DBE Blogs: Black Hat vs The Warden















“There is one, and only one, thing in modern society more hideous than crime - namely, repressive justice.”Simone Weil

Commissioned DEATH BATTLE! introduction made by @yultehdoof

The Warden, the founder of Superjail.

Black Hat, the most feared villain of all time.

Crime is one of the most common selfish acts in humanity, it brings death, suffering, misfortune and insecurity to people's lives, and it is something that must be avoided in order for citizens to have a prosperous life. It is then when the forces of justice come into action, justice locks criminals in jail, depriving them of their freedom and preventing them from causing more harm to the innocent.

But what happens when the forces of justice fail to properly redeem criminals? Someone has to take charge of bringing peace to society, and this is when they come in… Two opposing forces intersect, the owner of the largest prison in Dimension 5612, versus the owner of the Black Hat Organization, the largest network of crime and evil in the multiverse. Both with opposing goals, they will not hesitate to give the worst possible suffering to the other in order to maintain the world according to their own visions, but which of the two will have the power to guide the world and emerge victorious in a DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

We should start by clarifying the content we will use for both.

On the Black Hat side, it has been said that everything we see on Villainous is canon for the story, as the creators do not want to make senseless content that does not contribute to canon, so the answer is.... EVERYTHING! We will use all official Villainous media available, without exception.

In case you want to know specifically what we will use, here is a list:

  • Villainous Main Show (Episodes 1 - 6)

  • Villainous Orientation Videos

  • The Original Shorts

  • Villanos en Monte Macabro (Victor & Valentino)

  • El Libro Completamente Inofensivo de Black Hat (1 & 2)

  • Black Hat Organization Villain Handbook

  • Creepy Charly Blogs

  • La Bitácora del Doctor Flug (Diario de Dem)

  • Aldo Maldonado's Audios

  • Comics

    • Issues 1 - 23

    • Villanos: Rescate Reducido

    • Villanos: El Atraco Arriesgado

  • Official Sites

    • P.E.A.C.E

    • BHO

    • Arenque Noticias 

    • Podemos Bailar

    • Instagram Accounts

  • Video games

    • Maldad Mecánica

    • Zap Attack

    • Otro Juego en Cartoon

  • Interviews with Alan Ituriel and Black Hat 

  • Official artwork

  • Toontubers

  • Commercials

As for The Warden, it is much easier, since Superjail only has one show with 4 seasons. We will use that, but we will add extra content, such as the comics, the pilot of the show, the Commin' Home music video, the commercials and official interviews.

Of course, we warn that this blog contains NSFW themes, because Superjail is an adult series, it contains explicit scenes, sexual jokes and extreme violence, so discretion is recommended.

Besides, we are not alone! We will have new special guests for this Blog in particular…

The Mistress of Chaos and Destruction, Miss Dementia!

The Happy Failed Experiment 505,

and Flug.

And if we are lucky, Master Black Hat himself will be joining us on this occasion!

Last Warning ⚠️

We are not responsible for the mental, physical, and emotional damage that Master Black Hat's analysis may cause to the readers of this blog. This blog contains exclusive information from the Black Hat Organization, and prolonged reading may cause loss of sanity, loss of soul, hair loss, nail loss, itching, mucus, stomachache, headache, uncontrollable urge to wear a hat and sign a deal. The exclusive information from Superjail may cause complete madness, mind corruption, epileptic seizures, and loss of the ability to feel human emotions.


Black Hat

“Problems with heroes?”

Since the dawn of time, there have been only two concepts present in our world: goodness, and consequently, evil, functioning as a perfect balance. But there has been a long-standing question about where this evil comes from and who or what created it. Well, that’s a very simple question to answer now. Among all the creatures in the universe, there is only one known as the embodiment of evil: Black Hat.

We don’t know much, or rather, anything about its origins, but it is known to have been around for a VERY LONG time, in different civilizations and places, even before life arrived in the universe, causing chaos and destruction all around, feeding on everything it encountered. To some, it’s a myth; to others, a deity; and to us, it is the embodiment of evil, a being that thrives in the collective unconscious of people, feeding on their malice and battling against their instincts of goodness and heroism. We don’t know when, but long ago, this being decided to have one of its best ideas: to open its own company, Black Hat Organization (didn’t bother much with the name, huh?). It was designed to fulfill the most putrid desires of the most despicable and evil beings in the universe and their wishes to destroy the heroes, all in exchange for their soul, their life, and their will. At first, Black Hat did all the dirty work, and that remained the case for thousands and thousands of years, with no hero capable of matching its power, leading to sects, myths, and theories about the legend it was, and gradually gaining fame in the world of villainy.

All of this continued its course until an idea resonated in Black Hat’s mind: instead of having to do the hard work against the heroes, make them do it for him. He hired many employees; several died or lost their sanity shortly after starting to work for Black Hat. However, nowadays, he has the three perfect subordinates (or at least they try to be).

Doctor Flug, a mad scientist who apparently joined the Black Hat organization by accident, after crashing his plane into Hat-Island Mansion and paying off his debt by working for Black Hat.

Dementia, a completely crazy woman who is in love with and obsessed with Black Hat. We know nothing about her origin or how she came to serve Black Hat; all we know is that she "arrived barefoot" at the Black Hat Organization, and at some point decided that her love would be only for Black Hat.

5.0.5, the happy experiment. Black Hat ordered Flug to create a ruthless and bloodthirsty monster capable of trampling and destroying cities, kingdoms, and even entire countries, so that clients could rent it to destroy their enemies. They were looking for a completely immortal and bloodthirsty beast, but somehow, something went wrong, and Experiment 5.0.5 turned out to be the exact opposite of what Flug wanted, creating a happy and loving bear who only thinks about helping his daddy and takes care of cleaning the Organization.

The three of them, being Black Hat's right-hand men, combat the forces of good and defeat the annoying heroes who stand in the way of the evil plans of Black Hat Organization’s clients, paving the way for a new era of absolute evil over the world to annihilate good once and for all.

And remember… Evil is our business and business is good.

The Warden

“Hello there! You’re in Superjail. I’m The Warden, and you’re a criminal.”

The jail, a place of punishment where detained criminals are locked up and deprived of their freedom. Sometimes, for the rest of their lives, sometimes they die inside, and sometimes only for a time, until their behavior improves and they earn the right to be reintegrated into society once it is ensured they are no longer a danger.

But what happens when someone believes that the jail doesn’t treat criminals as it should? When the jail is unjust and releases or defends dangerous people, there’s only one place to put prisoners to ensure they are treated properly, a magical and cheerful place, a place where you return home. A place built under a volcano, a place called Superjail!

Its leader and founder is a man known as The Warden, whose real name is Mark Davis. He was raised by his father, a man whose real name is unknown, a sadistic, violent, ill-tempered, cold-hearted, and greedy man who owned the city's prison, where he punished and executed detained criminals. He used to verbally abuse The Warden, hitting and yelling at him, and even forced him to execute people and animals like puppies at a very young age, with the aim of making him as cold and tough as he was and someday inherit the jail. This caused The Warden to have several personality issues, and even at a young age, he dreamed of having a giant monster that would kill everyone who bothered him. The Warden spent his childhood dreaming of opening his own jail, a place where criminals would be treated as they truly deserve, perfecting the justice system to make the world a better place. One day, while The Warden was creating his own jail with Legos and telling his father about his dream of becoming a jailer, his father tripped on one of his Legos, which made him fall out the window and end up hanging, killing him and making The Warden the youngest prison owner in the world.

“When my father bequeathed the jail to me as his legacy, I swore to perfect the prison system, but the world wasn’t ready for my methods. So, I left the system and created Superjail!”

The Warden decided to follow his father's legacy but in his own style, a colorful and happy place where he could make friends and treat prisoners under his own methods. It was then that he decided to create Superjail, a prison built inside a volcano (an unconventional place), and seeing that he couldn’t run a jail by himself, he got three helpers:

Jailbot, a cheerful robot created by The Warden, is loyal to his job and is in charge of maintaining Superjail and making everything work, doing things like cleaning, repairing machines, feeding animals, and waking up The Warden every morning. Jailbot, despite being a robot, has emotions like anger, happiness, sadness, and love; he really cares for The Warden and sees him as a father, so he will always help when needed.

Jared, the main manager of Superjail and The Warden’s right-hand man. Jared was originally a man who always had bad luck, suffering from gambling and alcohol addiction that often got him into trouble every time he faced a major failure. At some point, he came into contact with the mafia and worked for them as a money man, which resulted in his arrest and subsequent jail sentence. Before boarding the prison bus, Jared protested profusely that he didn’t know he was working for the mafia, to no avail. Fortunately for him, the bus was headed to Superjail. After arriving at Superjail, The Warden told the prisoners they would serve their sentences in his jail instead of a "pathetic" regular one. While he was speaking, some of the traps began malfunctioning, and Jared offered The Warden some work and financial advice that would fix the prison. Impressed by Jared’s intelligence, The Warden offered him the job as his assistant and accountant as a way to commute his sentence. Noticing a perverted inmate approaching him, Jared accepted in an instant.

Alice, Superjail’s chief security guard, is a strong and independent woman, who The Warden is madly in love with. Before Alice came out, she was known as Big Al and worked in a regular prison, where she was known for how she handled rowdy prisoners. Her fearsome reputation for being aggressive and ruthless with inmates was well known in other prisons, which, according to The Warden, led to vile rumors worldwide. While there, she fell in love with Director Toddly, and her interest in him led her to a moment of self-discovery, resulting in the start of her transition. From that day on, she was known as Alice, but she discovered a shocking twist when she tried to express her feelings. Alice caught Toddly kissing another man, revealing that he was gay, and he was repelled by Alice’s new appearance. He fired her, calling her a monster who would never be hired by another prison. Alone, Alice fell into a depression, crying herself to sleep in her truck. Then, in a fortunate twist of fate, The Warden appeared and offered her a job at Superjail as the new Corrections Officer (since he had heard about her brutal treatment of convicts). The Warden was immediately attracted to Alice and began flirting with her right away.

The four of them, to this day, are responsible for keeping Superjail running, and for bringing more security to the world, dragging in the most dangerous criminals and ensuring they are redeemed—or killed in the process.

Experience & Skills

Black Hat

Black Hat is an ancient being, too ancient, so much so that he has existed since before our planet. He claims to have known Aku since he was born, when he was a mass of darkness wandering through space, and he even existed since the concept of darkness itself, implying that he has been around since the origin of the universe or even earlier.

Black Hat's feats have been recorded in the past, many decades ago, as he has been in the business of evil since the dawn of humanity. Some examples include the Red Eclipse brought by Black Hat in prehistoric times, hieroglyphs of Black Hat in ancient civilizations, and he has even been seen killing knights in the Middle Ages. But the clearest evidence of his age comes from a recent interview with Black Hat, where he claims to have been in the evil business for many, many eons.

Lord Black Hat is not the greatest villain of all time for nothing; he is the one who has made plans for countless villains who emerged victorious after following Black Hat's advice. He also claims to have destroyed innumerable civilizations and worlds, both on his own and with his army, in addition to having eliminated so many heroes that he can't even count them, as no one remembers how many ants they have stepped on.

Regarding his intelligence, it has been said that Flug is foolish compared to Black Hat, although this might just be Black Hat being mean. In any case, he is a genius expert in manipulation, as he has manipulated and tricked countless heroes and villains to do what he wants.

The Warden

The Warden is someone who has worked in prison from a very young age, at a very young age, he planned the creation of a new prison and was in charge of executing prisoners from his father's prison. In the not too distant future, it has been shown that The Warden can become a dictator capable of deceiving all the leaders in existence, taking control of the world and winning wars against armies.

Despite not being the best in combat, he has used his powers competently in fights, such as the time he faced Sunshine, using his shape-shifting to end the weather change and using Sunshine's own attacks to destroy him along with Alice. In times of pressure, he has shown to be able to rebuild Jailbot while falling in the air to make it work perfectly despite being destroyed earlier.

In terms of overall intelligence, he is a genius, having created much of Superjail's technology, such as Jailbot, a conscious robot with emotions, and even devices capable of altering reality and dreams.


Black Hat 


The accessory that most characterizes Black Hat. Everything revolves around it: the logo of the Organization, the mansion, the members of the organization, and even the name of our beloved boss. The Black Hat Organization wears hats in its most important meetings, each one with a more important rank than the other.

On Black Hat's part, he has a smaller hat under his top hat, however, it is not just a normal hat, as his True Form (see below) also has what appears to be a visible hat. Black Hat's hat can be used to control the mind of the person wearing it, a clear example is Aldo Maldonado, who wore one of these hats in the meetings of the Black Hat Organization, and days later, ended up going insane and giving his body and soul to Black Hat as an offering to "be part of the master" and give him "his shell".

Since I was a student at the Institute, I have always been curious about the strange symbology and functioning of the Black Hat Organization. Now that I am involved in the management of the Organization, I have been able to study its functioning and symbology. I must say that every Office of the Organization that I have visited around the world is full of different codes, hieroglyphics and symbols, each with different meanings. But without a doubt, the most prominent symbol is the hat. The hat within the Organization is more than just a symbol, it has different meanings and variants. Due to the massive size of the Organization and the millions of tentacles it possesses, it has an organized structure based on hats. 

Broadly speaking, it is distributed as follows:

1) HATLESS: Customers and villains who have consumed, consume or will consume the services, products, guidance, etc. of the Black Hat Organization. These customers do not necessarily have to be members of the organization. And they do not have any hats.

2) CANDIDATES FOR ENHATING: Those customers or villains who have applied to become members of the Organization and are put on a probationary period to see if they are evil enough.

3) HATS: The lowest rank wears a black cap, these are usually awarded to henchmen of member villains and students of the Black Hat Institute.

4) BOIN: Villains and criminals of lower rank, such as smugglers in charge of a small group of henchmen.

5) FEDORAS: For Members who have been in the Organization for a long time.

6) DISH CAP: For those members of the organization who are part of the militia.

7) FEZ: For selected members of the Organization.

8) BOMBINES: For honorary villain members of the Organization.

9) COPA: For villain members with great power, who are in charge of a subsidiary or facility of the Black Hat Organization.

10) HIGH CUP: Highest authority within the Organization. These hats are given only to the villainous leaders of the Organization's board of directors who answer only to the Black Hat himself. Master Black Hat usually grants incredible supernatural powers to these members.

Each of these divisions has subdivisions with different types of hats in charge. Normally each member is given his hat on the day of the initiation ceremony, and as he grows within the organization, his hat is changed depending on his or her rank. Members only wear their hats in the secret meetings of the Black Hat Organization, it is very rare for a member to wear their hat publicly (I have mine stored in my room), although there are those who do wear it normally (see if they don't get caught, especially since nobody wears those hats anymore nowadays). If you see someone wearing a black hat of this type and it is very powerful it is probably a member of our organization.

Pipe Organ

The sound of evil is like music to me. If I wish, I can summon my evil piano to teach these scum what real music is. When I play the piano, it generates a slingshot of sound so loud that it blows the whole mansion apart and can gouge out the eyes of those nearby.



Magisword Amnesia 

The Magiespada Amnesia is the last resort of a villain when his or her evil plan fails. It allows the hero's memories to be erased, as many as the villain wants, so that he can try his plan again and again until he succeeds.

Mansion Security 

For the last few months I have been developing a new security system for the organization and today I finally finished it.

It has four types of automatic guided missiles, two motion turrets, three plasma turrets and a squid cannon, plus it has a mechanical claw and a nice deadly drill, and that's just the front yard!

There are different security systems in the Hat mansion

  • Perimeter security system: Hat-Drone bots that fly around and shoot lasers to ward off anyone trying to enter.

  • Deadly Drill: A giant drill owned by the Black Hat Organization. 

  • Living Armors: Living, possessed armors that guard the mansion. 

Anti-Gravity Device

Thanks to the improvements I have made to our HAT-Ship, I have been able to channel the Gravitational Generator with Element 115 and apply it to a new invention on a smaller scale.

This device generates an anti-gravitational wave that reverses the gravitational polarity of objects in a range of 8 to 30 square meters (or an average quarter) and as a result causes whatever is present to "float" indefinitely until the button is pressed again and the device returns the gravitational polarity of the objects to normal.

Notes: I can probably modify it and make the area affected by the anti-gravitational field can be adjusted to the preferences of the user, it could be very useful to lift debris, neutralize enemies or clean a room.

That is why I have constructed the anti-gravitational device in a way in which only a single button on its top needs to be pressed to activate and deactivate it.

Shrink Ray

The boss asked me to make a small version of our shrink ray, so I took advantage of that and added a little switch that you have to flip up if you want it to go back to normal size. Hey, I like the sound of that, maybe I'll use it in the commercial. He also asked me to buy lots and lots of anti-stress hero dolls. I don't know what he wants them for, but the cool little boss will have his reasons, he'd better take his stress out on the dolls and not on me.

Doctor Flug, stop talking to the viewer and let me do the talking! As you can see, this artifact will pick your heroic problems out of your way. Minimize your problems by calling now and giving me your money or your soul.

If only I was that size... can you imagine how much I could break? HEY, THAT'S IT! I have to steal that lightning from flug to become DEMENZILLA, I'll be queen of the beasts and I can take my beloved Black Hat in one hand and climb the highest tower in the city where we'll kiss all night long!!! Doesn't that sound romantic?

Hat Bots, get Dementia out of here, she's interrupting the blog we're making!

Evil Machine

I have finished my latest invention! At the request of Mr. Black Hat I have developed a device capable of materializing "the most evil thing you can imagine".

I must say that I am very proud of my new creation. The ray uses the H3-X component (which I am still studying) to create "replicas" of the most evil thing anyone who uses the device can think of. It can materialize anything from an inanimate object to a living thing, replicating (at least in outward appearance) the original to perfection. I call it: THE MATERIALIZING RAY OF EVIL!

Medusa's Head

The Medusa Head! One of the oldest relics of the Black Hat Organization, it has been used in a myriad of machines and products, such as the Medusa device, the Medusa Beam, the Medusa Cementer, the Medusa Cannon, the Medusa Clothes Dryer, the Medusa Door, the Medusa Camera, the Medusa Gun and many more (Medusa Head not included).

Animatronics (WTF)

In the video "FNAF: ULTIMATE BLACKHAT NIGHT" from the Toontubers channel, Mordecai and Rigby wake up in Ultimate Custom Night, where they discover that they were sent there by Black Hat, who recently bought the Freddy's Fazbear Pizza franchise, and wanted two victims to test his new killer Animatronics. This means that Black Hat has in his Arsenal all the Animatronics that exist in Ultimate Custom Night, however, we will not detail their stats or abilities, as they are not very relevant in this fight and we do not want to extend too much with FNaF, but we will list them all.

  • Freddy Fazbear: He approaches from the left hall. Keep track of him on the monitor and shut the door when he is standing in the doorway. He moves faster as the building gets warmer.

