who are always there to support him. They all have different and unique combat skills.

  • ANNOY: Makes a friend or foe ANGRY. Costs MP 5 JUICE.
  • GUARD: Acts first, reducing damage taken by 50% for 1 turn. Costs MP 0 JUICE.
  • REBOUND: Deals damage to all foes. Costs MP 15 JUICE.
  • RUN N' GUN: KEL does an attack based on his SPEED instead of his ATTACK. Costs MP 15 JUICE.
  • CURVEBALL: Makes a foe feel a random EMOTION. Deals extra damage to foes with EMOTION. Costs MP 20 JUICE.
  • RICOCHET: Deals damage to a foe 3 times, with a 30% damage variation. Costs MP 30 JUICE.
  • MEGAPHONE: Makes all friends ANGRY. Costs MP 45 JUICE.
  • CAN'T CATCH ME: Attracts attention and reduces all foes' HIT RATE by 55% for two turns. Costs MP 50 JUICE.
  • RALLY: KEL becomes HAPPY. KEL'S friends recover some ENERGY and JUICE. Costs MP 50 JUICE.
  • COMEBACK: Makes KEL HAPPY. If SAD was removed, KEL gains FLEX. Costs MP 25 JUICE.
  • TICKLE: All attacks on a foe will hit right in the HEART next turn. Costs MP 55 JUICE.
  • FLEX KEL: deals more damage next turn by 2.5 times and increases HIT RATE by 1000% for his next attack. The applied FLEX state will only be removed if KEL deals physical damage to a foe. Costs MP 10 JUICE.
  • JUICE ME: Heals a lot of JUICE to a friend, but also hurts 25% of the friend's current HEART. (Restores 40% MP) Costs MP 10 JUICE.
  • SNOWBALL: Makes a foe SAD. Also deals big damage to SAD foes. Costs MP 20 JUICE.
  • PEP TALK: Makes a friend or foe HAPPY. Costs MP 5 JUICE.
  • GUARD: Acts first, reducing damage taken by 50% for 1 turn. Costs MP 0 JUICE.
  • HEADBUTT: Deals big damage, but AUBREY also takes damage up to 20% of her HEART. Stronger when AUBREY is ANGRY. Costs MP 5 JUICE.
  • COUNTER: All foes target AUBREY for 1 turn. If AUBREY is attacked, she attacks. Costs MP 5 JUICE.
  • TWIRL: AUBREY attacks a foe and becomes HAPPY. Costs MP 10 JUICE.
  • TEAM SPIRIT: Makes AUBREY and a friend HAPPY. Costs MP 10 JUICE.
  • POWER HIT: An attack that ignores a foe's DEFENSE, then reduces the foe's DEFENSE by one tier. Costs MP 20 JUICE.
  • MOOD WRECKER: A swing that doesn't miss. Deals extra damage to HAPPY foes. Costs MP 10 JUICE.
  • WIND-UP THROW: Damages all foes. Deals more damage the less enemies there are. Costs MP 20 JUICE.
  • MASH: If this skill defeats a foe, recover 100% JUICE. Costs MP 15 JUICE.
  • BEATDOWN: Attacks a foe 3 times. Costs MP 30 JUICE.
  • LAST RESORT: Deals damage based on AUBREY's HEART, but AUBREY becomes TOAST. Costs MP 50 JUICE.
  • COOK: Heals a friend for 75% of their HEART. Can be used outside of battle. Costs MP 10 JUICE.
  • GUARD: Acts first, reducing damage taken by 50% for 1 turn. Costs MP 0 JUICE.
  • MASSAGE: Removes a friend or foe's EMOTION. Costs MP 5 JUICE.
  • CHARM: Act's first, a foe targets HERO for 1 turn. Costs MP 10 JUICE.
  • SMILE: Acts first, reducing a foe's ATTACK. Costs MP 25 JUICE.
  • FAST FOOD: Act's first, healing a friend for 40% of their HEART. Costs MP 15 JUICE.
  • HOMEMADE: JAM Brings back a friend that is TOAST with 70% of their HEART. Costs MP 40 JUICE.
  • CAPTIVATE: Acts first. All foes target HERO for 1 turn. Costs MP 20 JUICE.
  • ENCHANT: Acts first. A foe targets HERO for 1 turn and becomes HAPPY. Costs MP 15 JUICE.
  • SHARE FOOD: HERO and a friend recover some HEART. (Heals 50% HP) Costs MP 15 JUICE.
  • MESMERIZE: Acts first. All foes target HERO for 1 turn. HERO takes less damage by 50%. Costs MP 30 JUICE.
  • DAZZLE: Acts first. Reduces all foes' ATTACK and makes them HAPPY. Costs MP 35 JUICE.
  • SNACK TIME: Heals all friends for 40% of their HEART. Can be used outside of battle. Costs MP 25 JUICE.
  • TEA TIME: Heals some of a friend's HEART and JUICE. Costs MP 25 JUICE.
  • SPICY FOOD: Damages a foe and makes them ANGRY. Costs MP 15 JUICE.
  • REFRESH: Heals 50% of a friend's JUICE. Costs MP 40 JUICE.
  • TENDERIZE: Deals big damage to a foe and reduces their DEFENSE. Costs MP 30 JUICE.
  • GATOR AID: Boosts all friends' DEFENSE. Costs MP 15 JUICE
  • CHEER: Heals all friends JUICE by 20%. Greatly increases a STAT by three tiers if BASIL is feeling an EMOTION. Costs MP 80 JUICE.
  • HERBAL REMEDY: Heals a friend for 75% of their HEART. Also increases ENERGY by 1. Costs MP 35 JUICE.
  • PHOTOGRAPH: Acts first, reducing HIT RATE by 25% for all foes for 1 turn. All foes target BASIL for 1 turn. Costs MP 50 JUICE.
  • BODY SLAM: Deals damage that increases with more ENERGY. Damage output depends on BASIL's level (which equals OMORI's level). Costs MP 40 JUICE.
  • TULIP: Deals damage to all foes based on OMORI's STATS. Costs MP 40 JUICE.
  • GLADIOLUS: Deals big damage that ignores DEFENSE, with a 10% damage variation. Always hits right in the HEART. Costs MP 40 JUICE.
  • CACTUS: Deals damage based on DEFENSE and HEART instead of ATTACK, with a 10% damage variation. Costs MP 40 JUICE.
  • ROSE: Acts first, reducing all foes' ATTACK by one tier. Heals all friends for 40% of their HEART. Costs MP 50 JUICE.
  • FLOWER CROWN: Deals big damage 4 times. Costs MP 75 JUICE.
Meow? (Waiting for something to happen?)


The Batter

  • Made the player believe in his purpose.
  • Eliminated the ghosts upon his arrival. 
  • Defeated Dedan, Japhet and Enoch.
  • Turned the Zones pure.
  • Defeated the Queen and Hugo.
  • He defeated The Judge.
  • Purified the game world.


  • He managed to maintain the cycle for four years.
  • He banished the truth to Black Space again and again.
  • Defeated Captain Spaceboy, freeing Pluto.
  • Saved his friends from MR. JAWSUM.
  • Created the reality of Headspace with his imagination.
  • Defeated Prefectheart, Mutantheart, and Roboheath.



The Batter

The Spectres

Spectres are the most recurrent enemies in OFF, they exist as abstract concepts beyond natural laws and are created by the queen to protect the zones. Enoch mentions that they are the souls of the deceased who cannot reach heaven and roam the zones, attacking Elsens. The Batter can beat huge groups of Spectres together, thus Upscaling their feats.


The Guardians

The Guardians are the survivors of the previous world, they were chosen by The Queen to create new countries in their new world and are Hugo's friends. These are The Judge (O pablo), the Guardian of Zone 0. Dedan, the Guardian of Zone 2 Japhet, the Guardian of Zone 3, and Enoch, the Guardian of Zone 4. The Batter has fought them throughout the game, killing them and purifying their zones, as well as fighting The Judge at the end of the game.


Hugo, known as the Last Guardian, is the creator of the whole OFF world, he is the son and father (how does that work?) of The Batter and The Queen, since he was the one who created them. After defeating The Queen, The Batter kills Hugo after several hits without much difficulty, so he is superior. Before we continue, we must clarify that Hugo does physically scale his creation, since he is a Guardian and the guardians are the living photos of his zones that he created with his power.


Pluto and Pluto Expanded

"The astonishingly glorious
expanded version of PLUTO,
the strongest planet in all the
cosmos and the universe."

Pluto, the rebel planet, is a recurring character in Omori who is first introduced as an enemy, then as an ally, then as an enemy again when he was hired by MR. JAWSUM. Omori and his group faced Pluto in three different ovations, selling him in his EXPANDED form, so they scale to his feats.

Pluto Expanded

Three Great Creatures

Little is known about the three great creatures, as the coral tells, they existed before the world, although they ended up with different fates. Abbi was banished to Black Space when she went against the dreamer's will and revealed a certain truth, Humphrey ended up in the deep sea, while Big Yellow Cat, the dreamer's favorite, is the current caretaker.