  • Bonnie: He now shares Pirate Cove with Foxy, but whereas Foxy will hide from himself when viewed on camera, Bonnie will do the opposite, and become more agitated. View the figurine on the desk to see who is active in Pirate's Cove.

  • Chica: While Chica doesn't care if the music box is wound up, she can grow tired of the selection playing. When the sound of pots and pans stops, you only have a short amount of time to change the music. The Global Music Box can also soothe her.

  • Foxy: He will gradually leave Pirate's Cove if you don't check on him regularly. Once he is out, he will enter your office piece by piece.

  • Toy Freddy: He sits in the Parts and Service room playing Five Nights With Mr. Hugs on his big screen TV. Click the cams on Toy Freddy's monitor, then be sure that the appropriate door is closed to prevent Mr. Hugs from jumpscaring him.

  • Toy Bonnie: Put on your Freddy Fazbear mask quickly when he sneaks into your room to fool him and make him go away.

  • Toy Chica: Put on your Freddy Fazbear mask quickly when she sneaks into your room to fool her and make her go away.

  • Mangle: Unlike the other animatronics in the vents, once Mangle reaches the vent opening he will never leave. Use the vent-snare to prevent her from making it that far.

  • BB: He will try to sneak in through the side vent. Close the side vent and wait until you hear a thud indicating he is gone. If BB slips in, he will temporarily disable your flashlight.

  • JJ: She will try to sneak in through the side vent. Close the side vent and wait until you hear a thud indicating she is gone. If JJ slips in, she will disable door controls temporarily.

  • Withered Chica: She climbs through the air vents, but may get stuck when trying to enter your office. Use the vent-snare to prevent her from reaching the opening.

  • Withered Bonnie: He will appear in your office poised to attack! Throw on your Freddy mask to make him leave again.

  • The Puppet: Keep his music box wound or he will come to get you! The global music box also works against him.

  • Golden Freddy: He will occasionally appear in your office. Throw on your Freddy mask or pull up your monitor quickly to cause him to disappear.

  • Springtrap: He makes his way toward the vent opening embedded in the wall in front of you. When he is poised to attack you will see his face looking down at you. Close the vent door to send him away.

  • Phantom Mangle: When you see him on your monitor, quickly close it, or he will appear in your office and create an audio disturbance.

  • Phantom Freddy: Shine your flashlight on him to cause him to fade away. If you don't, he will jumpscare you, giving time for enemies in the vents to sneak into your office. Heat causes him to appear faster.

  • Phantom BB: When he appears on your monitor, quickly close it or change the cam to avoid his jumpscare.

  • Nightmare Freddy: When the Freddles begin to accumulate in your office, shine your flashlight on them before Freddy appears!

  • Nightmare Bonnie: Buy his plush from the Prize Counter when he appears in the hallway to avoid his jumpscare. He can't be stopped by the office door.

  • Nightmare Fredbear: He is invisible to the cameras and can only be seen when he reaches your left doorway. Close the door on his face to send him back into the darkness!

  • Nightmare: He is invisible to the cameras and can only be seen when he reaches your right doorway. Close the door on his face to send him back into the darkness!

  • Jack-O-Chica: When the office heats up, she will appear in both halls at the same time. Close both doors to make her vanish. This won't work if the office is 100 degrees or more.

  • Nightmare Mangle: Purchase his plush toy from the Prize Counter when he appears in the right hall to avoid his attack! He can't be stopped by the office door.

  • Nightmarionne: Don't let your mouse cursor linger over Nightmarionne for too long!

  • Nightmare BB: When he is slumped over in your office, do not shine your light on him. When he is sitting up however, you must use your flashlight to reset him.

  • Old Man Consequences: Use the C button to catch a fish when his mini-game appears, otherwise he will lock your monitor for a short time.

  • Circus Baby: Purchase her plush toy from the Prize Counter when she appears in the right hall to avoid her attack! The office door can't stop her.

  • Ballora: She will approach from the one of the hallways. Listen for which hall she is in and shut the appropriate door.

  • Funtime Foxy: Check his curtain to see when his show is set to begin, then be sure to watch his cam at that exact time to postpone the show, otherwise that is when your game will end.

  • Ennard: Difficult to see on the vent radar, he will make his way toward your office. Listen for the sound cue of squeaking metal, then close the vent.

  • Trash and the Gang: ???*

  • Helpy: When you see him sitting in your office, click on him quickly, otherwise he will get in your face with an airhorn, agitating sound-sensitive animatronics.

  • Happy Frog: She moves through the air ducts making her way toward you. Use the audio-lure to keep her in place. She is immune to the heater.

  • Mr. Hippo: He makes his way toward your office using the air ducts. Use the audio-lure to hold him in place, or the heater to push him back.

  • Nedd Bear: He climbs through the vent system making his way toward you. Use the audio-lure or the heater to keep him at bay.

  • Orville Elephant: He makes his way toward your office through the air ducts. He isn't often fooled by the audio-lure, but can be pushed back with the heater.

  • Rockstar Freddy: He will occassionally activate and ask for five Faz-Coins. You can alternatively use the heater to cause him to malfunction.

  • Rockstar Bonnie: When he appears in your office, search the cameras to find his guitar. Click the guitar to send him away.

  • Rockstar Chica: Check the left and right hallways, then double-click the wet-floor sign to place it on the same side as Rockstar Chica. She won't enter if the sign is in place.

  • Rockstar Foxy: When you see his parrot, click it, and Rockstar Foxy may offer you some help. This comes with risk, however.

  • Music Man: Keep the noise down, or you'll begin to hear his cymbals crashing faster and faster eventually leading to a jumpscare.

  • El Chip: He's just here to promote his new restaurant. Close the ad when it appears.

  • Funtime Chica: She will appear at random to distract you. There is no way to avoid her.

  • Molten Freddy: He climbs in the vents, but can avoid the vent snare. Listen for his voice, then shut the vent door before he gets through.

  • Scrap Baby: She will appear on the opposite side of your office desk. When she moves, use a controlled shock!

  • Scraptrap: He will attack once per night, making a lot of noise and causing the lights to flicker before attacking. Close the right vent door to block him.

  • Lefty: He becomes active from noise and heat. He is too far away from the music box to be soothed by it, but the global music box can calm him down.

  • Phone Guy: When he calls, quickly mute him, otherwise it will create a lengthy audio disturbance. The mute button will appear in different places each time.

  • RWQFSFASXC: He will cause your office to become pitch black for about ten seconds. There is no way to avoid him.

  • Plushtrap: He will appear on a specific screen and sit in his chair. If the player doesn't scare him out of his chair fast enough, he will jumpscare them.

  • Nightmare Chica: Jaws will begin to close on the player's screen. If the player does not promptly turn on the power A/C before the jaws close, she will jumpscare the player. The further down the jaws are, the longer they take to disappear.

  • Bonnet: Like in the previous game, she will walk across the office and must be stopped by clicking on her nose.

  • Minireena: When summoned, several Minireenas will appear and block the player's view. Unlike in the previous game, the effect is temporary and the Minireenas will leave after a short time, usually about an in-game hour (45 seconds).

  • Lolbit: When summoned, Lolbit's face will appear on the screen with the words "PLEASE STAND BY", blocking the player's view, preventing them from using the cameras or doors, and adding about 3 bars to the noise meter. The player must type L-O-L on their keyboard to make it disappear.

  • Dee Dee: Dee Dee can appear at random and either increase the difficulty of a character or add a new character to the night, set to an unknown difficulty, including any of the ones listed above that are not already on the character select screen. When playing in 50/20 mode, instead of Dee Dee, a new animatronic called XOR will appear regardless of whether or not Dee Dee Repel is active. She is black and white, eyeless, and glitching around the office accompanied with garbled audio playing before calling her entire roster one after another in the order of RWQFSFASXC, Plushtrap, Nightmare Chica, Bonnet, Minireenas, and Lolbit. She also can very rarely appear in normal play.

  • Fredbear: Should a player set the night to only have Golden Freddy at 1 difficulty, then, upon using the Death Coin on Golden Freddy, Fredbear will jumpscare the player and end the night. This cannot occur, however, if Dee Dee appears during the night

And yes, this is completely canon, as El Verdadero Mordecai 456 and Intenso Rigby reappear on Villainous, subscribing to 5.0.5 when he streams.

CN Heroes Bots

To test our deadly Hat-Bots, we created Robots in the form of heroes for our Hat-Bots to train by destroying them, each with different abilities.

Mordecai & Rigby

These robots work as a team, the bird usually carries the raccoon, and once it is close to the enemy, it throws it, causing the raccoon to explode like an inevitable bomb.


This bot is not hostile, its only function is to block the enemy's path with its almost indestructible shield while its friends attack.


This Bot stays where it is, and from time to time hits the opponent with a golden sword. 


Similar to the previous one, this Bot stays in the same place and attacks with a boxing glove.


This Bot model, like the next two, moves by flight and searches for the enemy. It fires energy lasers.


Pulls out a Drill from underneath it.


When it is close to the enemy, it takes out a saw that cuts the enemy.

Libro Completamente Inofensivo

This innocent, completely harmless and normal book is a work written by Black Hat to entertain audiences of all ages... or so they would have you believe. This book is not a book, it is a horrible, vile and repulsive game created by an even more vile, repulsive and evil being, containing unimaginable and incomprehensible horrors to which no human mind should be exposed.

This "book" contains a dimension, where Black Hat locks people who cause him trouble, the best known example is Kaleb, a member of Podemos Bailar who was locked up for 5 years in there. The Book has a set of floors, which are actually universes one above the other that can be accessed through an elevator, once the person is locked in, they must constantly survive as they will be chased by Black Hat's dog that travels through realities until it kills whoever has been Sealed. Black Hat has locked up multiple people in the past before Kaleb, and Lwhen the book reaches the hands of a reader, the reader must help Kaleb to get out by making different decisions, however, the person locked in the book depends on the reader's actions, as closing the book will cause time to freeze, and turning back the pages of the book will cause Kaleb to be locked in time. The dog that inhabits the book is Black Hat's mascot, traps and kills people who move between reality and is based on a Lovecraftian creature that moves between dimensions, known as The Hound of Tindalos.

Manual Para Villanos

The book the heroes don't want you to have. The Villain Handbook is a book with the best tips for novice and expert Villains, as it has the advice and experience of Lord Black Hat himself, who gives his vast knowledge about the Villain business and Hero extermination.


Raw as fuck.

The Bible!?

Even Black Hat respects the word of our Lord.

Other Items


Car: Although we didn't see it on screen, Black Hat has a car that he used to leave after getting tired of analyzing Rob.

The Warden


What can I say? I am a simple man, my hat is not as important as my rival's, but it is a sign of elegance and my good taste.

Drink Me…

The first object that prisoners who are captured by Jailbot receive: A bottle of mysterious liquid that once the prisoner drinks, he will fall into an illusion and see me welcoming him!

Eye Ship

My favorite method of transportation, my eye ship, although I usually have eye people driving it for me, I have driven it more than once.


Superjail is full of mutant and/or magical monsters, we usually use them for entertainment and fighting in the coliseum, but several are my cuddly pets that Jailbot takes care of. Some notable monsters are:

Giant Monster

This monster was everything I wanted in my childhood, what kind of child doesn't want to destroy and crush his enemies?


This dragon kept in Superjail's basement is one of our biggest attractions, and of course, that hat is very elegant, don't you think?

Fight City Machine

How can I forget the day Fight City opened, to give my announcements, I used a machine that I controlled internally to create a hologram of my face speaking to the public.

Dream Machine

Oh, my beloved dream machine! I used it one day when I had a premonition (but skeptics say it was just a bad dream) where Superjail prisoners caused a riot and killed me and my beloved friends. It's simple: The dream machine will search for the brains and heads in Superjail and show me their deepest dreams on the screen. Also, the machine can make me enter the world of Dreams, where I can travel through the minds of the inmates and my friends and see their greatest fantasies and repressed desires in their minds, including my own dreams... no matter how weird they are. However, this delicate artifact must be handled with great care and caution, as overusing it and over-exploiting people's minds can cause an overload that causes the machine to explode, absorbing people's essence and killing them from collateral, then destroying reality itself and causing me to wake up!


Superjail Mecha-Drill


Superjail Mecha-Drill, my favorite of all my creations!


...Except for my beloved Jailbot, of course! 

This Drill is a giant mecha that we have under Superjail, in case of an extreme emergency, we can gather and control it for battle, it has different things like: Two yellow drills in its hands, useful to dig underground and penetrate enemies, it is also immune to lava. It was controlled by the eight remaining allies: Alice, Jailbot, Gary, Bird, Paul Guaye, Jean Baptiste, Grey Beard Convict and Me!

Jailbot Costume

How can I forget that day... the day Jailbot left, leaving me completely vulnerable and not knowing what to do since he was always in charge of the maintenance of the Superjail, however, I had to put myself in his shoes and do his tasks, although at the beginning it didn't go well... and then it didn't either. But this suit comes equipped with different weapons to accomplish tasks like capturing Jacknife.


Superjail is monitored 24 hours a day, not only inside, but also outside the earth. There are multiple models of satellites guarding Superjail with different functions, such as disintegrating enemies, or in case of emergency, recharging the Jailbot's energy.

Time Stick

The Time Stick, or as I like to call it, La cosa del tiempo! In my stay in the time prison, I was able to steal one of these artifacts from a cop so I could go back to the Superjail, but it doesn't only do that, this thing has many more possible uses, although I didn't make them, I saw the cops use it for this.

The Moon

The beautiful full moon! Obviously Superjail must have one, although the Moon in general is a sign of calm, here it is one of horror and mayhem. When I bring the Moon to where I am, the "Big Show" begins, where the prisoners will turn into wild werewolves and kill whoever is near them.

Bunny Hat

Que gran idea! Un uniforme 100% hecho de conejo para los prisioneros!



Growth Serum

Oh, I remember this! On the day of the science fair, I ordered Jared to take and store the Agigant Serum as punishment for ruining my big award ceremony. However, Bob ended up affected by the Serum and turned giant, which unleashed a mass slaughter creating giant insects and plants that ate the Superjail inmates alive.

B-but sir, I already told you that wasn't my fault, the Superjail facilities are not in proper maintenance!

Stop making excuses if you don't want me to punish you again Jared!

Specimen 7

Created by the DNA and parts of the Superjail inhabitants, the Specimen 7 is the doctor's greatest creation, made for combat and is capable of fighting Combaticus, plus he will risk his life for us if necessary. I would say he is cute but, ugh, that thing is horrible. Maybe I should have waited for the doctor to finish him….

It is able to regenerate lost limbs, this is displayed when Combaticus removed its cane-holding arm, robotic claw, and taser arm in battle. Its cane is also regeneratable, despite being neither attached to its body nor organic matter.

Specimen 7 has the same body parts as five of the Superjail major characters: Jared's head, hair, half of his mustache, and legs  Jailbot's face (on the forehead), wiring, upper left arm and taser arm, Alice's Left eye, torso, mouth, nose, and right arm (complete with knightstick), My right eye, coat, left arm (holding a cane) and hat, Jacknife's right arm, a large green wing on its back that allows it to fly.

Winged Centaur

My winged centaur! This magical creature can be summoned by me, I use it constantly to move, fly and teleport, although it doesn't have a clear name or do much else, it's almost my best friend!



My beloved Terrorarium, my best experiment and what made me win the Superjail science fair. The Terrorarium is a tiny world created as a deadly game, where 5 inmates were encoded by my amazing micro technology and put inside the Terrorarium, surviving its deadly traps until they reached the end, an oversized potion that would return them to normal!

Sleep Stuffs

Putting the enemy to sleep is a more peaceful way to win a fight, don't you think? Fortunately I have more than one way to do this. The first is the sleeping auero that I used once on Jared, and the second is the sleeping gas, which covers all Superjail once I touch a button in my office, of course, I have to be careful because I can be heavily affected by this, but who doesn't like a good nap?

Fake Hand

It's the ultimate in jokes!

Jailbot 2.0

Oh God, I'll never forget how great it was to have Jailbot 2.0 with us... before it tries to kill us.

After Jailbot's failure, we decided to acquire a temporary replacement, Jailbot 2.0, a much more advanced and up-to-date robot than Jailbot, made to meet Warden's every need, however, Warden's attitude made Jailbot 2.0 obsolete and he wanted to get rid of it.


  • Multitasking: Jailbot 2.0 can do several multitasks in Superjail, similar to the original Jailbot. However, I did state that the website that he got Jailbot 2.0 from did have problems with multitasking.

  • Scanning: Jailbot 2.0 has the ability to scan very obsolete objects such as The Warden’s desk and inmate maintenance. He replaces the former with himself as a desk for The Warden to sit in and drink a mug of whipcream on. He replaces The Warden's current inmate maintenance with a new, but much simpler inmate maintenance.

  • Disintegration: Jailbot 2.0 has been shown to completely remove objects from Superjail installations to replace them with its more effective systems. Although we are not quite sure how this works, it has been shown that objects touched by its light disappear instantly.

  • Protocols: Jailbot 2.0 has several protocols for Superjail’s maintenance. One of Jailbot 2.0’s more notable features is a cartoon protocol, which would let The Warden watch any cartoons on his screen for his own entertainment.

  • Transformation: Jailbot 2.0 is capable of transformation. When the robot got angered transformed into a giant monster when the Superjail staff and Jailbot prototypes tried to stop him.

  • Targeting: Jailbot 2.0 can fire very explosive targets as a giant monster at the Superjail staff and all of the discarded Jailbot Prototypes, which were all destroyed in the process.

  • Charging: Jailbot 2.0 is capable of charging in order to function, like a regular iPhone. When the monster form of Jailbot 2.0 ended up breaking down after losing batteries (leading to his demise), The Warden mentioned that he previously charged him like an hour ago.

Jailbot Prototypes

Jailbot prototypes are old models of our number 1 robot, they used to be used by The Warden, but when Jailbot came to Superjail, they were discarded and thrown away in Superjail's basement as almost happened with Jailbot when Jailbot 2.0 arrived.

Ehm Jared there's no need to give so much information...

Despite being deleted by Jailbot 2.0, the prototypes reappeared in the Planet Radio episode, helping Jailbot.


Jailboat, this is a giant flying boat made to transport all the inhabitants of Superjail on a trip, it has everything necessary to live up to two months in it.

Fireproof Suit

My Fireproof Suit is a suit capable of making me completely immune to flames, being able to be in a heat so intense that it is capable of melting robots made of a very hard material in moments. These flames caused the volcano where Superjail was to be destroyed, causing a real hell on earth. It is also immune to aliens!


Well, I'm not sure if we can say "drugs to this". These crystals came out of the stomach of one of the twins, and after smoking them, me, Jared and the Doctor got high and gained powers such as color changing, elasticity and extra limbs, something that while it may seem like an illusion, the other inhabitants of Superjail could see us that mode.

Remember, drugs are bad, don't try this at home!