At different stages, Omori fought against Humphrey and defeated her. He also fought against Abbi, and if he so wishes, he is able to kill her to take her eye.


The Batter

The Batter is someone very attached to his Add-Ons due to their metaphysical connection, however, Empathic abilities such as anger or madness will cause his Add-Ons to attack him and his Add-Ons, or attack in an uncontrolled way sense and don't use their best skills.

The Player is able to abandon him if he discovers his true purpose, and will help his enemy. Once you don't have the Player, the Batter can be easily killed with no way to revive.


Omori's goal of protecting the truth can lead him to make extreme (very extreme) decisions, such as killing his own friends or even killing Sunny in order to distance him from the truth, without caring that this would kill him too.

Since he exists tied to Sunny's guilt, Omori will die along with all of Headspace if Sunny accepts the truth and overcomes his trauma. although this is not applicable to combat since it requires very specific events that take time.

Before the Verdict...

The Purification

The Batter's main ability, with which he can turn the world pure, gives him the ability to leave completely empty worlds that have fallen into nothingness, killing everyone they find in the Zone, only leaving the Secretaries there. But...
A common mistake made is to believe that The Batter is able to eliminate worlds with Purification and leave them as a lifeless void, and with this he could purify Headspace, however, it is different from that. On DeviantArt, Mortis Ghost made a somewhat interesting statement about Purified Zones:

"Did the colors just vanish with each guardian and did the secretaries just appear and sort of KILL EVERYONE > Huuum.... Yes. This is quite obvious in the game. And it don't explain anything. Don't worry I don't think you're spoiling mysteries."

The zones lose their colors not due to erasure, but rather due to the loss of the Guardian. When a Guardian dies, his zone dies with him, this is because Guardians are literally the living engine of their zones, and as Enoch says, his zone is destined to fall into nothingness for not having a Guardian. This is also something that Dedan supports, saying:

"I’m the creator of Zone 1, it ain’t nothing without me!"

Referring to the fact that without him, his Zone would not exist.

Another argument against this is the term "Purification", since it only refers to defeating the enemy. When the Batter defeats Japhet, we can see how he disappears, however, he is not erased, he is only defeated and flees from the fight as he does not have his ghosts (since they were killed by The Batter).

To summarize, The Batter is not capable of exterminating entire worlds just by wishing it when there is no Guardian and the dead zones are not an effect of the Purification, they are just a chain effect due to the death of his Guardian. So no, you think that The Batter can delete Headspace and thus kill Omori is not a valid option.

The Zones

The size of the zones is something quite discussed in the VS community, due to the multiple interpretations that OFF has, however, we decided to give a clear answer.

The normal answer is usually that they are countries, since Dedan himself says so. However, there are things to say that they are separate planets, as they have things that islands or countries would not have, such as their own full sea, atmospheres and skies with clouds, Zone 2 is directly said to be the world of Japhet and more Importantly, Zone 2 literally contains a DAMN MOON inside. All this seems consistent to say that the Zones are not really literal islets, or countries, but are planets in themselves. Also, The Room, which is another area, has a cloudy sky and a real sun in it. To this we can add the multiple mentions that they are Earths, to highlight one, we have that of Dedan in The Room:

"The future only waits if we trace it, and just our arms and our efforts'll make it a heaven on Earth"

On several occasions, a planet is called a world, and the zones are their own worlds and earths, with their own regions, atmospheres, oceans, and even moons.

Regarding the mentions that are only countries: When Dedan mentions the countries and regions that will belong to him, he does not mean that each zone is a country, but that each zone is a earth or paradise, with its own countries for each Guardian.

With all the evidence we saw, we can perfectly affirm that the Zones are planets, and although we could say that they are part of the same planet because we see them on the world map, the World Map is not literally a map on the planet , since in the conceptual art, we can see how the Zones are pocket dimensions floating in the Nothingness, separated from each other. Basically, like a solar system, each planet with a moon and even a sun that gives light to all the planets.

Universal OFF?

As mentioned in the Feats section, Hugo is given the ability to create the game's Universe, something that has quite a few points to look at, but we'll try to explain it as best as possible.

As for Hugo, it is often said that he is nothing more than a human child with no physical stats, and would not scale to his feat of creating the universe, however, there is a problem: Hugo is a Guardian. It is related to the element of meat and its Zone is the world of OFF. All Guardians receive a level of Stats when creating their zones, since they are their living engine, their source of energy and their death will bring the destruction of their Zone completely, and Hugo is no exception, since by killing him, everything is will return pure.