Cigarettes are one of the hardest addictions to quit and the easiest to fall into, unfortunately, I didn't know that in time. After banning cigarettes in Superjail for the health of my inmates and friends, I ended up getting addicted again, but these are not normal cigarettes, their smoke can completely corrupt my alteration of reality and turn my colorful world gray if I don't control it.

Remember kids, smoking takes years off your life in exchange for giving you nothing but health problems, don't do it!


Ponies! I love ponies!


Ugh... Sunshine. Sunshine was a Weather robot that I acquired as a personal assistant for my benefit. As of today, I'm not sure what happened, but a glitch caused him to rebel against me, his own father, and attack me to take control of Superjail.

As a Weather robot, Sunshine has the ability to create storms and move clouds, clearing the sky completely. It also has abilities to control more aspects of the weather, such as electric lightning, clouds, rain, cold, sand, ocean currents, create rock monsters, and for some reason, and create radioactive clouds that turn animals into mutated monsters. This machine has a very strange concept of weather.

Superjail 64

Superjail 64 is a video game simulator in virtual reality, it works by connecting our collective subconscious to the machine, which will take me, my friends and the inmates of Superjail into virtual reality, although the time we used it felt too real...



Senor Happy Hands

Everyone needs a hero, especially in these times full of villains, don't you think?


Useful for keeping an eye on my beloved Superjail from a safe distance.

Superjail Security

Like any maximum security prison, Superjail has a 24-hour security system to prevent inmates from escaping or catastrophes from happening (although we can't always prevent it...), so I will take the trouble to tell you about all these systems installed in our prison.

Why do you make everything sound boring, Jared?

B-but it's my job, sir…

  • Subway heads: Warden-like heads emerge from beneath the ground when an intruder approaches, the heads respond by attacking with such things as fire, saws and lasers.

  • Impenetrable Force Field: A giant force field that surrounds all Superjail in seconds, only used in case of emergency.

  • Robot with Lasers: This robot model has the appearance of Warden, plus long legs and laser eyes capable of disintegrating any unfortunate enough to be hit by gunfire.

  • Incinerator Robots: Walking robots with Warden's head that burn everything in their path.

Other Items

Vehicles: There are several means of transportation in Superjail, like a car made specifically to explore our beautiful natural satellite, the official Superjail bus, used to transport my friends and prisoners, motorcycles used by me and Alice for extreme sports and stunts, or even flying vehicles like airplanes and helicopters.


Black Hat

Laser Eye

Aren't you tired of unwanted visitors? Because I am, and the way to keep them away is to disintegrate them with my incredible laser eye, which I have also used against annoying helpers like Flug.

Soul Manipulation

Souls are the main currency in any purchase or deal in Black Hat Organization. Simply watching Villainous can cause you to lose your soul and body to be my property, in fact, simply reading this blog caused me to now own your soul. You should have read "Before We Start" before you came. 


Souls are one of Lord Black Hat's favorite foods, and once you sign for him, Black Hat can eat your soul. However, it is not necessary to make a deal for him to take your soul, as Black Hat has taken people's souls and existence in the past, but those who signed up gave them up voluntarily.

Death Manipulation 

Black Hat is not my real name, it's a nickname because of my iconic hat. When they say my real name, people die.

Fire Manipulation 

There is no more painful death for a human than being burned to death, and I can take advantage of this extreme suffering. When I get angry, red flames shoot out from behind me, I can also create fire from my hands, and my favorite torture, send my victims to the dimension of Ardor.


Want to make a deal? Then look no further! Black Hat Organization can take care of any heroic problem you have for the small price of your soul, mind and existence belonging to ME.

Mind Manipulation 

One of the methods to improve pathetic villains is to alter their mind with a program they are forced to watch to finally become competent, and brainwashing is one of the Black Hat Organization's services. Another option to have obedient minions, is a whistle that works like in dogs, one whistle and your minions will be at your feet... literally!

Villainous is not a children's program, it is a mind control program disguised as a humorous cartoon to control the minds of the viewers.

Spatial Manipulation

The melody of evil and darkness is music to my ears.

My claws can rend space itself and open a portal to Hell, out of which come ghosts and a sound so horrible it can break Dementia's teeth and drive 5.0.5 mad. Even the purest soul can fall under the influence of evil.


The skin-changing technique, one of my favorites! That is, taking the place of the hero, his appearance, his way of speaking, his scent, dreams and friendships in order to destroy everything he is and will be.

Abstract Existence + Conceptual Manipulation

When I was in my first days as a student of the Black Hat Institute, for obvious reasons I was curious about its founder: BLACK HAT. I remember that the first person I asked who Black Hat was replied: “He is the evil” and at the time I found it laughable. And at the time I found it laughable, but nowadays my laughter has turned into sudden laughter. I'll let our blog friends explain this in more detail.

Black Hat is not evil, he is, literally, evil itself, the pure concept of evil as we know it. Dementia describes Black Hat as evil incarnate, something that is reaffirmed by Alan Ituriel, Doctor Flug even confirms it in his log, and when Pops was in front of Black Hat, he states “I feel as if the evil of the universe is concentrated here and now”, this is not a hyperbole by any means, it is quite literal, Black Hat is an abstract entity without a real form, all the evil in the universe, our fears, our nightmares, are Lord Black Hat himself, he is the very evil that Alan mentions exists as a representation of the concept of evil, many, many times, and even as he is evil, there is a concept of goodness to maintain the balance of the universe, just like Ying and Yang.

This does not end here, as Black Hat is capable of manipulating other concepts other than evil, the greatest example is chaos and order, as Black Hat is an entity that originates the concept of Chaos in the universe, and exists as the destruction of Order, this is quite literal, as he is described as absolute darkness, something that Aldo Maldonado mentions in calling him the embodiment of perfect and absolute Darkness, calling him “darkness itself, order, fear, chaos” incarnate, and is also called as a being that exists in the order of reality, with an unfathomable chaos flow of horrors and nightmares through the void.

Dream Manipulation

Because Black Hat is the embodiment of nightmares, he can obviously manipulate people's collective dreams and nightmares, his appearance in dreams causes people to see writhing tentacles, turning the sky dark and altering people's subconscious to make them see a green field of dark sky while Black Hat is in their dreams.

One explanation that has been given is that a terrible creature is entering our dimension through our dreams, being perceived in dreams collectively. Obviously that creature is Lord Black Hat, who usually turns dreams into nightmares for fun and to endanger the mental and physical stability of humans. Black Hat is also able to project himself into the mind of our creator, Alan Ituriel, and give him evil ideas.

Size Manipulation

People say there is nothing greater than goodness in a heart, but that's just nonsense. Evil can be bigger than anything you can imagine!

Lord Black Hat has the power to grow and increase in size, enough to become much larger than humans, be comparable to planets, use the sun as a monocle, and even has the size to leave stars of insignificant size beside him. He can also change the size of the others, going back small to 5.0.5. Lord Black Hat is the biggest villain of them all, and not just figuratively!


We have constantly seen Black Hat summon beings like ghosts, demons and shadows, but besides that, he can summon me, Dementia and 5.0.5 whenever he wants, something he has done several, several, several times! We will always be there when the boss needs us

Technology Manipulation 

Technology changes at the mercy of Lord Black Hat, he often spends his free time watching television and altering programs in macabre ways, fusing men with animals and corrupting the sun of a children's show. Black Hat's rage can alter flat screens, televisions and nearby cameras, his coughing can cause electronic devices to malfunction or explode, and his gaze alone causes robots to explode.

Shadow Manipulation 

One peculiar effect that I have not been able to explain to date, is why the shadows of Black Hat Organization members appear to be different from a normal shadow. On several occasions I have noticed that they "disappear" when they should not. We know that shadows are formed when light is blocked by an opaque object on a surface, as I explained to 505: it's like when you turn on a flashlight and point the light at the wall, then put your hands (or in 505's case, paws) in front of the light of the flashlight and you will see the shadow on the wall. What struck me as odd, is that some Black Hat Organization members do NOT cast anything! I have seen this phenomenon on two occasions, one of which was with the villain Bonnivet, who was accompanied by two of her royal guards. While both guards cast a shadow on the ground, Bonnivet seemed to have none,I could not investigate this phenomenon so much on that occasion because I had to keep my composure in front of the supreme leader of Somatronia, but it is a rather peculiar phenomenon, I will continue investigating.

Update: I have noticed that some clients' shadows disappear after signing a contract with Black Hat. Apparently after a few days they reappear, very interesting. I asked Penumbra if he noticed the absence of his shadow and he said he did not.

(Although I don't rule out that he didn't notice it simply for the same reason he didn't notice that I replaced Sunblast with a spotlight when we met in person, I have a lot of respect for Penumbra, but he should visit the ophthalmologist).

Now I find myself constantly checking my own shadow like some deranged paranoid. So far I haven't noticed anything strange about Dementia's shadow or my own, but I'll keep watching them just in case.

Update 02: Today something new happened regarding this topic. In some strange way that I still don't understand, member shadows can be altered by Black Hat at will. Today he used our shadows to transport us to his office, somehow they grew to such a degree that they created some sort of huge worm that engulfed us and spat us out in Black Hat's office.

I had already seen the little boss turn his own shadow into a cane, but I didn't know that he could modify shadows of others as well, now I must know how he does it.

Madness Manipulation and Corruption 

This is exclusive information of the Black Hat Organization, information that I am forbidden to reveal, so I will tell you this in secret from Flug or Black Hat...

There have been records of artists throughout history who have been alienated in mental hospitals with no hope of regaining their sanity.  Among the ranks of these authors, there are painters, muralists, sculptors, musicians and writers. Of the latter, a character to highlight is Alesa Rackham, a European writer of the late nineteenth century who stood out for her cheerful and emotional lyrics about nature and love... this until after an illness that left her in bed for several weeks, she drastically changed her way of writing and being. Friends and family said that after recovering, Alesa's behavior became erratic, almost to the point of believing that the illness had seriously affected her mental faculties. He spent his time writing verses and prose that soon after, he would destroy and burn in outbursts of anxiety and despair. Alesa said that when she suffered from that illness that left her bedridden, visions and hallucinations made her see herself floating in the dark in the middle of nowhere... and everything at the same time, according to her, since in spite of seeing only darkness, a chaotic and terrifying recital took place in that endless blackness.

Alesa said she heard terrible noises of guttural bellowing, screams of anguish, voices in unknown languages and a terrible laughter so powerful that it silenced all other noises. Once she overcame this illness, Alesa stopped having these horrendous visions, but what she heard during these feverish epiphanies marked her deeply, so much so that she somehow tried to describe them in her verses and prose. After several tortuous months, Alesa was admitted to the Saint Muller hospital in Poland. After some time in the hospital, her health deteriorated. She remained in a catatonic state until the end of her days, where she seemed totally absorbed in her thoughts. One of the nurses at the hospital said: "It is as if her existence was fading away little by little without any echo"...

In any case, the writer is part of that select group of artists who have posed a tenebrous scenario with the transgression of a certain evil entity, in the order of our reality. It is theorized that these artists have some special sensitivity that made them capture a certain influence of some unknown but terribly monstrous force. This monstrous force is clearly Black Hat,  In fact, not only famous people have fallen into this effect caused by Black Hat. The best example is Aldo Maldonado, a man who began to attend the meetings of the Black Hat Organization with the desire to investigate the secrets of this cult, but as time went by, Aldo began to lose his patience and sanity, which eventually led him to fall completely into madness, narrating nonsense verses about "The Master" and giving his body and soul to the master who rules the perfect and absolute darkness of the universe.

These effects could also be due to the abstract nature of Black Hat, who is a being beyond human comprehension that transcends the understanding of the mind, and having his true form in front of him can cause a person to go completely insane. Alan Ituriel also stated on Twitter that if Black Hat sings, people listening to him will lose their minds, literally.

Existence Erasure 

Such a miserable villain always deserves punishment, and there is no better punishment than to erase him from existence, everything he once achieved simply disappears as if it never happened and no one will remember him.

Biological Manipulation and Transmutation 

Lord Black Hat often watches shows in his spare time, and affects people on the inside, doing things like merging a man and his horse into one being so a woman can be with both at the same time... I won't judge.

In the children's show 5.0.5 see, Black Hat was able to turn the sun into a mass full of black tentacles, leaving the world in darkness.


In addition to being able to manipulate technology, Black Hat can hack it, like the time he hacked Cartoon Network's X account to fill it with his glorious evil, or the time he took control of Cartoon Network, being able to change the scheduling of Cartoon Network shows to his liking. He can also have his clients hack into the Villainous artist's computer.

Red Eclipse 

One of the strangest natural phenomena that have existed for a long time is undoubtedly the Red Eclipse. The first records of this phenomenon date back to the time of the caves where the eclipse was depicted in several cave paintings. Curiously, this painting is dated approximately to the period when the super-massive volcano Tonetequi exploded violently and almost caused the extinction of life on earth. Another reference to the phenomenon appears in the diary of the explorer and historian Raimundo de Carmendares. In it, he narrates something that happened during the time of the Reformation, where in one of his trips to North Africa, he mentions a terrifying event:

“Just minutes before the earthquake, an incredible phenomenon beyond the conventional eclipse turned the earth and sky a dark red. Then during the earthquake, hundreds of voices came out of the cracks created by the movement and something that seemed to escape from hellfire itself, snaked underneath it. A feeling of terror invaded us all and only providence would know what would happen next, since we only had to cover our faces to avoid seeing such a frightening spectacle…”

A more current reference speaks of "The tragedy of '91", where the eclipse could be seen just before the tsunami off the coast of Sumatra in November 1991. Several witnesses assured that during the tsunami, and under the reddish light of the eclipse, some shadows or silhouettes were clearly seen within the huge waves and some noises that several described as "screams and voices coming from hell" were heard for several minutes. This strange phenomenon is caused by Lord Black Hat, who can bring the red eclipse wherever he goes, as seen when he appeared in Monte Macabro and in the Battle against that Mask. Whenever Black Hat makes presence, the Red Eclipse appears and the sky and clouds change color to red, there are also ancient paintings where Black Hat is shown to be the one who controls the Red Eclipse, and even, the sun of the Red Eclipse is the eye of the boss.

There is an ancient prophecy about the Red Eclipse, which I translated from a old language:

“And those who shine will dictate and punish with promises to prevent the eternal shadow of life

Seven will blind with light and bring dawn to a terrifying transformation disguised as liberation through golden needles

This will mark the awakening of the one who swam in the river of stars to warn for the last time in its barefoot form and tell those with pure hearts

The end made evil did not come from within lit by hot crimson and blazing yellows

But from the deep and malignant darkness that sleeps beyond the spherical orchards

When the dome is extinguished and the stars spill on the ground the great union will be formed in vain for it will be sustained by foundations of terror and blasphemies.

Be afraid

Be afraid because despite the great union this will be the last lament of all dimensions.

Fear that moment fear that eternal night

Fear the Red Eclipse”.

An event mentioned along with the Red Eclipse is the eternal night, which is also brought by Black Hat.

“But if you are so desperate to meet me just remember that when the black night engulfs you in a cold wind and howls of pain invade the air I will bleed from the walls to come.”

This event brings with it the Red Moon, a supernatural phenomenon that brings supernatural horror to people when it appears.

Blood Manipulation 

But if you are so desperate to meet me just remember that when the black night engulfs you in a cold wind and howls of pain invade the air I will bleed from the walls to come.


The boss won't hesitate to send you away if you bother him, actually he has done it many times, he has sent me to the dimension of eternal suffering, and believe me it's not very nice.... Other places where Lord Black Hat can send heroes are the dimension of Ardor, his own office (he has done it many times), his shadows can take the narrator to a dark dimension, Mexico (lol), inside a TV set, and.... TO ULTIMATE CUSTOM NIGHT? Yes! In an episode of Toontubers (which is canon as it has been referenced), Black Hat sent the bluebird and the raccoon to the pizzeria he recently acquired to test his animatronics.

Fear Manipulation 

Fear, that feeling of desperation and discomfort that the mind can feel, a feeling that imposes horror and nervousness throughout a person's body. Black Hat is aware of the effects that fear can generate in his victim, and fear is one of his favorite ways to generate suffering, since he is literally the concept of Fear, and he can weaken heroes by scaring them with his mere presence. The Red Moon, another phenomenon caused by Black Hat, is capable of causing extrasensory terror in people, due to its nature as a supernatural phenomenon.

An example of this is the time Black Hat appeared in front of Malum and his brother, who despite not knowing Lord Black Hat, felt as if all the evil in the universe was in front of him, generating an enormous fear, even though Pops already resists the Manipulation of Fear.

Subjective Reality

Lord Black Hat can play with the fine line between reality and fiction, turn fictional beings and movies on television into reality, and turn the universes of a book into reality.

Plot Manipulation / 4th Wall Awareness

How to forget one of the main bases of Black Hat, breaking the fourth wall, something he has done since its inception and is one of the things that most characterizes him, and in fact, we are doing right now when we talk to you, reader! By the way, I'm a nerdy know-it-all idiot and DEMENCY IS THE BEST HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!



Black Hat has broken the fourth wall many times, for example, he is able to kill the narrator with a laser, leaving the PPG narrator dead in the recording cast (note that the narrator exists outside the show, as we can talk to him while playing the show on a TV), he has also hacked into Cartoon Network's X account.

Black Hat has also worked alongside Alan Ituriel, as he is his boss in the real world and is even able to go into the real world to suffocate and manipulate him several times, he narrates some of his videos, Black Hat was even able to kidnap him and put him in the Black Hat Organization offices to keep him as a prisoner. Alan also stated that he is Black Hat's personal assistant who writes for him, and he can't do spoilers or Black Hat will come and punch him.

In addition to working with Alan, he also worked with Cartoon Network executives by having them under threat, and even took control of the entire Cartoon Network to change programming, plus he can disrupt the programming of other Cartoon Network shows.


On several occasions, Black Hat has been seen going in and out of fictional places, such as the time he got out of the computer to scare 5.0.5, got into a painting in the mansion, and the time he got out of the TV set to lock Dementia in there. He has also been able to get in and out of the pages of Black Hat's The Completely Harmless Book, where he locked Kaleb and many other people and beings.


Lord Black Hat has locked his enemies in objects and places on different occasions, the best known example is Kaleb, a hero who had the courage to face us, but ended up locked in Black Hat's book, where he spent 5 years until the reader managed to get him out, this is because Black Hat has the power to lock people in objects and send them to another dimension, he has done this on other occasions as when he sealed a guy in his phone, sealed Dementia in the TV and can lock souls and demons in objects.


Evil is everywhere, and obviously so is Black Hat.

In an interview with Alan Ituriel, it is implied that Black Hat is Omnipresent, this could be related to his True Form, who exists throughout the collective mind and dreams of all the people in existence and knows when a villain has a problem, wherever he is, in whatever universe. Black Hat is also connected to all Cartoon Network universes, so a part of him exists in all of them.