Regarding the switch, it is debatable that The Batter scaled it, since he only lowered it and it was not the effect of killing a Guardian. However, we can escalate it to this, knowing that by turning down the switch, He Purified the entire world and this eliminated it, and as it is said on two occasions: The Batter is the physical embodiment of Purification, so by embodying this power, could scaling to the destruction of the Universe.

"By killing Hugo and going down, the universe was not destroyed because the space monkeys were still alive"

Although the space monkeys were still alive, they are not literally in space: we already saw that the world of OFF works like a solar system, containing the sun, and several planets each with their own moons, floating in a space that is The Nothingness, that already rules out that the monkeys are on another planet as they are not part of the world. On the other hand, the game itself introduces them by saying that they come from a parallel dimension, which could perfectly well be another Universe, so this point does not discredit the Universe level.

Omori Cosmology
(Draw by micheas08)

Let's fucking go! (Kill me)

Ah, Omori Cosmology, that beautiful mental world that has been the cause of so many wanks in the VS community and that is not so easy to explain. Lucky for you, we are going to make clear the size of Sunny's mental world, and therefore, the AP of our favorite depressive.


The main world where Omori's adventures occur is nothing less than a Universe and cosmos, this is mentioned by many characters, many times, and has its own space and time. Daddy Long Legs mentions Headspace as "a reality", and although we might think that he is referring to the entire dream world, here he is referring only to Headspace, since the story tells how Sunny created Headspace to hide Black Space and its other worlds under reality. Furthermore, it has an infinite size, since it has the infinite road, which leads to another Universe and cannot be crossed in a conventional way.

Black Space, White Space and Red Space

These are the first worlds created by Omori when he arrives in the dream world. When Sunny pushes Mari, a white crack is created in his mind, and he can see a white room, creating White Space. Like Headspace, it has infinite size.

On the other hand, Black Space is another world of infinite size, the counterpart of White Space and was before existence. When we meet the Coral, he states that the friendship we lost (Basil, whom we are looking for) no longer exists in this world, and in turn, is in a separate one from Headspace, this because Omori deleted Basil and sent to Black Space, making us understand that this is another world.

The Doors

For this, we must investigate the story that Daddy Long Legs tells us at the end of the lost forest, where he tells us that when Sunny arrived in the world of dreams, he created doors that led to several "Worlds", one of these worlds was Black Space , which is a Universe, and has doors that lead to different worlds. (To understand why worlds are universes, see the section below)

So, we can conclude that these doors lead to more universes other than Black Space. And although we can say that those doors are Part of Black Space so they are not separate universes, rather Black Space contains doors to other universes, this would explain the existence of Black Space 2 and the door between White Space and Headspace.

"The Worlds"

The word World is used a lot in Omori to refer to the different kingdoms that exist, and although it can be misinterpreted since there is an area called OTHERWORLD, this term is used to refer to universes, so, we will give the different examples of this.

To finish this section, we will count the number of universes that Sunny created.

Headspace, Black Space, Black Space 2, White Space, Red Space, 20 doors in Black Space and 17 doors in Black Space 2. Leaving as results a total of 42 Universes, yeah, not Bad :)

The Planets in Omori

Oh yes.
For some reason... there is a lot of discussion about whether the planets in Omori are real size or small... and although it may sound silly, we need to clear this up.

As for the Moon, it is also big, this is shown on the Headspace map, where we see that it is giant and is in space and is not the size of a person, and even being in space, a telescope is required to even be able to see it, also, there are space bunnys (so cute <3), which were originally going to be called lunar rabbits since they come from the moon, which justifies that the moon is large enough to have Civilizations.

The place where Spaceboy had the captive planets is nothing more nor less than the literal solar system, this is mentioned in the game and even by Pluto himself.

Now, I will move on to answering the Counterarguments.

"Pluto is a planet and it is small"

This is a common error, but with a somewhat simple explanation.

In the Japanese version of the game (of which Omocat was a part), Pluto in its base form is called "A Rock" and not as a planet, something curious to say the least, because going into its expanded form, it is said that grew, expanded and became larger until it became a Planet, the strongest planet in the Universe, the same way the Earth is called, and something that reinforces it is that the achievement of "Defeating the Strongest Planets" is only obtained after defeating Earth and PLUTO EXPANDED in the Hikikomori Route. Basically, Pluto in its base state is not a Planet, it is a rock, and it becomes a true planet when it Transforms into Pluto Expanded.

"The Earth is the same size as Pluto"

This is mere perspective of the game that can be easily denied and I will summarize it. In the Boss Rush art, it looks like The Earth is much larger than all the characters in the game, including Pluto and Omori even though they should be relative in size. Added to this, in his Boss fight, we can see how Pluto barely has a size comparable to that of the Earth in its Pluto Expanded form, when it is a real-sized planet.

"Omori can fight planets head on when he should be miles away"

This is nothing more than an ability of Omori and his friends. The ability to extend your range or that of your weapons to fight enemies that are incredibly far away is something that exists in fiction, for example in Deltarune.

Even with all that out of the way, and if we said that the planets in Omori are small, the characters would maintain their level, this is because Pluto became the strongest planet in the cosmos and the Universe. It explicitly says "Strong", it implies physical strength, "The strongest in the cosmos and the universe", it indicates by itself that Pluto is physically superior to any planet in everything, strength, resistance, etc., and that encompasses all the planets. of the Universe, among which there are many of a real size, so it would maintain its Tier even if the planets of the OTHERWORLD were small.

"So, the planets in Omori are small, that includes those in the entire Universe"

Although we said that the planets we face are small, not all of them are. The planet where Omori and his friends live is the best example, since they live on a planet large enough to even have deep oceans, and yes, it is a planet, confirmed by Omori.
This planet is not small, and neither are all the planets in the universe, since there are Civilizations from other planets advanced enough to have traveled to the OTHERWORLD, as Omori says since UFOs come from the depths of space, which indicates that there are more planets away with the training of having Civilizations.

If this doesn't convince you, we have Sweetheart's first boyfriend, Rococo, the last elf in the Universe who lost his home planet and came to the one where the game takes place (and yes, he mentions his home planet)

So knowing that there are more real-sized planets in the universe, Pluto's Tier would remain the strongest planet in the entire cosmos even if the planets we are facing are small because if all the planets measured one meter, they would not there would be life in the universe as it had nowhere to develop in the first place.

And with the planets being life-sized, the MFTL+ feat of Omori and his friends running around the solar system can be used, since the solar system is life-sized.

Is Omori Sunny?

Although it may seem obvious, it is more difficult to explain than it seems.

There are several times that confirm that Omori is nothing more than a new form of Sunny, and we will mention them now.


(By Gonza)

(By jak7m)

(By Dazzling)



Team Batter

Omori's AP is something overwhelming and that the Batter doesn't have much to do... talking about Omori at his peak. In his base state, Omori maximum scales to a Dwarf Star level (947 Ninatons of TNT), while The Batter scales a minimum to a Star Level (185 Tenatons of TNT), reaching Universe Level. That also means that the Add-Ons are stronger than Omori and his friends, which would cause them to take the physical window by a large margin at the start of the fight.

When Omori takes his maximum power and becomes his Peak, The Batter has a clear physical disadvantage, since maximum reaches Universe Level, while Omori in that state reaches a Low Multiverse Level (42 Universes), however, we consider how much It is less questionable to physically scale Omori to his creation, since it was through his dreams and imagination and not something physical, although the fact that Sunny's power is converted into stats is somewhat convincing, it is something very situational that is difficult to happen.

It is more likely that Omori simply uses "Did not succumb" ad infinitum before he surrenders after falling in battle and plays its melody with his violin in the middle of the fight, especially since The Batter is not himself, it is someone else who seeks to eradicate his world and Omori will probably try to kill him and get rid of him at all costs.

As such, Omori is stronger at his peak, but it is somewhat situational and The Batter takes strength and Durability with a considerably large advantage in his favor.

Regarding the speed of both, it is more difficult.

Comparing his finite Ends, Omori is at least 3 Million times FTL for running through the solar system, reaching more for being comparable to Spaceboy, who flies through galaxies (260 to 475 Billion times of light), placing him at MFTL+ more than solid. The Batter, for his part, can react in The Nothingness, where he travels at the speed of light (0.64c) with a solid Relativistic. In addition, it is comparable to the Guardians, who can create zones with skies, moons and even stars, which could leave them in FTL because the creation of their Zones is something totally physical and they are powered by them.
Added to the fact that to create them, they must take energy from the Sun, and although we are not given a clear time frame, we could perfectly place them in FTL since it should not have been too much, in addition, The Queen directly sends them the energy of the sun, which that could sustain this speed.

If we take a maximum, The Batter could reach MFTL for his trip to the sun (361 c) if we are extremely kind since this "feat" is questionable because of how Abstract it is, but it is not relevant anyway. Omori is a hell of a lot faster, in fact, using Omori's minimum and The Batter's maximum, (3,156,706/361), Omori is over 8,744.3379501385x times faster, a massive Speedblitz.