Otro Juego En Cartoon Abilities

Black Hat and Dementia are playable characters in the video game “Otro Juego En Cartoo”, where they have several unique abilities exclusive to this game.

Other Abilities


Precognition: The time court can see one's own possible futures before crimes are committed and even put them into a hologram for others to see. Their vision extends to such an extent that they know small details such as the Warden being embarrassed in public restrooms. After obtaining the Time Stick, no entity in the Temporal Court could foresee what the Warden was doing.


Black Hat

Black Hat Organization Members

One of the greatest injustices faced by villains is that they always face teams of heroes. To counteract this, a villain must form his or her own team of villains.

Black Hat Organization is a pretty big evil industry, and as powerful and smart as Lord Black Hat is, he obviously can't handle the whole thing alone. That's why he has us, selling heroes and helping out in the business as his right-hand man on a daily basis.

Doctor Flug

“The peerless possessor of superior scientific skills and supreme intellect, the most evil and vile evil genius with more doctorates than acne on your greasy face. Dr. Flug…”

But do it with more desire no?

Please can we get this over with? This blog is way overdue and people are losing patience.

Whatever. As Lord Black Hat's right-hand man, I am the organization's scientist in charge of creating fabulous affections for sale or for personal work:

The Foul Flower

This experiment is one of the most important in my career as an evil genius. During my youth as a student at the Black Hat Institute of Villainy and Criminality, I dedicated myself to researching and studying how human emotions could be altered, however, someone stole half of my research and I had to use my memory to continue it. Along the way I had to become a bit of a zoologist and botanist, but in the end I managed to create a creature capable of inducing the emotion of anger/hatred.

Datura flowers are a real sales success (especially in February and December), they are often bought by villains to turn groups of heroes who are friends against each other. Today we filmed a commercial promoting Datura Repulsa, and let me tell you that it works perfectly, I had no doubt, but Master Black Hat made me prove it by using me as a test subject. Now that I have seen its effects in the flesh, I can describe it as a kind of "filter remover" that causes the host to express feelings of displeasure towards loved ones. As the flower filled me with anger and rage, I couldn't help but tell 505 how ugly I find his video reactions. I mean, they're not bad, but... well, let's just say I'm not the audience for them. On the other hand, he made me externalize to him an exaggeration of the honey pancakes he makes from time to time. Those pancakes are extremely gooey, I can't finish a whole one, but I don't hate them as the plant made me say!

Destructor X

Destroyer X was made to destroy anything, be it objects, heroes, or unruly and useless villains. I used it to destroy the Omnitrix, Bobert, and the Peridot and Jasper gems to dust.


The Omnitrix is an alien device capable of copying and assimilating the DNA of any extraterrestrial species, giving its user the power to transform himself into any Alien he chooses. However, this rural gadget is nothing compared to my knowledge as a scientist.

Didn't you say it was one of the most advanced objects in the Universe?


Quetzalcóalt Head

A deadly relic with a deadly offer!

Now you can rent the head of head to incinerate your heroic enemies, and not worry about where you're going to keep it when you're done using it. Use it to destroy your hero, the league of heroes, your mother-in-law, or the matchup of this blog!


It won't kill you, but you'll wish it would. After giving this vaccine to Mojo Jojo, uhm.... this... let's stop at the next object…

Combat Suit 

This combat suit was designed by myself, and it gives me the ability to fight hand-to-hand against someone like... Dementia. It features a flight mode, Rocket backpacks and a laser capable of disintegrating enemies.

Component H3-X

The H3-X component is a "chemical-biological" agent, if it can be classified as such, extremely volatile and mutable, exclusive to the Black Hat Organization. The pimp boss gave me access to it when I started my work in the organization, he told me it would help me in my research and boy was it true. This component is extremely fascinating, it has helped me develop some of my best inventions here at BH Org. Thanks to its very malleable and mutable nature I have been able to use it as a power source or main base for many of my experiments such as the Evil Materializing Ray.

H3-X appears to be liquid in appearance, with a rather strange texture to the eye, similar to that of an extremely dark shadow. Right now I have a sample in front of me, I have just exposed it to the light of a lamp and it appears as if it swallows the light, it does not cast a shadow of its own, nor does it reflect light on its surface.

It has the ability to move at will, but far from that it does not demonstrate other characteristics of advanced intelligence and neither could I be sure that it has a life of its own, at first I thought the H3-X was some kind of amoeba or virus, but when subjected to different analyses the results showed that it is made of some unknown matter. (could this be the famous "dark matter"???)

When I looked at it closely under a microscope with a magnification of 100 000 000 x, its texture did not change at all, it looked like I was looking at a dark well without any light source, but after looking at it for a few seconds I started to see some kind of "faces" and I started to feel very uncomfortable, so I stopped. I think I strained my eyes so much that I got a kind of ocular migraine that made me see strange figures. The next few nights I had horrible nightmares

Anubis’ Head

The head of Anubis is an ancient relic that Black Hat Organization clients can rent for their evil plans. It can turn all the people in the world into Dogs and control their minds.

Universal Remote

The universal controller originally belonged to me, but the guy in the van stole it from me and sold it to Rob, however, I was able to get it back. This controller has many interesting abilities if you know how to use it:

Children's Villain Kit

The Children's Villains Kit is in a terrifying offer you can't miss! Use it to stop your little brats from aspiring to be Villains and straight up Villains to admire!


  • One vial of poison

  • Spellbook 

  • Necromancy book 

  • Villain Handbook

  • Fake Mustache 

  • Magisword Amnesia 

  • Top Hat


The fire is useful to get rid of unnecessary and annoying things (or to get rid of evidence), this flamethrower can reduce to ashes even objects such as the Omnitrix.


The Hat-Ship was designed and built by the mere scientist of the organization, i.e., me.

I am very proud of this incredible aircraft. Since my childhood I have had an intense fascination for aviation, one of my first inventions as a child was a prototype of an one of my first inventions as a child was a prototype of a small prototype of a small aircraft that I called the "Flug-Jet 01" (it must be said that it flew very it flew very little). And now with the resources of Black Hat Organization, I have been able to build a number of impressive aircraft.

Among them is the Tactical Air Helicarrier or "HAT-Ship" as I commonly call it. This ship is our personal transport, it is equipped with all kinds of amenities.

The ship is powered by element 115 and can reach a speed of 800 kilometers per hour. It has an armament of 3 rotary laser cannons, 2 forward proton cannons and a lower turret. It can carry a payload of over 300 tons and transport a crew containing: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 10 passengers who are less than 5 meters tall and 3 passengers who are taller than 5 meters.

PERSONAL NOTE: I have to work on the front shields, after its weekly analysis I discovered that it has a significant vulnerability when subjected to several shots at once in the front part of the saucer. The HAT-Ship is a formidable airship, every week I give her a little coat of cat, I check that everything is in order and I wash her with a lot of love.

I would say TOO much affection. Sometimes he talks to her and says things like "MI CHIQUITA PRECIOSA" О "LA NENA DE PAPA". He's nothing away from inviting her to a romantic dinner.

Dart Gun

Tranquilizer darts are a good way to incapacitate wild animals such as Dementia, although they can take minutes to take effect when used against a very strong animal.

Death Star!?

Tired of destroying planets manually? Simply rent the Black Hat Organization Ship to travel through the depths of space.

Future Gun

This gun is useful to get rid of your problems, such as Dementia, by sending them to the future or to the past at will.

Control Panel

From the control panel, I have control of the Hatbot-Sentinel, and it allows me to control their level of evil, from 5.0.5 to Almost Black Hat.


Of course I'm a genius, a trained evil genius, the smartest scientist who ever lived, and not to brag, but no one I've ever met compares to me.

I have created numerous devices that can alter reality, such as the Universal Control, the Anti-Gravitational Ray, the various Medusa devices, almost all the objects you have seen in the Chief's Armament section, and even the most advanced alien devices in the Universe such as the Omnitrix.

Of course, I am a skilled and experienced criminal, having committed a total of 82602 crimes without ever being caught.



Doctor Flug, despite being a genius, tends to be unsure of himself when things go wrong, he is also constantly afraid of Black Hat and is cowardly in his presence.

As for his inventions, they can generate failures, for example, trying to use Black Hat's DNA will kill whoever has the Omnitrix, the Universal control can run out of batteries and break easily and the Fetid Flowers can attack whoever created them and also are not complete.


Hello I am Dementia! Better known as Liquid Lizard, the Black Hat Organization's Heavy Armament and Lord Black Hat's wife!

I'm on this blog because finally my beautiful and beloved Black Hat saw my potential and I must help him in a fight to defeat a pathetic hero who is giving our clients trouble, although he could have sent me alone and I could have taken care of him by myself, I love spending time around my hottie!

My items!

Crazy Powers LOL

Experience & Skill

Dementia is a great hand-to-hand fighter with a wealth of experience, having faced countless heroes both as a team and on her own, and always coming out on top. As mentally unstable as she is, she is a genius capable of solving incredibly difficult math problems in seconds.

After Flug sent her to the future, Dementia took control of the entire world in a matter of minutes, creating a new era in humanity.


Yes, her love for Black Hat is not only her greatest inspiration, it is also her greatest weakness, as it can be used against her to deceive her, she can also be subdued with things that leave her immobile, and of course, she is not in a good mental state, she is a madwoman who attacks and fights without thinking first, even if it endangers the mission and her team.


505 was originally created as part of the Malebete project. Master Black Hat, commissioned me to develop a ferocious, indomitable and unstoppable beast that could be rented to clients who need to wipe out places, countries or entire kingdoms. My little boss countries or entire kingdoms. My little boss specifically requested that this beast have the ability to be immortal so that no hero or being could destroy it and clients could use it as a bargaining chip. Master Black Hat was furious and to be honest, so was I, to this day I don't know what went wrong. It was perfectly designed to be an evil, violence-thirsty beast.... Anyway, something went wrong somewhere in the process that caused 505 to be, to date, anything but.

Bawr bawbaw-bawbawbaw!

Ahora no pachoncito hermoso, papi ta’ trabajando ♡

…Ahem, back to the analysis.

However, since its creation I have studied 505 and every day I am more convinced that it is a perfect organism, its metabolism seems to work in a way that I had never seen in another being, apparently it preserved the attribute of regeneration, since after being destroyed in its entirety, it tends to germinate again and reaches a "stage" which I have catalogued equivalent to the 4-5 years of an average human in a matter of hours, Unfortunately I have not been able to see if its metabolism is encouraged once this "stage" is reached or not, since the Black Hat master keeps on bursting it over and over again, restarting the 505 growth cycle, either out of anger or sometimes for no apparent reason (I guess it must cause him some kind of amusement).

So far I have managed to successfully identify some of his most notorious abilities, such as:

  • Highly increased resistance and durability: Able to withstand various blows or attacks without apparent physical damage.

  • Accelerated Regeneration capacity: No matter how much it is injured, 505 has the ability to grow again.

  • Exponentially increased strength: I've seen him surpass the strength of heroes like Sunblast and villains like Dementia.

  • Positive alteration of the mood of those around him: After spending a considerable period of time with him, I have noticed that my mood improves, this is the quality that intrigues me the most. I don't know if it is because his flower (which to date I don't know how it got there or what use it has for him) releases a kind of "pollen" with an effect similar to dopamine or endorphins..

Black Hat Organization Bots

Known colloquially as HAT-BOTs. We have had them as part of the mansion staff for a long time, however, since we put some models on sale to customers they have been a big hit! Which made Black Hat order me more models both for our personal army and to sell in the new catalogs. So I have decided to make a section in this Blog for:

Each category has different models for different uses, and each model is designed with abilities that make them formidable henchmen of the Black Hat Organization!


Heuristics • Assistants • Workers • Robotics

Type: Combat

Hat-Centinelas are our combat droids. They were the first Hat-Bot models we offered for sale to the public. Not to brag, but at every Black Hat Organization meeting the other villains kept asking the little boss if he would soon sell his new "robots" that I had built for him.

Unfortunately when we filmed the commercial for the Christmas sale there was a little snag.... The robot that we sell to the public can be controlled from a little gadget with which you can program the level of evil you want the robot to have. But apparently the maximum level of evil was too much and I made it very disobedient. By selecting the highest level the robot turns against the owner and starts wrecking left and right (maybe I shouldn't have used Dementia's behavior as the basis for its code).

The Sentinels are built with reinforced armor, shield and armor plating, plus various armaments that work very well when facing heroic enemies of all kinds... or capturing Dementia when she makes a mess.

  • Enhanced strength: How come I keep running away then? Because... Hey, yeah Why does Dementia keep escaping then?

  • Armor Note to self: improve armor, Dementia keeps destroying them like it's nothing.

  • Proton Eye Beam: Very useful when grilling!

  • Reinforced claws: An improved version of the Hat-Botlers' claws.

Hatbot-Sentinel Models

Croma-gnoll and El Agujero Oscuro

The Chroma-gnoll is a fighter-style HAT-Bot, skilled in various fighting keys and different types of moves.

The "Dark Hole" is another type of HAT-Bot fighter, also skilled in wrestling techniques and expert in eye pokes and shin kicks. Together they make a duo of unstoppable “mechanical toughs”!

HatBot Pinhata

The Pinhata with which the Superjail guards are going to have a good time, was designed to guard precious treasures, the Pinhata will protect anything until it is destroyed.

This is an exclusive product for Black Hat Organization members.


Heuristics • Assistants • Workers • Robotics

Type: Butler / Assistant

These little guys were among the first inventions I developed for Black Hat. Finding myself unable to physically cover their every whim, I needed someone to help me before my knees gave out, so I invented the HATBOT-LERS to be my assistants and butlers of the mansion.

To date we have more than 100 units operating in the mansion alone. Although sometimes they are a little lazy... I've seen them betting with each other several times when they should be cleaning something.

The Hat-Bots are operated thanks to real organic brains that are usually kindly donated from incompetent henchmen who have been sent by their bosses to the Black Hat Resort or from Clients of the Organization who could not pay their debts.

After the victim's brain is obtained, it is installed in one of the Hat-Bot models and their training begins in BH Org's MECHANICAL EVIL TESTING FIELD, where they are subjected to different tasks and objectives to measure their performance, facing different obstacles, such as some training robots that I personally designed based on some existing heroes.

Hat-Bots are equipped with a myriad of mechanical abilities. For example:


Frontal Strike: The standard strike of the Hat-Botlers. It consists of hitting enemies with their claws

Energy: It is the life that the Hat-Botlers have, the more damage they receive, the lower their life.

Uppercut: It is a variant of the frontal blow, however, the Hat-Botler hits upwards and gives a jump.

Defense: Hat-Botlers create a shield with their hands to protect themselves from the increased amount of damage they receive.

Stomp: When a Hat-Botler jumps, it can stomp, causing spikes to come out of its wheel, which increases the damage done to the enemy.

Gold Magnet: The more upgraded it is, the more it will attract more coins from the map.

Counterattack: When a Hat-Botler uses his shield just before the damage hits him, the enemy will receive all the damage he has done, even multiplied.

Critical Attack: A blow much stronger than the normal one.

Hatbot-Lers Forms

In exchange for coins or secret codes, Hat-Botlers can unlock different transformations that give them new powers for the battlefield.

5.0.5: Increases defense.

Grim: Increases the damage of the frontal blow.

Mojo Jojo: Power-Ups appear more often.

Ghost Virus: Possibility of reward with each hit.

Eternal Knight: Critical damage more often.

Dementia: Increases the speed of attacks.

Lord Boxman: Increases stomp damage.

Mask: Recharges energy when defeating enemies.

Ice King: Freezes enemies when hit.

Emerald: Increases the damage of the Uppercut.

Flug: Fries the enemy's circuits. The mere presence of this Robot destroys the internal engine of enemy robots and causes them to explode.

V.I.R.U.S: Hack and increase the power of drones.

Anti-Pops: Increases the power of the bottom magnet.

Aku: Increases counterattack damage.

Black Hat: Infinite power. This is not hyperbole, the damage caused by this Hat-Bot is literally infinite and one-shots any enemy it touches.


From the Black Hat Organization's legal department. We have a huge regimen of these models. Each of them flowing in more than 6,000,000 ways to get you sued.


Cam-Bot was designed to record all the glorious moments of the Black Hat Organization, from evil commercials, to terrifying events and fateful 15th birthday parties. It also has the power to roll back the program.

The structure is a filming camera with five iron arms and three metallic claws-tentacles for the robot's gait. Its arms hold microphones, light and a clapperboard. It also has a beret as an accessory.


Heuristics • Robotic • Worker • Assistants

Type: Guard / Security

HAT-Drones, as we colloquially call them, are a type of security patrol robot drones within the organization.

These HAT-BOTs are based on my old Heli-Drones that I used when I was a freelance villain (In fact, I used several design aspects of my old Heli-Drones in order to create the Hat-Drones).

The Hat-Drones, are capable of detecting any intruder thanks to their rotating radar lights and have a proton laser that from experience I can say is not pleasant to the touch. They can also seal Dementia inside unbreakable force fields

They are extremely effective at hunting small animals such as squirrels or birds.

The HAT-Drones are usually flying over the perimeter of the mansion, as well as patrolling the streets of Hatsville.

In the video game, the Hat-Drones have different objects and powers to support in combat.

  • Missile Drone: This Hat-Drone has a weapon that fills the battlefield with missiles to easily destroy enemies.

  • Drone Laser: Although few, lasers are very effective and can cause enormous damage to enemies.

  • Shield Drone: A shield created by the Hat-Drones to protect the Hat-Botlers in battle.

Ghosts and Demons

Ghosts and demons faithfully follow a Superior being that creates and guides them, this being is Black Hat, and it has been seen that he can summon ghosts at will, so he can use them in combat.


Penitents are entities of blind faith who believe they are being punished in death by a "superior being" and therefore remain in perpetual penance. These specters are harmless although their very presence causes anguish and pain, they are also the only ones physically identifiable by their huge mouths and the spikes on their heads.


These are ghosts who regret their actions in life and whose guilt is the punishment that keeps them on earth. They are aware of their own actions and suffer for not having been able to avoid misfortune or pain. Similar to the Penitents, the Beggars are harmless in a way, as their mere presence causes sadness and mysterious spontaneous weeping. If you suddenly cry out of nowhere, it is because there is a Beggar nearby.


The entities denominated as "Vagabonds", would be those ghosts that have neither where to go nor where to return. They simply appear in the place where they passed away. These in general, are relatively harmless, but a little mischievous and are aware of being deceased, but as mentioned at the beginning, they do not have a place to go or how to "transcend". Generally when you see them, you can understand how they passed away.


These would be those ghosts that are possessive and cling to objects that are precious to them. They are mildly aggressive, but do not pose much danger and can only be disposed of by discarding the object to which they are clinging. Objects can range in size from something as small as a book to something as large as a house.


Then there would be the "Wanderers", which are traveling entities, seekers of "something" to help them transcend, they themselves do not know what they are looking for, but they wander the world to find it and thus be able to continue on their way. These beings are harmless although they are quite powerful (not to be confused with the Void Wanderer XD).