Now, we can argue for greater speed. With what was mentioned before, we take into account that the creation of Zones is an event that involves physical stats, possibly speed. Knowing this, Hugo created the entire OFF Universe, which has infinite size but the plastic limits the areas so that the Elsens do not walk forever. This could give infinite speed to both Hugo and the switch that is capable of turning off the world (in Before the Verdict it was clarified why The Batter scaled this), since it could cover a space of infinite size.

If we go further, we have the description of the Specters, which describes them as concepts that transcend divine laws, and the divine laws in OFF are cause and effect, and even time itself (note that the powers are literal as already explained), and in Metaphysics (a concept mentioned several times in OFF), this implies transcending to space and time, in addition, the notion of causality can be used as a prior foundation from which to construct notions of time and space.

If you were to take this and say that the Specters are of a nature beyond Causality, time and space, you could give the Batter Immeasurable speed for fighting them throughout the game, and have him manage to tie with Omori's top speed.

Team Omori

We will be direct. The Batter even with his worst feats is Massively stronger than Omori in base state and his friends, so going into close combat could be detrimental. Meanwhile, Omori still has his maximum power, with which he becomes a Low Multiverse Level (42 Universes), far exceeding the Universal level of The Batter, enough to finish off both The Batter and his Add-ons in a single attack. Ons, but there's a problem: We don't know how likely it is that Omori will obtain this status. However, we will see the possibilities today of him obtaining it.
  • First, this could happen once Omori remembers his friends' words, which is likely since he is in a fight with someone who endangers his world, Sunny himself, and the truth, so memories of the truth could carry him away. to unleash this state and gain physical advantage.
  • Also the option of defeat. When Sunny lost to Omori, his stats were massively expanded and he reached his Peak power, the only condition for this is not to give up in battle, which Omori will not do. Once Omori (or Sunny) is defeated by The Batter, he will simply have to continue the fight, remember his friends (like an average anime) and this state will be his, allowing him to gain the advantage in statistics by a wide margin, even against High- End by The Batter.
Moving on to speed, it is something difficult to define.
With his finite Ends, Omori obviously gets the advantage, just with his feat of crossing the solar system he reaches a good MFTL of 3 Million times the speed of light, surpassing The Batter's maximum of 361c with an advantage of being 8,744.3379501385x times faster, and even without that, it has Pluto's multiple trips through galaxies and stars, surpassing the Batter by a large margin.

Regarding his infinite speed, Omori has more feats of this level and much more direct than those of OFF, the most credible being the black taxi, something that places him from Infinite Speed ​​to Immeasurable without many problems.
Even if we assume that Hugo creating the world is a feat of Infinite Speed, it would be of little or no use to him because Omori has an advantage in number of Immeasurable speed feats, making both Omori and his friends so fast that The Batter and his Adds -Ons cannot see them (although they can still attack due to the 100% perfect accuracy of the skills, but more on that later).

Even being extremely nice to The Batter and giving him his Immeasurable speed despite being doubtful, he would be outnumbered, and the emotions and Skills of Omori and his gang could make him much slower, and make Omori faster every time. expand. So, Omori takes the finite speed by an overwhelming difference, he has the advantage of having more direct Infinite speed feats, and being able to slow down his enemies even if they have the same speed.


The most complex part of all.

Both have a large number of Skills and powers, however, we will focus on the useful ones.

Reality Warping and Fate Manipulation are key abilities that The Batter may not be able to resist. Omori can control, and in a certain way deny destiny through his Resets, this would make him have destiny on his side when fighting and have more advantages in obtaining victory.

While the Batter has powers capable of controlling transcendental concepts and destroying them, something against which Omori has no defense.

"Can Omori resist Conceptual Manipulation?"

Probably not. The problem here is that the concepts in OFF are superior to what is seen in Omori, since the spectrums go beyond the laws and there are concepts such as Infinity, metaphysics and mathematics, so The Batter has that slight advantage.

"Can the Batter resist Transmutation?"

It's hard to say, as you could take this a few different ways.
If you say that Transmutation is a form of death, then the Batter will revive instantly, but if you take it as a state where you cannot move but are alive, the Player's help would be practically useless in the face of this since he is only able to bring it from death.

"Could the Batter be cured of Emotions?"

Some. The only emotion that The Batter can heal from is Fury, while he has shown no defenses against the others, nor against Afraid, which would make him unable to use Competence to fight.

So, we will summarize Omori's Skills that the Batter cannot resist.
  • BFR
  • Reality Warping
  • Existential Erasure
  • Fate Manipulation
  • Empathic Manipulation
  • Fear Manipulation
  • Transmutation

On the contrary, these are the abilities of The Batter that Omori cannot resist.
  • Mathematical Manipulation
  • Conceptual Manipulation
  • Durability Negation
  • Potion
However, none of these can kill or incapacitate him, so Omori also gets the upper hand in Having More Useful and More Ways to Win.


Can Batter Kills Omori?

Maybe... no.
Omori has multiple Immortalities, and it is unlikely that The Batter can deny them all.

The most important: Omori will exist as long as his worlds exist. As stated Before the Verdict, The Batter is not capable of purifying entire worlds whenever he wants or erasing things from existence, that is merely a chain effect from the death of a Zone's engine (its Guardian), and even if The Purification could erase worlds from existence, it has several problems:
  • The dreamer's consciousness cannot be erased, so the Batter could not erase Headspace.
  • The Purification can only erase planets or even stars, and at most, one Universe using the switch. Much less than the Headspace Cosmology of 42 Universes.
  • If we ignore all that, and say he can erase Headspace, he's not capable of killing Sunny. Sunny is Omori, so destroying Headspace would simply wake Sunny up, and when he goes back to sleep, she will recreate Headspace again.
To all this we can add that even if he killed Omori, negating all of the above, and could ignore "Did not succumb", Sunny would simply obtain his maximum power and this would work against The Batter.

Can Omori Kills The Batter?

Maybe.... ???
The only thing stopping Omori from killing The Batter is his connection to the Player, which will revive him every time he dies. However, Omori has some responses to this Immortality, which will be mentioned here.
  • Existence Erasure: Yes, as much as it seems like a death, it is not at all. Once Omori knows that The Batter is a threat to Headspace as he seeks to eradicate him, Omori would act first using his Existential Erase, which would finish off The Batter the instant he was touched by a Red Hand or sent to Black Space, and as it only left If it exists, it is likely that your Save and Load will not be entirely useful since it would try to revive someone who does not exist. Added to this, once The Batter is erased from existence, The Player would forget him, he would no longer know who he is and therefore, he would not help him or load the game to bring him back.
  • Kill the Player?: This part is hard to explain, but here we go. A mistake that is often made is to think that the Player is a real person, that we are the ones who play. And although it is partly true, the Player is still a character in the game. Characters like Zacharie are able to go to his world, he is described as a soul outside the universe and more importantly: The Judge claims that he could kill The Player. Omori, who can attempt to interact with beings who see him as a mere dream, and scaling to Something who can come out into the real world, should be able to attack the player in theory.
  • The Player Gives Up: If we assume that The Player is a person like you and me, and eventually, he could give up. Just think about it, you're facing an enemy that can literally kill you in one hit, he's so fast you can't even see him, and besides, he can't kill you. He would be trapped in an infinite cycle of defeats that he could not overcome by being unable to do anything against Omori. This, obviously, could cause the Player to end up getting tired of trying and abandon the game and The Batter, leaving him at the mercy of Omori to be able to kill him without much trouble. Although it is somewhat speculative, the possibility of it occurring is not ruled out.
However, it is not necessary to kill. Omori has other methods of victory even if he couldn't kill The Batter. The most efficient is his BFR, which could kill the Batter to the Abyss, Black Space or White Space, and would be a more than sure method of victory, since in addition, The Player will eventually forget who The Batter is and will no longer help him.

"Couldn't the Batter flee through The Nothingness to get back to Headspace?"

Probably not. First, The Batter cannot access The Nothingness at any time, he must find a red box that allows him to save his game and thus return to the Zones, and it goes without saying that there are no red boxes in Black Space so that he could return to the battlefield. 
And even if there were, it would be of no use, since The Nothingness can only take the Batter from one planet to another, or to the sun, it is not capable of traveling between universes.

"The Player could load the game again to bring The Hitter back to the battlefield."

This point is somewhat weak. Firstly, The Player has never been shown to have the ability to save and load the game whenever he wants, it has only been shown that this happens when The Batter dies, and furthermore, his Add-Ons must also die. And even if we said that The Player can do this whenever he wants, we don't know if he would actually do it. I mean, he has doors to tons of different Universes, he's more likely to explore without trying to get out because of the number of doors there are, and staying there longer than necessary would be a defeat by incapacitation.


The Batter has an advantage that Omori doesn't when it comes to allies. His Add-Ons YES have been shown to be as strong as him while in his maximum state, while The Neighbors have only been shown to be comparable to Omori while in his base state, and cannot scale in any way to his maximum power. That is to say, the Add-Ons surpass the Neighbors in strength and Durability with a huge advantage, being from a Star to Universal level, while the Neighbors only remain at a Dwarf Star level, giving the advantage to The Batter in this section.
Speed ​​is an issue already mentioned. At finite speeds, the neighbors are much faster, and with their Immeasurable speed, they outperform the Add-Ons in everything, unless you also give the Add-Ons their High-End.