Conversely, "Ramblers" are entities who did not transcend by mere taste or who became ghosts of their own free will through practices and spells. These types of ghosts are very powerful, but very rare to find and of all the categories, they are the most mysterious.


These beings are calm entities with protective intent. They are physical manifestations of intense positive emotions such as love, feelings of protection and affection. Their abilities increase depending on the strength of the emotions. The stronger the emotion, the more powerful the ghost. Their powers are related to psychokinetic energy. Dr. German de Arghnaigel did not make a sketch to represent this type of ghost, but he does emphasize the positive qualities of these beings. Now that I think about it, and taking into account the doctor's information, I should doubt the stories and legends that speak specifically of an "evil" specter known as Mother Poltergeist…


They are very violent, aggressive and the most dangerous of all entities. They could be described as physical manifestations of intense negative emotions such as anger and resentment, as well as having a strong inclination for revenge. Their abilities cause visible damage, they are able to touch and move objects. They often cause misfortune wherever they go. 

Of all the types, the doctor emphasizes the aggressiveness of these ghosts. He affirms that the Wights are very powerful beings that are only guided by those negative feelings that shaped them as specters. Here is a transcription of a paragraph that the doctor dedicated especially to these ghosts.

"This happened in Mexico, to be more specific, in a place known as Xochimilco. The locals had told me the story of a female specter "grieving" for the souls of her children. From that description, I thought it would be a Beggar-type ghost, but boy was I wrong. Let's just say that without going into details, I had an encounter with this apparition and it's fair to say that I got out alive by pure miracle. I only remember investigating at the "trajineras" pier when I heard a pitiful moaning that gradually turned into a piercing scream that gave off hatred, and then a gale lifted me about three meters off the ground and threw me against what the locals called "chinampero". I woke up in a local hospital with several injuries, but with my sketchbook intact and the last illustration I was able to do before the attack..."

For some reason, the doctor did not want to include the drawing he made before his "accident." Some think the experience with the Wight, was too much for him.

Black Hot 

“Flug, get me my evil lotion for my evil awesome body! The most evil thing I could think of is leaving the audience wishing for more... of me.”

What is the most evil thing you can imagine? Maybe there are many answers, but the most evil thing that ever crossed Dementia's mind was Black Hat... not a normal one, but a super sexy and muscular one, who sought Lord Black Hat's input, but when rejected, decided to escape from Flug's lab to create his own evil organization and be considered a worthy rival by Black Hat.

While he functions as a secondary antagonist in the series, Black Hot can be summoned in the game "Mechanical Evil" as standard help, so we'll keep him in mind.

Age + Explosion Manipulation

When Black Hot flexes his muscles, he launches a slingshot of energy that ages everyone around him, to the point of literally explode them.

Attack Reflection

Energy attacks like Doctor Flug's lightning are useless as they reflect off Black Hot's muscles.


Black Hot's great strength isn't just for show, it's also used to send enemies far... too far, being able to do things like throw a gym into the sun in seconds. Alastor bros, you never won….

The Warden

Superjail Guards (My Best Friends!)

Superjail's guards are three, three workers who are in charge of keeping Superjail in order and making sure that Warden doesn't ruin everything.

Thanks to them, Superjail is in good condition, and as The Warden can summon and create them, they will be with Warden in this fight.


“Sometimes people, or rather mutant monsters, get to forget their assigned place, that's why they need a good leader to keep them where they belong! If your babies need you, damn it, then let's go get them now! And the Warden! And let's get Superjail back to normal!”

Jared is in charge of maintenance and order of Superjail, he used to be a man with addictions to alcohol, drugs and gambling, things that made him end up in Superjail where he met The Warden, who seeing his original ideas, offered him the opportunity to work as his right hand.

He is currently one of the four main members of the Superjail staff and who is in charge of the most important things in the establishment, without him, everything would be chaos (more than it already is).




Jared is the main man in charge of Superjail, he is the one who monotrophs most of the prison, approves projects and keeps order in the place together with Jailbot. He is skilled in various day-to-day tasks, such as being a builder who helped Warden by building the Superbar on his own.


Jared is unstable and haunted by his traumas, which can make him explode. For example, he is a former recovering alcoholic, which made drinking a single drop of alcohol make him explode, end up getting drunk and destroying Superjail. He also went through horrible things in the past because of gambling, and making a single bet will make him become addicted again.

He is not the bravest person, he is cowardly and scared of himself, Warden constantly ruins everything, he is afraid of things like caves and is often scared of stronger people like prisoners.


Alice is the security guard at Superjail and the one in charge of ensuring that prisoners do not escape from the prison, and is often responsible for punishing them. She is a necessary and fundamental force for Superjail.


Due to her years of service as a guard in a normal prison, Alice knows the basics of advanced hand-to-hand combat, easily subdues any prisoner who opposes her and can fight in conditions like total darkness, outnumbered and against aliens from another planet, in addition to defeating The Warden in a fight without any problem. She can also analyze the environment and strategize incredibly quickly in times of danger.

Equipment and Abilities


Jailbot is my greatest invention, and my son. He is a fully conscious robot capable of dreaming, thinking and feeling emotions, and is in charge of most of the tasks at Superjail.

Forms and Equipment 


One of the most used ways for Jailbot to attack are missiles, they can vary in model and size but I assure you that your butt will be just as destroyed if they hit you.

Spy Mode

It is not very discreet... but it is effective.


When they thought they were in a simulation, Jailbot transformed into a suit of armor for Alice, giving her a gun and improved combat capability.

Machine gun

Jailbot isn't Superjail's most lethal robot for nothing. It also carries machine guns at all times in case a prisoner wants to get smart.

Laser Gun

Jailbot has used lasers on many occasions, usually to electrocute criminals, but most of the time they are deadly and disintegrate or carbonize people.


Ho ho ho!


If you have to get rid of something or someone annoying, Jailbot loads a pair of flamethrowers capable of incinerating things, even if that thing is the love of your life.


Yes it has a nuke. It is as dangerous as you think.

Wedding carriage

Que bello es el amor!


Sometimes prisoners don't deserve the chance to change.


Robots also spend their free time to take a break from the stress of work.

Sexy tuffs

To fool Jacknife, Jailbot has tapped into her kinky side, transforming into a woman or a mannequin.

Minor Items and forms



Despite being an incredibly advanced technology, Jailbot is not perfect and has multiple flaws in its programming, things like very hard hits can put it out of service for an indeterminate amount of time, it can run out of battery if it is not charged often, although Superjail Satellites can recharge it. It is also quite vulnerable to Hacking, this can cause it to attack its friends and the Warden himself at will.

The Doctor

The Doctor is Superjail's mad scientist, he is the one in charge of creating most of the inventions used, he is the creator of monsters such as the specimens, he is cold, merciless and has no problem playing with human morals.




The inmates are the criminals who were arrested by Warden and now reside in Superjail, where they commit horrible crimes daily such as murders and rapes. While many hate Warden for being the one who deprived them of their freedom, they often work as a team with Warden and the Superjail guards when necessary, like the time Stingray overthrew Warden and took over Superjail, or the time they fought against the zombies or the monsters created by the twins.

General Equipment

General Abilities  

Notable Prisoners


Jacknife is Superjail's #1 criminal, who we see committing more crimes and being arrested by Jailbot in every episode. He is someone extremely violent, morbid, sick and degenerate who is not afraid to make an attempt on the life of anyone who crosses him, even children. But deep down he is a long-suffering child


Jacknife has stolen a huge amount of objects and used many others to rob and attack.

With his DNA, Warden was able to clone 10,000 Jacknifes, each identical to the other, who quickly escaped and spread across the world, committing crimes all over the planet.

Ash Firin

Ash Firin is a compassionate inmate with a heart of fire, a noble and kind soul who loves children and is nice to other inmates. As a child, Ash Firin was trapped in the movie theater while it was on fire, suffering burns that left him looking like that. He is The Warden's best friend and they have many things in common.

Ash's most characteristic ability is manipulating fire, he has used this to shoot fireballs that destroy the enemy, create explosions and teleport with fire. When Ash thinks of his best memories, his fire intensifies enough to destroy Superjail.

He’s also the best character in the entire show!

Gary Sedi and the Bird

Gary is a bespectacled man who rarely speaks while Bird is a small canary. While neither has had that much dialogue during the series, it is clear that they run the show in Superjail and have a strong relationship with each other.

While Gary never talks, it’s clear that Bird and him are running the show at Superjail. He and Bird share a strong relationship. In one scene Bird was hungry, Gary opened a small tin full of worms with which he took one worm, chewed it up, and allowed Bird to eat from his mouth.

Bird seems to be one of the smartest characters in the show, and usually he and Gary are behind the inside doings of Superjail. His intelligence is shown by the fact that Gary only has to make eye movement or face movement for Bird to understand any orders that are given. Bird might also be the reason why Gary is in jail, as Gary has never killed anyone. Bird is also quite brutal, as in one scene, Gary feeds him worms from his mouth. Gary's cellmate (Fatty) makes a joke by stating, "Hey Gary! I got a worm for you right here! I'm talking about my penis." In response bird flies over and rips Fatty's "penis" off screen. Bird and Gary then both chew on the penis. In the episode "Ladies Night", Bird also appears to be running a cult.

Special Needs Inmates

The Special Needs Inmates are a group of Superjail inmates that have been disfigured through various accidents in Superjail. This group of inmates are some of the very few inmates to actually survive the many riots that have ocurred throughout Superjail. They have since gave up their violent ways to not repeat any of their tragedies ever again.


  • Disfigured Armless Leader: He is an unnamed elderly African-American inmate leader of the Special Needs Inmates who is armless as he has no arms of any kind, using only his feet to hold and carry any objects such as cigarettes to smoke. He leads this group of inmates. His face was later burned off by another Superjail Inmate's jetpack by Alice. In the Season 4 episode, "The Superjail Six", there is a very similar armless inmate resembling the leader of the Special Needs Inmates that told the story of "The Superjail Six" to Lord Stingray and Prisoner Peedee.

  • Slim: An inmate divided in half vertically and existing as only that half. Slim later found a right half of another inmate to use for his own body. He ended up being killed by Alice after his right half was chopped off by her using a sign. He originally made a cameo in "Sticky Discharge", but looked much different and screamed after Jean threw rocks at him.

  • Guns: An African-American inmate with well-built arms, but shrunken legs and confined to only a wheelchair. He is later impaled by a handicapped sign and had his arm ripped off by Alice. Guns has also made some cameo appearances in "Sticky Discharge", "The Trouble with Triples", "Last Pack", and "The Superjail Inquisitor."

  • Bag Pipe: An inmate who has several pipes lodged into his body and speaks with a Scottish accent. He was later killed after his insides were drained from his pipes by Bird, from the commands of Gary.

  • Garbage Bag Inmate: An unnamed inmate with a body of a garbage-bag. He was later blown up after a launched inmate crashed into him. He originally made a cameo in "Sticky Discharge."

  • Limbless Inmate: An unnamed quadriplegic inmate without any known limbs. He is often carried by an unnamed arrow-head inmate. He was later killed when he was accidentally launched into another inmate by a funnel.

  • Jawless Inmate: An unnamed inmate without a jaw in his mouth and sings "Amazing Grace" using his hands as a mouth. He was later decapitated by Guns' severed arm thrown by Alice. He additional makes a cameo in "Superstorm!", where he appears among The Doctor's Mutants/Experiments, along with Lowbrow.

  • Arrow-Head Inmate: An unnamed African-American/dark-skinned inmate with an arrow through his head. He is often seen carrying a Limbless Inmate. Unlike most of the Special Needs Inmates, he is never shown being killed in "Special Needs." Additionally, unlike the Special Needs leader and Guns, this inmate doesn't have any lips of any kind.

  • Lowbrow: A diminutive inmate with his head and skull squished down. He appeared once when Guns told the other Special Needs Inmates to keep their heads down and apologizes to Lowbrow, who just says its okay. He additional makes a cameo in "Superstorm!", where he appears among The Doctor's Mutants/Experiments, along with the Jawless Inmate.

  • Two-Face Chinese Inmate: A Chinese inmate with a ponytail, a Fu Manchu-style mustache, and a half-face who speaks using Chinese language. He had half his face ripped off and sewn onto Jared's in the Season 2 episode "Mayhem Donor." The other half of his face is soon sliced off by Gary, using a meat cleaver, and wore half of his face. Although, this inmate had actually make cameos in "Combaticus" and "Ghosts", but his face is still intact instead of being severe.

  • Unnamed Members: Several unnamed members of the Special Needs appear with the group. In "Sticky Discharge", a half-armless and legless Asian inmate with a cigarette in his mouth resembling the Special Needs leader can be seen. Though, this inmate is never actually seen in the actual "Special Needs" episode and only present in Jean's fantasy. A few other disfigured inmates are seen in "Special Needs." They include an inmate on a wheelchair with a very long pole-like neck, two inmates with a metal object going through both of their left eyes, an severe inmate reduced to a head, a bone rip, and a small part of an organ, a legless inmate with a mustache who rides on a skateboard, another legless inmate who throws a football to a dark-skinned inmate with hooks for hands. All of these inmates are unnamed and never seen for the rest of the episode.

Prisoner Peedee

Peedee is a wooden ventriloquist dummy who is possessed by Gary's vocal cords and speaks with a mobster accent. He was brought to life with a magic book when The Warden wanted to spice up his ventriloquist dummy act. He is rude and ruthless, and made all the inmates laugh. However, the dummy soon seems to take a mind of his own with a little bit of help from Gary and Bird to escape from Superjail, using only an enormous Peedee dummy created by Jared, but was stopped by The Warden and Jared. At the end of the episode, when Gary's vocal cords were thrown away into the trash by Alice, a rat eats it and makes Peedee become "The Rat", who starts running an entire army full of Rats in Superjail afterwards.

Peedee, as "The Rat", reappears again in "Planet Radio" as the main antagonist, along with Lord Stingray, where he runs a radio show called "Planet Radio" and attempted to destroy "Jailpup." At the end of the episode, "The Rat" is killed by Alice and loses his vocal cords, which flies into the trash and makes Peedee's puppet form come back to life.


Bobo was an inmate who grew to colossal size after he put his hand in a small puddle of growth serum spilled by Jared.

He would later appear again in the chaotic part of the final battle during the end of "Time-Police Part 2" where he eats a giant mosquito and one of the pirate skeletons from "Superbar" in one mouthful.

Jean and Paul

Jean and Paul are a gay couple in SuperJail who are genuinely in love with each other, though they have had their moments where their relationship has wavered and have even briefly broken up on one occasion, however they always end up back together despite their issues.

Jean is the more masculine of the two who is prone to anger and occasionally gets caught staring at other men being raped in the showers, much to Paul's annoyance. According to some of his tattoos, he used to be a white supremacist, but gave up those racist views after falling in love with Paul.

Paul is the stereotypical "feminine" type of homosexual in the couple, always being more willing to express his emotions and feelings with Jean even if he doesn't know how to express them himself. Unlike Jean, Paul is shown to still have a good relationship with his parents.

Both have experience and combat skills, since they are the leaders of two of the most dangerous groups in Superjail, they know how to fight better than any prisoner. They can do a “Rainbow Rainbow combo attack”, a move where one climbs on top of the other and both destroy the enemy with rainbows.

They have also been seen using weapons such as machine guns, shotguns and hammers in a war car to survive the zombie apocalypse.


One of the more intelligent and civil (hence the nickname) inmates in Superjail, usually speaking and acting in a cool and confident manner. It is hinted that he is part of the small circle of inmates which the Warden treats as equals and shows respect for.

Due to his intelligence, he is in charge of planning and carrying out the different attempts to escape from Superjail, as well as creating machines and vehicles such as submarines using only loose parts from a bar.

Lord Stingray

“I am LORD Stingray!”

The story of Lord Stingray is relatively unknown, but it was shown that he had a complex army and a base of operations. When the human army, Stars N' Stripes, attacked Stingray's base, he fled and eventually crashed on the wrong meeting island, which was, of course, where Superjail was built. After being spotted by The Warden, who saw him as someone to admire, Jailbot brought him back to Superjail.

After gaining The Warden's trust, he betrayed him, taking control of Superjail with his army and leaving Warden with the other inmates. Once together, Warden and the inmates joined forces to defeat Stingray's army and regain Superjail.

After his invasion attempt failed, he tried to escape, but was eventually captured. His devices and some parts of his armor were removed, leaving him at the mercy of the other convicts. He is currently an inmate at Superjail. He has made several attempts to take over Superjail, but all have been failures.


  • Fang: Fang is Stingray's pet, a baby Crynoc capable of eating anything. He is deeply connected to his master and follows him almost everywhere. Stingray is the only character he really shows affection to. Stingray also seems to care about him because in "Burn Stoolie Burn", he didn't hesitate to take him along to escape from Superjail while he was on fire. Fang communicates with his mother, a gigantic Crynoc, in order for the tied-up The Warden and co. not be eaten alive. When Alice kicks Fang towards an area full of dancing Zamzazon Valkyries, his Mother heads to the area to kill the Zamzazon Valkyries to most likely protect Fang while The Warden and co, untie themselves.

The Twins

The Twins are two aliens from an unknown planet, they spend their time creating elaborate and clever plans designed to make their stay on Superjail entertaining and constantly get the prisoners into trouble. Even if they are only on Superjail for vacation, they will help in a fight if necessary to defend the place where they are.



    Hacking: Both often mess with Superjail's technology to change it at will, but the most notorious example is when they hacked Jailbot to turn him against The Warden.


    Black Hat

    True Form

    “Then I had a vision... It was the terrible and ominous origin of chaos in the center of the universe... something that only exists in absolute darkness and in the total destruction of order…”

    Yes, just as you hear it.... Black Hat is not just a sexy Tumblr man, that's just an appearance. He is, in fact, worse than you could ever imagine. According to Alan Ituriel, he always loved reading Lovecraft, and loved the concept of a Lovecraftian creature beyond our comprehension and reality that would drive us mad just by seeing it, and Black Hat is obviously one of these creatures.

    The real Black Hat is an entity beyond human comprehension, an evil beyond comprehension and creator of concepts such as Chaos, Destroyer of Order and the concept of nightmares. Black Hat takes advantage of its existence as a concept of nightmares to invade our subconscious, manipulating our dreams and turning them into nightmares to enter our dimension from its own dimension.

    The true form of Black Hat is a formless Abstract entity, which we cannot understand without going crazy for having him in front of us, which means that he is the one who embodies the concepts mentioned above and not the Black Hat we all know. In fact, this Black Hat is nothing more than an avatar, a shell that is presumably Aldo Maldonado, who gave his body and soul to Black Hat to exist in physical form, but not before going completely mad. He is also called as omnipresent in our reality, which reaffirms his nature as a concept that governs reality and exists beyond it.