Moving on to their skills, it is more complex, since both the Neighbors and the Add-Ons have different movements that will allow them to take advantage despite the greater Durability of the Add-Ons, for example, the various skills so that Omori's team can attack first, or its various Empathic abilities (except "Angry", since Add-Ons can be cured of this effect that Specters also have)

Moving on to the last sections, the Neighbors have the numerical advantage, being 4 (counting Basil), and the Add-Ons only three. Neighbors also have the advantage of having better teamwork, as their actions can change each other's Skills and they can perform combined attacks in strategy and revive each other. The Add-Ons can also be revived, however, they do not have as much strategy for a team battle since they are still controlled by The Player, making them the same entity.

As for the Player, he is a very, very important factor in the Battle. Not only can he revive The Batter when he dies, he also controls the Add-Ons to continue fighting and more importantly, he can revive The Batter by loading the game when he dies. Although Omori could possibly deny this, The Player could drag out the fight long enough for The Batter to learn the attack patterns of Omori and his friends, and already knowing his rival, be prepared for what he will face.

Tertiary Factors

Skill, experience and intelligence are more than important things and determine a factor that will affect the fight.

Starting with the enemies they have faced and how much experience they have, Omori has 4 years of existence, however, the flow of time in Headspace makes that hundreds or even thousands of years unlike the real world, reigning the cycle without end and facing characters who trained combat for hundreds of years.
The Batter has only a few hours of existence (the duration of the game), but he has shown a great ability to create strategies in combat such as jamming Enoch and managing the Add-Ons while fighting.

The determining factor here is that Omori has faced a variety of enemies with a much broader Arsenal, such as The Stranger, or Something himself, who can warp the vision of those who see him, cause fear in his presence, alter reality and also, fighting while using different variants of his in a fight, abilities very similar to those of The Batter, to which we can add that the competitions induce emotions that Omori has already faced (his extrasensory perception would evade blindness, he can resist the madness and anger that Add-Ons induce and emotions expand it further). Unfortunately for The Batter, the only enemy with abilities similar to Omori's that he has faced is Hugo, creator of the world. However, Hugo is not one to fight, he stays on the floor crying while receiving attacks instead of defending himself and does not use his abilities to fight.

Omori can know everything he needs to know about The Batter just by seeing him once or twice, and still have a window into what he will face, and this is something he does from the beginning.
The Batter could do the same using a wide angle, however, he has the disadvantage that he must spend a turn for this, spend CP and also must analyze Omori and the Neighbors separately to obtain very basic information that only tells him about his statistics, while Omori can tell practically everything about him just by seeing him and his Add-Ons.

Long story short, Omori has faced things like The Batter, but The Batter has never faced anything like Omori, so he wouldn't know what he's facing. That, added to much more combat skill and more years of experience, gives Omori the point of tertiary factors.


The Batter

  • Stronger and more durable than base Omori
  • Most useful support for combat (Add-Ons)
  • His Immortality would allow him to prolong the fight and know Omori's Arsenal
  • He could be cured of some emotions...
  • The Add-Ons can fight after he dies
  • He could probably catch up to Omori using his High-End Speed
  • He has experience killing children with depression
  • Slower at all times
  • Can't kill Omori
  • Unable to purify Headspace
  • ...But it has no answers or defenses for the majority
  • The universe of his game had potential for more media
  • Mortis Ghost said Omori wins...


  • Much faster, even with finite Ends
  • More experienced
  • Stronger and more durable at his peak
  • "Did not succumb" would make him refuse to die infinitely
  • Multiple victory methods such as BFR or Sealing
  • Probably capable of killing the Player
  • More Infinite speed feats
  • More skilled, experienced and intelligent
  • Mortis Ghost said he wins GG
  • Weaker in base state
  • Few responses to save and load
  • His support is weaker
  • Hated in the Hispanic community
  • Certain accusations against Omocat

The Batter was a tough and difficult opponent to defeat, but Omori's greater speed, his advantage in AP in his Peak, more difficult immortalities to deny and in general, more varied arsenal and Skills ended up putting the Dreamer as the winner of this fight, and the Batter's lights will go out.

The Winner Is Omori, The Dreamer.

(Draw by Griff)

The Purification Has Failed...

Next Time...


Anonymous said…
luka said…
thank you very much for doing this now is know who wins between the 2 of us/muchas gracias por hacer esto ahora ya se quien gana entre estos 2
Ciborgwolf987 said…

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