    La creatura. This mf is an actual fraud smh. (See Before The Verdict)

    El Charro Negro

    The legendary myth of Mexico. Many believe it is just a legend, others believe it is a story invented to scare, and many believe it is real, and that it roams Mexico in search of innocent souls. What we do know is that the legendary Charro Negro is Lord Black Hat himself. When the time comes, Lord Black Hat transforms himself into the Black Charro, riding a dark horse and going out in flames to ride through Mexico at night. Although many believe that the Black Charro does not exist, Black Hat is proof that the legends are real.


    Black Hat has taken many different forms over time, but one taken to defeat a knight hero, specifically in the medieval era, Black Hat became a dragon capable of creating fire and burning armor.

    Human Form 

    (Art by Lil Jack)

    As mentioned before, Black Hat is not a physical or corporeal entity. He is the concept of omnipresent evil in the universe and a being that does not exist conventionally, so how does he control the organization as a person? Throughout history, Black Hat has controlled several people in order to be in the physical world, he has been seen to have used the body of humans from decades ago, and the current body he controls is that of Aldo Maldonado, a young student who started attending Black Hat Organization meetings, but eventually lost his mind, and at his graduation, he gave his "shell" to the master, to rule the world in physical form.

    The Warden

    Future Warden

    “Adios, Mexicans”

    After thinking of turning the Superjail into an international empire, Warden was captured by the Time police, a force of justice that arrests people for things they have not yet done, but could have done, and things that happened in another timeline where the person did commit the crime. Warden's crime was to have been able to turn Superjail international, as this would cause a dictatorship where Warden became a tyrannical dictator who eventually conquered all the countries of the world, whom we will know as Future Warden.



    In the army that serves Warden, there are several robots with the appearance of their creator, which attack mainly with knives (fast enough so that normal people cannot see the attack) and ranged weapons.


    On the battlefield, there are several turrets in the appearance of Warden, whose main function is to shoot lasers out of their eyes and launch pink balls that are actually mechas operated by Alice.


    If Warden wants, he is able to launch capsules into battle, from which emerge deformed specimens that are a strange mixture of the main members of Superjail.


    Future Jared

    Out of all the alternate future characters, Jared has changed the most. He is now very happy and enjoys what he does. He seems to be much more appreciated, being Future Warden's go-to guy for tasks ranking from strategy to population control.

    Jared from the future is a weapons expert, having used a rifle to kill a mother who tried to escape with her child, even though she was a great distance away. After Warden touches himself and breaks space-time, opening portals to other universes, we see Future Jared with a golden rifle and interacting with main Jared.

    Jailbot X

    Jailbot X is the new upgraded version of Jailbot. He has new powers, 3 forms, a new shape, and even more capabilities then the original. He is still loyal to his father, who is now Future Warden. He also zapped the President of The United States and some other world leaders.

    Superhell Warden

    After releasing their emotions after recalling their best memories, Warden and Ash set fire to all of Superjail, turning it into a veritable inferno on earth.

    Warden and Ash became the kings of hell, with their bodies completely engulfed in flames and shooting fire at those who did not obey them; they also had several fire monsters as their subjects.

    Warden's Inner Child

    Warden's Inner Child is a purple monster that exists inside The Warden, and when it comes out, it leaves Warden's body in a vegetative state but alive. After Warden felt jealous because everyone paid more attention to Saner than him on his birthday, the inner child emerged from Warden's body with the intention of killing Sanser so that Warden gets all the attention. 

    Fuck you, Warden.


    Real World Warden

    Real World Warden is, as the name implies, the real Warden, who exists in the real world and created all of Superjail, as it is a dream of his mind.

    This version of Warden still has his powers in the real world (or so it seems), as we see him in the Live Action using the Fight City machine to disintegrate viewers and even send Jailbot into the real world.


    Black Hat


    • He conquered and destroyed countless civilizations.

    • Founded a Multiversal empire owning countless evil companies.

    • His organization helped villains throughout the Multiverse.

    • Became the owner of the largest evil network in the Multiverse.

    • Named as the greatest villain of all time.

    • It is said that he never met a hero or villain to match his stature.

    • It is impossible to be as evil a villain as Lord Black.

    • be is the hottest hottie in the Multiverse!

    • Plays Team Fortress 2.




    • Literally no feats lol, never been hit or damaged in any way

    The Warden


    • Became the world's youngest jail owner.

    • Created Superjail on his own.

    • Creator of countless technological inventions.

    • Outwitted the time police.

    • Became a dictator and leader of the earth in an alternate future.

    • Fooled all the world's leaders.

    • Caused countless deaths in Superjail and the rest of the world.

    • *Robotic sounds*






    Black Hat


    As obvious as it is, Black Hat is far, FAR superior to his helpers, he has been seen to damage Flug and Dementia together, has destroyed 5.0.5 many times, and can destroy the strongest Hatbot-Sentinel in a fit of rage.

    CN H³eroes

    “Ah, music to my ears, the screams of a suffering hero always put a smile on my face.”

    Black Hat has never met a hero capable of standing up to him; the Hat-Bots have tortured and killed multiple Cartoon Network heroes, such as Finn and Jake, Uncle Grandpa and Dexter. It is also implied that Black Hat took down several heroes on his own, such as Finn & Jake, Steven, Grim and the KND. So, we will use scaling to the heroes and characters he clearly scales (See Before the Verdicts)

    CN Villains

    Black Hat has advised and analyzed countless Cartoon Network villains, and none have been able to stand up to him, in fact, most are official members of the Black Hat Organization or were killed by Black Hat or his minions, but this only applies to characters with whom he has interacted.

    Miscellaneous Heroes and Villains

    Black Hat is, without any doubt, the most powerful character in his world. There has never been a hero capable of fighting Black Hat and there is no villain capable of comparing to him, even Alan Ituriel declared that Black Hat is the most powerful character in the world of Villainous.

    Teen Titans Go!? LOONEY TUNES!? (Debatable)

    (These bastards should have a section of their own instead of putting them in Heroes smh…)

    This has been somewhat controversial both in general and when doing the blog, due to the fact that we don't have a direct episode about Black Hat analyzing a TTG character, however, Trigon and other TTG Villains like Darkseid are Black Hat clients, and in a scene that didn't come out in the show, we see how a Black Hat Organization robot defeats Robin (as this scene was not in the episode, you be the judge whether to use it or not). On the blacklist of Black Hat victims are Marvin the Martian and Brain, and the Omnitrix created by Flug has Toon DNA, yet Black Hat's DNA is still the most powerful. But most directly of all, Striker, the villain of Crossover Nexus, who is comparable to Raven, is a client of Black Hat Organization and Black Hat sold him his weapon, this is relevant because Crossover Nexus is canon to TTG and OK KO, and OK KO shares canon with Villainous (See Before The Verdicts), so Black Hat is canonically superior to Striker, who can hold his own fighting Raven, and at the same time, Raven is comparable to the Looney Tunes.

    With all this, we could do a section on TTG and LT feats... however! We don't see the need to give Black Hat that in this blog, as you can argue similar stats, and while this scaling could give Black Hat a much, MUCH higher level than what we gave him in this blog, he doesn't really need it here, so, we leave it up to you whether or not to take this scaling!

    The Warden


    Jared, Alice and Jailbot are the three main guards in Superjail alongside Warden, and it has been seen on several occasions that The Warden can compare to them. He is clearly superior to Jared, who he can beat in a fight and is weak. While he is inferior to Alice, he can survive a beating from her without dying but being badly injured, and lastly, he can withstand attacks from Jailbot and even run away from him, so the feats that these three have, can be applied for Warden.


    The death of prisoners is Superjail's daily bread, prisoners have been seen to die from Superjail's monsters and robots, moreover, The Warden has killed them several times, once together with Jared, they defeated all Superjail's prisoners, Warden can also accidentally kill Ash Firin, beat up Jacknife and withstand attacks from all prisoners together. Finally, Superjail's guards, Alice and Jailbot, are constantly shown analyzing and terrorizing prisoners, so Warden can reach their level.

    The Twins

    While, we have not seen them fight outright, The Warden was able to stab Ozzal and cut open his stomach, causing massive damage, this is important because Ozzal is the father of the twins and the Triplets, and is known to be stronger than all of the brothers.

    It is also implied several times that the twins are physically inferior to the other Superjail prisoners, as they have fled in terror when the prisoners turned into wolves, and usually avoid outright against the other prisoners, which would make Warden and other characters able to escalate to their exploits.


    Although Sunshine is portrayed as stronger than the rest of the Superjail cast, Warden can scale him without problems. Both Warden and Alice survive attacks from Sunshine, also Jared survived a lightning bolt from Sunshine that cleared the storm, and lastly, Warden absorbed Sunshine's powers such as the sandstorm and rays, to finally absorb the star created by Sunshine, cast it in the form of lightning and cause Sunshine to explode into pieces.


    Black Hat

    Despite being the embodiment of evil, Black Hat and his subordinates are not free from weaknesses. Firstly, Black Hat is not patient in situations that annoy him, and he can get angry quite easily in these cases, which might lead him to act impulsively. Additionally, he can be summoned against his will through a ritual (as 505 did in the video), which would only make him angrier. Other than that, he doesn't have any notable weaknesses aside from accidentally breaking a tablet that Flug gave him for Christmas.

    His subordinates are a different story. They might have faced thousands of heroes and proven to be more competent than they seem, but they still have their flaws. Flug may be one of the smartest minds in the universe, but in most cases, he relies heavily on his technology and machines for physical confrontations, lacking experience in these and being weak compared to the world around him. Dementia has proven to be a genius on certain occasions, but that doesn’t mean that in most cases she acts impulsively and is controlled by emotions like anger and rage, which can lead to consequences like being caught in some situations. And 505, well, he's a lovely person, but he's not the type of bear suited for villainy, being too naive against various enemies and lacking any evil within him.

    The Warden

    No matter how powerful Warden may be, he is someone who is very, VERY emotionally and mentally unstable. He is constantly haunted by his past and the atrocities his father forced him to commit at a very young age, such as killing a puppy and executing a group of people. This emotional pressure can cause him to make rash decisions when overly emotional, like the time he destroyed all of Superjail alongside Ash because he was lost in his best memories. Warden is vulnerable to various things, especially those that can incapacitate him from fighting, even things from his own officer, such as the sleep gas that covered all of Superjail. He can even be frozen by ice or while inside a freezer and can die if turned into an old man like the time police did. His regeneration might be delayed, as he was incapacitated for days after Alice broke all his bones, although this is inconsistent since he has been seen regenerating much faster from far greater damage.

    Lastly, no matter how smart he is, Warden is someone very, very dependent on Jailbot, since Jailbot does all the hard work in Superjail. Warden becomes vulnerable and doesn't know what to do on his own when Jailbot isn't around, and even simple tasks like cleaning and feeding animals can be deadly for him.

    Before the Verdicts…

    Black Hat Upscaling to all CN? (+ the Villainous canon)

    Short answer: No, he doesn't lmao.

    Large answer: This is the most controversial topic of this Blog and Black Hat in general. Over the years, many things have been said about Black Hat, such as that he is the most powerful character in Cartoon Network, that he can destroy the Cartoon Network cosmology, or even that he has only defeated weak and non-canon versions of Cartoon Network characters. All of them are false, and to clear it up once and for all, we are going to focus on an interview with Alan Ituriel (the creator of Villainous) made a year ago, where he answers this once and for all.

    Spanish (Original):

    Entrevistador: “Crees que Black Hat es el villano o el personaje más poderoso de Cartoon Network hasta actualmente?”

    Alan Ituriel: “Creo que esto no lo platicamos, es una muy buena pregunta... Cuando nosotros iniciamos con los videos de orientación, Black Hat no era el principal, al igual que en el show, yo que quería que Flug fuera el que daba los consejos, que al final si fue eso, osea, se tornó a eso, porque Black Hat tenía cierto límite de poder usarlo en el mismo formato o se volvía aburrido, como que el principio siempre fue "Buenos, vamos a hacer como una especie de crossovers con los cartoons, porque Cartoon quería eso, nos dijo "incorporemos otros Cartoons" y fue como "vamos a meter a los villanos, vamos a hacer los videos de Orientación y analicen, que digan los errores", entonces cuando empezó el plan era que fuera Flug, pero Cartoon dijo "No pero Black Hat está muy gracioso, vamos a tratar con Black Hat", y a partir de esto fuimos desarrollando esto donde Black Hat critica muy directamente a todos, y para hacerlo lo más apegado al canon posible, contactamos a todos los que pudimos, contactamos a los de Chicos del Barrio, uno que no pudimos contactar porque si está muy difícil fue al de las chicas super poderosas, porque en ese momento estaba trabajando en Disney, entonces estaba muy difícil, pero intentamos contactar a todos los que pudimos, y con ellos lo trabajamos, trabajamos esa dualidad de que Black Hat pueda ser el proveedor de todos los gadgets, esteban también daba algunas libertades porque el ayudaba con esos guiones, de hacer a Black Hat un poco más manchado (risas), entonces, digamos: Lo que siempre hablamos, que he hablado con Diego mulano de "víctor y valentino", que he hablado con Ian de "OK KO", es que Black Hat es ese mal que une varios universos, pero también es como las conexiones que ha habido dentro de Cartoon, digamos como algunos Plot holes que faltan en algunas series, nunca lo hemos visto como el más fuerte, para el mundo de Villanos si, si lo veo así, pero para los otros shows ya mucho depende de los otros creadores, por ejemplo con Diego si lo discutimos, dijo "A mi si me gustaría que Black Hat algo más", igual con Ian, pero a mi nunca me ha gustado imponerlo mucho, yo lo vería como que en el mundo de Villanos si es una cosa bárbara, pero si hay un crossover como el de Victor & Valentino o cualquier otro, ya sería cuestión de hablar con ese otro creador, y ver que rol tendría Black Hat dentro de su universo.”


    Interviewer: “Do you think Black Hat is the most powerful villain or character on Cartoon Network so far?”

    Alan Ituriel: “I don't think we talked about this, it's a very good question... When we started with the orientation videos, Black Hat was not the main one, just like in the show, I wanted Flug to be the one giving the advice, which in the end it was, I mean, it turned into that, because Black Hat had a certain limit of being able to use it in the same format or it became boring, like the beginning was always "Well, let's do some kind of crossovers with the cartoons, because Cartoon wanted that, they told us "let's incorporate other Cartoons" and it was like "let's put the villains in, let's do the Orientation videos and let them analyze, let them say the mistakes", so when it started the plan was that it would be Flug, but Cartoon said "No but Black Hat is very funny, let's deal with Black Hat", and from this we developed this where Black Hat criticizes very directly to everyone, and to make it as close to the canon as possible, we contacted everyone we could, we contacted the KND creator, one that we could not contact because it is very difficult was the super powerful girls, because at that time he was working at Disney, so it was very difficult, but we tried to contact everyone we could, and we worked with them, we worked that duality that Black Hat could be the supplier of all the gadgets, Esteban also gave some liberties because he helped with those scripts, to make Black Hat a little more tainted (laughs), so, let's say: What we always talk about, what I have talked about with Diego Mulano from "Victor and Valentino", what I have talked about with Ian from "OK KO", is that Black Hat is that evil that unites several universes, but it is also like the connections that there have been within Cartoon, let's say like some Plot holes that are missing in some series, we have never seen it as the strongest, for the world of Villanos yes, I see it like that, but for the other shows it depends a lot on the other creators, for example with Diego if we discussed it, he said "I would like Black Hat something more", the same with Ian, but I have never liked to impose it much, I would see it as in the world of Villanos if it is a great thing, but if there is a crossover like Victor & Valentino or any other, it would be a matter of talking with that other creator, and see what role Black Hat would have within their universe.”

    What Alan says is quite clear; Black Hat is not and never was the most powerful character of Cartoon Network, so upscaling to Cartoon Network is not an option. Saying that they are weaker versions is not an option either, since Alan contacted the original creators of each series when writing an episode, to make them stick to the canon of the original series, and in fact, several are canon for both series, such is the case of Victor & Valentino, which has made references to Black Hat after the events of the crossover, Alan said it is canon to both shows, and even Cacao has stopped appearing, since he was captured by BHO. Alan says this same thing happened with Ian, the creator of OK KO, who even did a comic where Boxman reacts to the Orientation video and curses Black Hat, and series like Mighty Magisword have referenced Black Hat, like the time the Magisword Black Hat appears in the show. What we mean is that these videos if canon for a large portion of the shows Villainous crossed paths with, and those that don't, are true to canon versions of each character, so Black Hat is allowed to scale the characters he has interacted with. Finally, Alan stated in that interview that Black Hat is the evil that connects the universes of the Cartoon Network series, and is even responsible for the Plot Holes in these shows, so, the most logical thing to say is that the crossovers are canon for almost all the shows, including Villainous.

    Now, where does the argument that Black Hat upscaled the entire Cartoon Network come from? Well:

    Yes, from nowhere. Alan Ituriel literally never claimed that Black Hat is the most powerful character on Cartoon Network, not once. This is something that people made up and made into a popular belief despite it being unfounded, and they've used it to both wank Black Hat and make him look like a Gary Stu created to beat all of Cartoon Network, when he's not.

    TL;DR: Black Hat is not the most powerful character on Cartoon Network and Alan never intended him to be, however, the crossover versions are faithful to canon, and most are canon complements, so Black Hat does scale the characters he defeated.

    Villainous Cosmology

    Of course, we could not ignore the great cosmology that Villainous has, which connects to the largest crime network in the Multiverse and which Black Hat governs today.

    El Libro Completamente Inofensivo de Black Hat

    (Art by Fatisさんのイラストまとめ)

    Black Hat's Completely Harmless Book is a huge and, in fact, easy to explain world, which Black Hat scales by having created it and being able to destroy all the dimensions inside.

    To begin with, this is not a book, we know that from the following description (which is at the beginning):


    A quien esté leyendo esto:

    Este LIBRO no debería ser leído, ni siquiera es un LIBRO. Puede parecerlo al principio pero realmente es una especie de juego repulsivo creado por un ente aún más repulsivo, cruel y vil.

    Cada una de sus páginas está plagada de horrores que deberían existir únicamente en las pesadillas y sobrepasan la imaginación más retorcida. Sin embargo, habitan aquí dentro.

    Así que deja de leer inmediatamente, pues si continúas, EL LIBRO te someterá a diferentes situaciones que te harán elegir un camino y te harán tomar “inocentes decisiones”, pero en realidad cada camino que tomes puede llevarte al desastre, el infortunio y la desesperación. Hará que te arrepientas de tus decisiones y te abrumará con las desagradables consecuencias de tus actos.

    No sé quién seas ni cómo obtuviste este libro, pero estoy intentando evitar que sufras el mismo destino que yo.

    Aún estás a tiempo para elegir algún otro LIBRO bonito para colorear o al menos alguno que tenga un final feliz que no esté en riesgo de ser arruinado por tus paradójicas decisiones.

    Si, a pesar de todo lo antes mencionado, decides continuar, hallarás que, por más que quieras, te será imposible cerrar este libro y olvidarte de los secretos oscuros que residen en él.

    Estás advertido.”



    To whoever is reading this:

    This BOOK should not be read, it isn't even a BOOK. It may seem like it at first, but it is actually a sort of repulsive game created by an even more repulsive, cruel, and vile entity.

    Each of its pages is filled with horrors that should only exist in nightmares and surpass the most twisted imagination. However, they dwell inside here.

    So stop reading immediately, because if you continue, THE BOOK will subject you to different situations that will make you choose a path and make you take "innocent decisions," but in reality, each path you take can lead you to disaster, misfortune, and despair. It will make you regret your decisions and overwhelm you with the unpleasant consequences of your actions.

    I don’t know who you are or how you got this book, but I am trying to prevent you from suffering the same fate as I did.

    You are still in time to choose some other nice BOOK to color or at least one that has a happy ending and isn’t at risk of being ruined by your paradoxical decisions.

    If, despite all the above warnings, you decide to continue, you will find that, no matter how much you want to, it will be impossible to close this book and forget the dark secrets that reside within it.

    You have been warned.”

    In a straightforward way we are told that it is not a book, it only looks like one, and in reality it is a twisted game created by Black Hat to store horrors beyond imagination, which he used to seal Kaleb.

    As for how big it is, we should know the basics: there is a labyrinth that leads to other worlds, which is Kaleb's first option to escape from the book. These worlds are literally universes, as the pirate mentions that the dog chases those who try to flee this "reality" (world), and constantly chases those who move between realities to escape. These worlds are also called in several occasions as dimensions, so we can easily say that they are universes with their space-time separated one from the other.

    Regarding the number of floors there are, we are not given a limit number, but the maximum number we know is 3553:

    “One by one the little hand goes on its way its way until finally, accompanied by the classic !Ping!’, it stops.... on the 3553rd floor”.

    But this does not end here, because in fact, Kaleb affirms that the size of the book is “infinite”, and its floors too, so it could never run away or reach the limit, which means that there are infinite universes in this book.

    Other Dimensions

    The hardest part of explaining cosmology, but we will try to be very clear.

    As explained earlier, it is prophesied that Black Hat will destroy "all dimensions" that exist when he brings back the Red Eclipse, but these dimensions could be the other Cartoon Network shows that have appeared in Villainous: In the book "Flug's Log," Doctor Flug mentions having been to many alternate dimensions, talking about his travels to other Cartoon Network shows, and he has referred to other shows as universes. For example, he mentions that Regular Show is "the RS universe," and the narrator says that Black Hat Organization is the "largest crime network in the multiverse," showing that the entire Cartoon Network multiverse is connected to Black Hat. Alan reaffirms this idea in the interview we mentioned earlier, where he says that Black Hat unites all Cartoon Network universes.

    And if you think we are overanalyzing and connecting unrelated things, the book where the Red Eclipse is mentioned destroying dimensions, "The Doctor Flug Log," is the same book where Flug refers to other shows as "Dimensions," so it is quite straightforward.

    In the crossover with Victor & Valentino, Black Hat explicitly says that he sent Flug and Dementia to an alternate dimension, and then sent them to another show. This is the strongest evidence to say that those mentioned dimensions are indeed the other Cartoon Network shows connected to Villainous, and therefore, Black Hat could destroy them.

    With all this in mind, there are many cosmologies that Black Hat can scale to, however, the main one is that of PPG (yes, seriously), where there exists the well-explained geometric Fifth Dimension, which results in Black Hat and the Red Eclipse reaching a Low Complex Multiversal (5-D) level as their maximum level. If not, the Villainous cosmology should be at least Multiversal to Multiversal+.

    Black Hat ACTUALLY created the Show?

    One of the most used arguments to analyze Black Hat comes from a documentary behind the creation of Villainous, where it is revealed that Alan Ituriel created Black Hat in the real world to create Villainous, so Black Hat is the creator of the plot of the whole show and is actually a puppet. There doesn't seem to be a problem with this, does there?

    Well... actually there are many, many problems that prevent this from being really usable.

    The first one is the lack of understanding of what is said in the documentary, even misunderstanding the very words of Black Hat, who gives us a key phrase to debunk this:

    “Este sangano miente, un día el desesperado hizo un ritual para invocarme a mi, y me pidió hacer una caricatura genial y gloriosa asi que, ¿qué más que mi imagen y mi historia?”

    “This slimeball is lying, one day he made a desperate ritual to summon me, and asked me to make a great and glorious caricature, so, what more than my image and my story?”

    What he says is that basically, he did live all that for real, and Alan Ituriel invoked him to create a caricature based on his experiences, so Black Hat didn't really create Villainous, he just made a caricature based on him.

    The biggest problem is how contradictory this is for the plot of Villainous, since several times we have seen that Black Hat exists in the real world, but he is not a puppet, he has the same design as in the animated show, and in a video of Alan Ituriel that says: "is narrated by Lord Black Hat himself", however, we see this puppet totally still, as if he had no life, while Black Hat speaks. The second occasion is more recent, as Alan did an event where Black Hat himself comes to the real world and answers questions about the new Villain Handbook, claiming to be Alan's boss and again, with his original design, and finally, we have seen many times that Black Hat with his animated design has been in the real world, bossing Alan, bringing him into the animated show and even using Alan as if he were the puppet, and not the other way around, and has even said "Dad" to Alan as if he had created him and not simply summoned him. All this greatly contradicts the idea that Black Hat was created by Villainous or is a puppet, the correct thing to say is that Black Hat was created in the show, but he can go out into the real world and being the Alan's boss, who is his creator.

    Superjail Cosmology

    Superjail's cosmology is a vast and huge place, full of interesting places that we must explain, since Warden created everything in his mind and the dream machine can destroy the whole cosmology.

    The Superjail!

    The Superjail is the place where most episodes take place, a maximum security prison created by The Warden to hold prisoners.

    Of course, it's not a normal prison, it's built in a volcano, so it's Mountain Level.

    Now really, Superjail is bigger than it looks, as the volcano functions as a portal and is much bigger on the inside than the outside, it contains a sky with clouds that is not part of the normal sky, this includes a sun that has been seen several, several, several times throughout the show, and at night a moon, a starry sky and even a space filled with galaxies have been seen, so you get an idea of where this is going. Superjail is referred to by The Warden as “My universe”. This is not hyperbole, in fact, we consistently have information that Superjail is a universe, such as the description on the official site, where we are told that in Superjail, there is a space-time that Warden changes at his whim, and that it is free from the constants of space, time and sanity. And in an interview, Superjail is said to be a dimension. With all this, we can be sure that Superjail is a universe separate from the conventional universe, with its own space-time.

    Parallel Worlds

    There are other dimensions in the world of Superjail (the show, not the prison) that are explained. First, Superjail takes place in Dimension 5612 and is the largest prison in that dimension, so there are at least 5621 dimensions. We know these dimensions are universes because in Time Police, Warden refers to Superjail as the coolest prison in that universe, and at the same time it is the largest, so these 5612 dimensions are also universes.

    Now for the important part: in the two-episode special, "Time Police", we meet a place called The Time Prison, a place that is a separate dimension from all the others, where we see an alternate future where Warden became a dictator and took control of the world after thinking of making Superjail international, creating another universe where Warden committed a crime that he didn't actually commit yet, this happens not only with other people, it also happens with objects, as a bullet was arrested because it could have killed President Hightower, and killed him in another universe, which makes it clear that possible actions and decisions that fill other paths are alternate universes where different things happen that could have happened, and these alternate worlds are their own time continuum. At the end of the episode, Warden touches himself and opens portals throughout space-time and encounters his version of the alternate future, which ends up confirming that these events happened somewhere else.

    Returning to the time prison, this place is a separate dimension, where the flow of time is different, as Warden spent a few hours in the prison, but upon returning to Superjail, he had been gone for years.

    The Higher Universe (Debatable)

    The Higher Universe is a concept rarely seen in Superjail, in fact, it only appeared in one episode, but it's something worth mentioning.

    After Combaticus killed the Time Judge, the multiverse was reset, showing that all the events of Time Police, and thus the ,ultiverse, are inside a fryer, which is the same fryer we see in Time Police part 1 right at the beginning of the episode, before Jailbot captures Jacknife. This makes sense, as we have seen on several occasions that there is a larger version of Warden than Superjail, while there is a smaller Warden in another Superjail.

    This hints that there is a larger Universe, where the entire Multiverse is small enough to be inside a fryer, and there are also versions of Jailbot, Jacknife, Warden, and the other characters, which are larger than Superjail's Multiverse.

    Before we go to the next part, we'll respond to a counterargument.

    “This could have just been a reset, the episode starts over after the time judge dies, there isn't really a Multiverse inside the fryer.”

    This is disproved by the fact that no one could have reset the Multiverse on that occasion: the Judge was dead, the Time Police disappeared, and Warden was turned into a baby, which means that the Multiverse could not have been reset by anyone, and thus if there is a larger world.

    More arguments in Verdicts.

    The Real World

    The real world is the highest place in Superjail, and where cosmology ends. Two versions of the real world were seen, one is in Dream Machine: After the dream machine explodes, reality is destroyed and The Warden wakes up, revealing that he is a wanderer and all of Superjail is just a dream in his mind

    The second occasion, is in the Commin' Home music video, where there is a real world in which viewers see Superjail, and Jailbot and Warden can go into this real world and attack the viewers.

    How does Superjail actually work? Isn't it a dream?

    One thing that needs to be clarified is the nature of Superjail and how it works.

    Its nature as a dream has been questioned under the argument that "it is only a gag, Warden did not create all of reality by dreaming", an argument that is disproved by an interview with Christy Karacas and Stephen Warbricl, creators of the show, where they tell us that Superjail is a dream in a very explicit way:

    BE: How did Tim Carrington come to be the live-action version of the Warden?

    CK: Well, he’s a friend of mine, and we’re fans of his band (Les Savy Fav), and we just wanted to do that live-action thing. I mean, David was in L.A., I think he was shooting “Role Models,” but…he’s kind of too big for us. (Laughs)

    SW: Too big to lie in the garbage. (Laughs)

    CK: And Tim’s just kind of a crazy guy, so we thought, “What if ‘Superjail!’ was just some homeless guy’s dream and wasn’t really real?” But he worked out good.

    SW: Tim was the only guy willing to lie in a real pile of vomit for that shoot.

    This means it's not a gag, they had the idea of Superjail being just a dream from the beginning, and it's an idea that worked, besides, the Live Action is canon, since the idea of Superjail being a dream was born from an excuse to justify Tim playing The Warden in the Live Action. Now, some doubts arise, such as: Can Black Hat really interact with Warden despite it all being a dream, can the fight happen?

    And the short answer is yes. It is simple logic, actually, it is the same thing that happens with verses like Adventure Time or SpongeBob, both verses that exist in the mind of a superior being, but we do not say that everything is false, but that the real world is a kind of Superior Plane to cosmology, and a fight with characters that are not a dream can happen in this scenario, added to the fact that in the real world of Superjail, viewers see the show as fictional, a clear example of characters aware of being a TV show, which also does not prevent a fight can occur in this fictional world, but this real world is taken as a different dimension to the fictional world.

    Something to keep in mind is that even if you ignore all that, The real world Warden also has powers, as we see in the Live Action, he uses lightning to disintegrate bystanders and uses the Fight City machine, plus he can send Jailbot into the real world, and after he wakes up, we see a poster with a drawing of the fictional Warden breaking the fourth wall, something that would be impossible if Superjail was fictional and couldn't interact with the real world, so, yes, the fight can happen anyway!

    Anyway, this is a short section to put an end to the argument that match up cannot work, and also to show that the fight can happen and the characters can interact.

    Extra Art!

    (By Lofty)

    (By Blue Bear)

    (By Enidude5)


    (Art by Mav, renders made by CreeperPasta)

    Team Black Hat


    To kick things off, we’ll be addressing their stats. Let’s see how they stack up to each other.

    Black Hat

    When it comes to strength, Black Hat is nothing to scoff at. The lowest feat in terms of strength we could use here is Black Hot throwing weight that circled the Earth, a feat worth of 176 kilotons of TNT. An angry Black Hat can easily cause volcanic eruptions, he can even create huge tsunamis, and he’s even said to be able to destroy entire countries. And from there, it only gets cosmic. With his Magisword, a single laser blast could evaporate an entire planet, and even his most basic ships could replicate similar potency without much difficulty. He’s superior to KND Father, who made a crater in the planet resulting in a power of almost 65 exatons of TNT, and obviously also superior to Black Hot, that could throw his gym into the Sun, resulting in almost 2 zettatons of TNT. Black Hat is responsible for the creation of black holes, which isn’t much when you take into account his upscaling from Aku that can sustain pocket dimensions with Suns, something that gets to whooping 136 quettatons of TNT, and feats from Pops and Anti-Pops that reach Large Star level. Can we get much higher? Yes, we can! As for this maniac with a top hat can bust out universes without any issue. The destruction of space-time itself is one of BHO’s many services, his upscaling from characters like Marceline, Grim and The Lich makes this consistent, and with his transcendent power, he is responsible for creating a book filled with thousands of different realms with different space-times, or simply infinite of them. There is also the Red Eclipse statement that says he would destroy all dimensions during it. All of this ends up putting Black Hat at Multiversal to Multiversal+. If you consider Powerpuff Girl’s 5-D cosmology argument, he would scale to that as well, making Black Hat a Low Complex Multiversal powerhouse. Frankly, it could be way higher depending on where you have Teen Titans Go! and Looney Tunes, but we don’t need that.

    And now, speed! Lord Black Hat, to start low, can kick 5.0.5. hard enough to send him flying to the sky, and surprise Dr. Flug with his sheer speed. Flug can dodge missiles, lasers, explosives and bolts of lightning! Heck, even inferior Hat-Bots can dodge lasers. These feats only get higher, as Black Hot throwing his gym to the Sun reaches speeds of 332 times faster than light. Black Hat is capable of being large enough to encompass the center of the universe and leave stars as insignificant, not too surprising since his Magisword laser reaches and destroys a planet 33 million times faster than light. Thanks to his upscaling, he should scale to feats like the robot from Steven Universe jumping between galaxies and Garnet intercepting Steven mid warp travel, feats that are 83 billion times faster than light and 5.8 trillion times faster than light, respectively, and other feats such as Tiffany fledgling attacks from Undertakers (barely 490 quadrillion times faster than light) and Pops’ fist collision with Anti-Pops that covered the universe in seconds (Dragon Ball shockwaves??), resulting in 746 quadrillion times faster than light to 20 quintillion times faster than light. We don’t stop here, as if it weren’t impressive enough, Black Hat’s speed breaks even the bounds of infinity! His dog can cross dimensions and move between realities, and thanks to his superior DNA, upscales XLR8 who outsped a train faster than time itself. Mandy, Monster of Infinity, Rigby and the Timenado make this speed even more consistent.

    As for durability… unfortunately, Black Hat has never shown being harmed. However, his durability should not be too far from his power. Heroes and villains from countless dimensions fear even landing a finger on him, and he has many, many eons of battle experience. If he can dish out so much power, it’s only fair to assume he can take as much as he can release.



    The Warden shows impressive strength, more than you could thinking of! He’s superior to Sunshine, who can destroy nuclear power plants, a feat that gets to 1.1 kilotons of TNT. and Sunshine is also able to create a star (2.65 gigatons of TNT), which Mark has been shown to absorb. He can create giant storms all over Superjail, and even threaten Superjail itself with fire. With some sort of telekinesis, Warden could move the Moon (barely 26 yottatons of TNT), something not hard to believe when you consider that the Twins can create several Moons. We don’t stop here, as this wild dreamer can achieve cosmic scales easily. The Twins, who Warden upscales, can turn Combaticus into a constellation, a feat that gets to 0.705 FOE! And Mark himself can turn into a Sun. Because the Twins were also able to become larger than Superjail itself and shake it, that much energy would require almost 1.6 exaFOE to 1.534 zettaFOE of potency! But at the end of day, there's no doubt that the founder of Superjail can control… well… the entire cosmology. All of reality is made by him; by his dreams. He’s responsible for all of it. Considering that there are multiple parallel universes in the cosmology, and that we follow throughout the episodes Dimension 5612, we can at least assume that there are that many alternate realities, making Warden a Multiversal threat.

    In the speed category, Warden’s been shown to throw a golf ball to the Moon and dodge a lot of attacks from Jailbot. He also created a rocket that immediately went to the Moon, at a calculated speed of 1.42 times faster than light. Consistent, as characters that are inferior to Warden like Lord Stingray can casually dodge lasers and Jacknife can outrun missiles. We already mentioned, but Warden already reacted to Jailbot before, and Jailbot can fly to solar systems (one with a pink planet and one with a blue star) and fly from two black holes to Earth in a flash, three feats that get to, respectively, 629 million times faster than light, 27 billion times faster than light, and 15 quadrillion times faster than light. While it’s debatable if Warden really expanded himself to become a universe, as it’s more likely than not a transformation/shapeshifting feat, it would get to 14 quintillion times faster than light. Keep in mind we’re not acknowledging this one, though. But hey, what about infinite speeds? Well, Superjail has one immeasurable speed feat argument, but it’s probably not that concrete. It comes from one of the openings, where Jailbot crosses paths with supposedly a time traveler that teleports inside of a machine, and skipping forward a few seconds, the time traveler appears back, weirdly shifted as a side effect of his teleportation and mad that Jailbot arrived at the place first. To assume this is an immeasurable feat, you’d have to be saying Jailbot traveled through time itself to arrive first than the traveler; Unfortunately, nothing ever seems to imply that Jailbot did that, especially through sheer speed. While the Superjail openings are surely wacky and weird, arguing that background color changes or anything similar are results of Jailbot going through time with speed is not an idea backed up by the show (the background changes like that in every intro), and we can also simply say that the time traveler just skipped a few seconds into the future to arrive first, but failed. It isn’t absurd to imply that either, as while the openings of the show are canonical, they are still openings, made for a fast paced song to start the show. Ultimately, we (or at least, some of us) find it much easier to disconsider this as an immeasurable speed feat, as doing the opposite requires too many assumptions that are not elaborated anywhere in Superjail (the show).

    What he can dish, he can also receive pretty well… or well, not that much. Durability wise, he’s able to tank lots of attacks from prisoners, and survived an explosion after sticking his MEMBER on a machine. Scaling to other characters in Superjail at least make this lower endurance consistent enough, though much of the cosmic feats of the verse don’t have durability feats.


    Clear cut, isn’t it?

    Yup, Black Hat has the edge. To be entirely fair, Warden would have a better attack potency if we weren’t going with Multiversal+/5-D stats for Black Hat (at least 3553 universes VS at least 5612 universes), however, we don’t see any issues with those and as such, Black Hat is infinitely superior in strength and attack potency. As for speed, Black Hat is notably faster in finite ends (746 quadrillion c to 20 quintillion c VS 15 quadrillion c) and both could be tied if you ignore the issues with Superjail’s immeasurable speed, but Black Hat’s immeasurable speed scaling is far more consistent and concrete. In durability, Warden does show to, you know, actually have feats of endurance, but considering lore implications, it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume Black Hat had something to endure, but for fairness’ sake, Warden still is the one shown to tank blows. Mark is impressive, but no match for the almighty Lord Black Hat.

    Arsenal and Abilities 


    Both Black Hat and Warden have nifty gadgets of vast variety, as well as many allies to help them in combat. You may think Warden might’ve had the upper hand, but when you look into it, a good portion of them are useless or would straight up not work on Black Hat at all. Costumes, hats… growth serum? A few other more. Drugs won’t work on Black Hat, either. However, there are a few things in Warden’s kit that are worthy to talk about, so let’s get into them.

    Time Stick

    The Time Stick possesses some interesting abilities that Black Hat hasn’t really shown to resist. BFR is something Black Hat can deal with easily because of his dimensional travel and teleportation, and mind manipulation is something he just shrugged off, but the time manipulation aspects, age manipulation and physical erasure abilities are problematic… until you consider that Black Hat also has these same abilities, and likely would use them first. Warden has never really used the Time Sticks in combat, aside from removing a cage around another Warden and time traveling to help his prisoners, so relying on that is not something he would do more often than not. So, to put it short, Black Hat doesn’t resist, but he can counter just as much.

    All technology that Warden has (no really)

    Jokes aside, it’s pretty much that. Warden’s robots are explicitly vulnerable to hacking, so someone like Black Hat who has a few items and abilities to just do that would be good enough to turn Mark’s machinery against him. Funnily enough, thanks to Jailbot having the power to just drag real world people into Superjail, this could potentially mean Jailbot can drag real world Warden to Superjail and Black Hat can finish the job there (although idk how would you put him inside his mind but whatever). Most of Warden’s technology would either get destroyed in frame one or don’t work, as Black Hat’s technology manipulation and hacking are just too good (it can even be done passively). That eliminates a good majority of technology based equipment like the Mecha, Terrorarium, and the Satellites.

    Dream Machine

    Okay so the Dream Machine is an interesting case as in the episode, overloading the Dream Machine with button mashing will drain the dreams of people leaving them as lifeless bodies and eventually destroy dreams as a whole. It was argued that Black Hat's immortality relies on people's nightmares about him which... Is straight up not true, there is no indication that Black Hat is reliant on dreams to stay alive. He is simply the concept of evil itself, not nightmares, the 2nd point was that it would reset Superjail by waking Real World Warden up and kill Black Hat, but there are some flaws in this. Sure it could get rid of Black Hat's avatar, but not his true form, which the Dream Machine's range cannot reach, making it so that Black Hat could likely find a new host and create a new body or simply just come back once Real World Warden goes back to sleep again.

    Another point we wanna bring up is that this is not something Warden would ever resort to as his intention with the Dream Machine was not to kill but rather just enter people's dreams to find out who was gonna start a purge against him. Even then, this would only make it so that Warden's allies would go against Warden as they were not fans of him using the machine in the first place.

    In conclusion, the Dream Machine is pretty out of character for the Warden to use in a fight here as not only was it harming the people of Superjail which resulted in them attacking Warden but he hasn't used this with the intent to kill to harm others, neither would he willingly just blow up Superjail if he's consistently trying to protect it. It's also entirely possible Black Hat could survive this or simply just come back with a new body.

    Sleep Stuffs

    Unironically, Sleep Stuffs gas is something Black Hat has never resisted (or at least shown to). With that, couldn’t Warden put him to sleep and take advantage of it? Well, no, not exactly. It’s done via a machine, so you guessed it, it explodes because of Black Hat’s technology manipulation! Sweet. 

    With those out of the way, let’s get into Black Hat’s! Similarly to Warden, however, most of Black Hat’s arsenal are not really useful in this battle. Though, some of it, and a few from his support allies, would prove to be pretty helpful against Mark. We’re listing them down:

    Magisword Amnesia

    Pretty much self explanatory. With this sword, Black Hat can cause Warden to lose his memories, causing Warden to have an existential crisis and not know who he is (WHY THE HELL AM I GLOWING??)

    Shrink Ray

    Now, obviously shrinking down Warden himself is not working since he can shift his body and his size at will, but something to take into consideration is that it would eliminate most of his allies. Shrink Ray’s capabilities of transmutation backs this idea as well. So, while Warden remains unaffected, it would significantly decrease his support.

    Evil Machine

    With a press of a button, Black Hat can summon… himself! Since that’s what he considers the most evil thing in all of existence. Now, to be fair, the replicas from the Evil Machine are not 1 to 1 with the original. The most powerful clone we have ever seen of Black Hat is Black Hot, who is still far below. So, how does it come into play here? Well, because it gives Black Hat much more options to come back if his body is fully gone! Thanks to his abstract existence, he would always still exist as the concept of evil, but he has not shown to be capable of regenerating his body if it ever gets reduced into ashes. His current body is a vessel that was obtained after literally driving someone to madness, which took him a while. However, considering these clones are, well, inferior versions of him, it would be much easier to come back through possessing or taking over them, adding a good enough opportunity to return Black Hat in the battlefield.

    Libro Completamente Inofensivo

    This book, alongside Black Hat’s own capability of sealing, would lock Warden and he doesn’t really have answers to something like this, not even escaping. At worst, it would lock him for a few years which is still enough to effectively be considered an instant win option.

    Universal Remote

    This Deus Ex Machina in the form of a remote is useful against Warden and his many prisoners. It can BFR to the Void, warp reality and even space and time, and more importantly, instantly kill anyone with a button press. Effective against everyone here, even Warden himself.


    Flug’s Omnitrix is frankly absurd. It doesn’t let him transform into Ben 10 aliens, it actually allows him to transform into various character DNAs across all Cartoon Network! Some of which include even Looney Tunes characters… so uh, hope reading this helps understanding. Besides, it also has Black Hat’s own DNA! Could be helpful to corrupt opponents!

    To put it bluntly, Warden has a few items that could be considered a trouble, but against Black Hat’s counters to it and his superior arsenal, it simply doesn’t compare. Black Hat takes the arsenal category. 


    Bowser VS Eggman who? This is the real army fight!

    Their supports have many things to talk about, but let’s start slowly. 

    First, quantity! Black Hat takes it with no issue. There are thousands of prisoners (probably even more with their abilities), sure, but compared to… 147475065556e+22 of all his types of Hat-Bots added?! (holy shit) Yeah, it’s a no brainer.

    Second, we could break down their general capabilities. Black Hat has a surprising variety; he has bots, ghosts, drones, and Black Hot! Flug, as already mentioned, has the Omnitrix with the DNA of Cartoon Network characters, the Universal Remote, control panel to make Hat Bots more powerful, impressive hacking capabilities, and also the ability to freeze the narrator anytime he wants to, and that’s not even considering his fascinating intelligence. Now, Dementia is also very smart, and can directly leave her media to beat the animator up. These two could possibly just go and beat up Real World Warden personally. To the haxes of his general army, they can shoot several types of lasers, they have impressive strength and durability, they can amp their stats, recharge energy, freeze, and the Black Hat Bot can just… one-shot anyone. Drones can also seal in unbreakable force fields, and Black Hot can throw a considerably large portion of a street to the Sun. Warden’s friends are no slouch, being capable of utilizing magic, having pretty strong regenerations and resurrections, good intelligence, reality warping, healing, transmutation and overall a solid good combat experience! But, compared to the sheer amount of Black Hat’s army, as well as their relative if not superior powers, equipment and abilities, the support should reasonably go to Black Hat as well. 

    Powers and Abilities

    Now, here is where things get REALLY interesting. Mark Davis and his control over his little dream space gives him an enormous kit of abilities, and lots of them are impressive or match Black Hat pretty well. To make this simpler, us in Team Black Hat will first talk about all of Warden’s (important) abilities with answers to if Black Hat can resist or counter, and then, we’ll go over if Black Hat himself has the abilities necessary to pull out a win. 

    Warden’s haxes

    Can Black Hat counter it?


    Black Hat not only has shapeshifting to render this option null but he has his own methods of transmutation.


    Black Hat has teleportation, portal creation and dimension travel. He’s also omnipresent.

    Space-Time Manipulation

    Black Hat has his own spatial and time manipulation abilities.

    Reality Warping

    Black Hat (kind of) has it as well. Not like Warden effectively uses it combat wise to the point it would prove useful against Black Hat.

    Fire Manipulation

    Black Hat is able to withstand the eruption of a volcano along with drinking acid without any issue.

    Subjective Reality

    Black Hat has it as well.

    Dream Manipulation

    Black Hat has an equally potent dream manipulation, potentially in a much greater scale as he does it passively. (will be elaborated).

    Social Influencing

    This blud is NOT yapping hard enough to convince freaking Black Hat (crying emoji)


    He’s stronger than Warden, so forcefully stopping Black Hat with telekinesis wouldn’t work. His own telekinesis would probably be superior.

    Ice Manipulation

    Black Hat can withstand the vacuum of space with no issue, which is a lot colder than simply creating snow.

    Existence Erasure

    Black Hat can simply create a new body along with the Evil Machine and Black Hat has his own existence erasure. This method also requires the Warden to get close. Additionally, Black Hat can spread corruption and madness manipulation throughout the battlefield, or simply sing, causing many to literally lose their minds, so he doesn’t need to convince them into giving their bodies to him. This also assumes that the Warden can use existence erasure on literally anybody when he has only shown to do this with objects he creates.

    Worst Memories

    Black Hat can erase Warden’s memories.

    Having a terrible name

    Black Hat’s title is much cooler than this lame ass Mark Davis

    As you can see in this graphic, much of Warden’s abilities wouldn’t really work on Black Hat at all. He’s simply too powerful and has good enough resistances and counters. That’s where he shines! Fortunately for Black Hat, he has many, MANY ways to end the fight much more simple and easier. It may seem hard considering how good Warden’s regeneration and immortality is, as he can come back from exploding himself into nothing, but we believe Black Hat has everything he needs to put an end to these wacky dreams of his.

    Method 1: Dream Manipulation and Mind Control

    Now you may be wondering: “But doesn’t Warden have control of all of Superjail?”

    Well, yes, but that doesn’t stop Lord Black Hat from doing an absolute mess in his dreams. He’s very aware of people’s collective dreams and nightmares, and his presence alone can already make people see weird and malevolent images. To put it simply, Black Hat can just turn all of his dreams into nightmares, getting completely rid of everything inside Warden’s mind, leaving him helpless. Basically, turning all of Superjail into his own personal domain. We don’t stop here, as Black Hat’s mind manipulation also comes pretty in handy. No, we are not talking about controlling dream self Warden, but real world Warden. As shown with him doing similar things with Alan, Black Hat has the capability of mind haxxing real world Mark to stop dreaming and shut down all of Superjail, or give up and kill himself, or any other possible method to guarantee a win. Unlike dream Warden, real world Warden is completely defenseless against something absurd like this, making it a valid option for Black Hat to go for.

    Method 2: Sayonara, powers!

    At the end of the day, why worry about Warden’s abilities when you can easily shut them off? With a few words, he can make Warden lose all of his powers, and that alone would already guarantee a win by the fact Warden will have no answer to anything Black Hat does after it.

    Method 3: Black Hat’s Aura

    Being the concept of evil has its advantages, as literally being present can make your opponents shit their pants. Black Hat can even make Pops fear him, someone who already shrugged off fear manipulation before. Not only that, but he can drive people into insanity. Sure, Warden has resisted madness manipulation before, but it was after a good amount of time freaking out. With that in mind, it’s highly likely that Black Hat would passively make Warden fear him and go coo coo crazy, putting Mark at a vulnerable state to be finished.

    Method 4: Pulling a Bill Cipher

    While not elaborated, watching Villainous already makes your soul belong to Lord Black Hat. However, that alone isn’t necessary to prove he can mess with souls, as he can just eat them! By contract or not, it’s one of his favorite foods. Warden can regenerate from nothing, but we don’t have evidence for him to be able to resist getting his soul eaten (dream self or not, Black Hat can do it on both anyways).

    Method 5: Actually I’ll just kill you directly

    No really. At the end of the day, nothing stops Black Hat from just directly ignoring everything going on in Warden’s mind and killing him in the real world himself. He can do it inside his own media, as shown with him blasting the Powerpuff Girls’ narrator, but he can also go to the real world and kill Warden from there. It’s simple enough, and not impossible, as he would find out sooner or later.

    Overall, we believe Black Hat has everything necessary to absolutely dominate this fight with his sheer, absurd and powerful kit of abilities.

    Tertiary Factors

    Being the literal embodiment of evil, it's not hard to see why Black Hat should have a massive experience advantage over the Warden. Sure, Mark Davis has worked in Prison at a very young age and has shown to be very competent in what he does, it doesn't quite stack up to Lord Black Hat’s EONS worth of experience, after all he is an ancient being who has existed since even before our planet. Heck it's possible that Black Hat has been around since the origins of our known universe given that Black Hat has been around since the concept of darkness.

    Onto skill, the Warden, while he doesn't have the best combat experience, he has shown to be fairly competent when using powers such as using his shapeshifting to his advantage and eventually destroying Sunshine. Unfortunately, as impressive as this is, it simply pales in comparison to what Black Hat has demonstrated as shown in the Red Eclipse where it is stated that Black Hat has killed Knights in the Middle Ages, even claiming that he has worked in the evil business for a while which explains why Black Hat has been able to eliminate so many heroes that not even he can count! This pretty sums up why other villains seek this guy's ways of true villainy. 

    Intelligence should be fairly quick. Warden is a genius when it comes to creating and operating technology even to the point of giving said technology emotions, reality altering functions and so much more! He should easily have the intelligence over Black Hat looking at direct feats. However, being more booksmart isn't exactly all that useful here and it's likely that Black Hat could match or even surpass this level of intelligence, especially when taking into account Dr. Flug who not only has committed a record of crimes without ever being caught but also essentially created life! Apart from those, Flug has also been able to build and operate technology such as Shrink Rays, Anti Gravity Devices and even advanced alien technology such as the Omnitrix which has scanned DNAs of many Cartoon Network characters and even one of Black Hat who is stated to be the strongest DNA of them all. Even disregarding Flug, Black Hat is certainly no idiot, he reviews every villain's action to the point that they're actually very foolish compared to him, even then Black Hat has described tasks like destroying the universe as “easy”, as such, it is also entirely possible for Black Hat to analyze Warden’s power set given that he usually doesn't interfere in fights and would just rather stay in his own office observing his own goons. In addition to that, he is also an expert manipulator! Being able to manipulate villains, heroes, the reader (you) into doing what he wants.


    “Eternal glory for your terrifying majesty…”


    • Infinitely stronger and arguably more durable  no matter what

    • Notably faster with finite ends, and much better arguments for immeasurable speed

    • Much more experienced, both in general and in combat experience

    • Arsenal may not be as big but they are far more crucial

    • Many counters to the Warden's kit

    • Outnumbers immensely along with his support being far more reliable

    • Black Hat's passive fear and madness manipulation could leave Warden open for an attack

    • Dream manipulation allows Black Hat to take full control of Superjail and turn it into his own domain, potentially nullifying any necessary equipment that could be used against him

    • Able to hack Jailbot along with corrupting Warden's allies, turning them against him

    • Can counter Warden’s worst and best memories with the Amnesia Magisword

    • Ways around Warden's immortality through incapacitating him with ice manipulation or just killing his real world self 

    • Can seal Warden into the Libro Completamente Inofensivo for a few years

    • His title is freaking Black Hat (it's so awesome)


    • Alan Ituriel


    • Speed with infinite ends

    • A terrible person

    • Flug (Hey T-Thanks…)


    • It’s easier to get rid of their support  

    • Less equipment  

    • Arguably less booksmart

    • He would be the last to fight seriously  

    • If the dream machine explodes after prolonged use, it’s possible that this could kill him

    • Black Hat VS Alastor 

    • Killed the KNDs

    • Los Casos Perdidos del Parque


    The Warden is certainly powerful and had many abilities that could overall make him extremely versatile but it did not help him in the long run here due to the massive stat gap between the two, making it so that Black Hat would vaporize Warden with any attack at all while the Warden has to rely on one specific equipment that he has only used once. Even with his regeneration and immortality, there was nothing stopping Black Hat from simply targeting Warden's true self while the same could not be said for the Warden as just seeing Black Hat's true form will drive him to insanity. And that concludes this debate! Warden was certainly no slouch and he could arguably kill Black Hat but Mr. Evil's superior stats, set of abilities, allies and tumblr sexyman inducing aura, there was no way that the Warden could compete. And with another hero eliminated, the winner is Lord Black Hat.

    Team Warden


    Warden is, obviously, incredibly powerful. Starting with strength, Warden has been seen killing prisoners basically every episode of Superjail, which is relevant because the prisoners of Superjail have done things like easily kill people, survive being crushed, and even Ash can create massive explosions that disintegrate everything in their path. Warden also performs impressive feats such as creating and removing massive storms, turning into a nuclear bomb, destroying much of Superjail alongside Ash, absorbing small stars (2.65 gigatons), and most incredibly, moving the moon at an abnormal speed just to teach the twins a lesson for sabotaging the inmates' universes (25.989 yottatons)

    When believing Ozzal was a video game boss, Warden stabbed and split open his stomach, which is notable because Ozzal is superior to the twins, who can create moons in the sky, turn Combaticus into a constellation (0.705 FOE), and even grow larger than the universe and make it tremble with just a touch (1.534 exaFOE to 1.534 zettaFOE), placing them at least at a multi-solar system level. However, things don't stop there, as Warden was able to absorb Sunshine's powers and blow him to pieces. Sunshine is a robot that controls the weather and can do things like move clouds in the sky, destroy a nuclear plant just by growing (1.1 kilotons), create miniature stars (2.65 gigatons), and of course, create storms large enough to cover the sky (1.62 kilotons) or even cover all of Superjail (6.951e+33 TenaexaFOE), which would place Warden at a universal level physically.

    In terms of Equipment, Warden has the Dream Machine, a device that, after excessive use, will destroy all of reality completely and awaken the true Warden in the real world, something that, considering the cosmology of Superjail, spans an incalculable number of universes, and Warden created all of this while dreaming.

    Without much beating around the bush, Black Hat is also incredibly powerful. One of his best direct feats is creating the “Completely Harmless Book of Black Hat”, which contains at least 3,553 universes, and could possibly even hold an infinite number (though this could refer to a specific floor being an infinite universe). This level can be supported by the fact that the *Red Eclipse* could destroy all dimensions, possibly including other Cartoon Network shows, which would reach a maximum of Low Complex Multiversal (5-D).

    Black Hat clearly seems to take the advantage here; however, if you disregard his two best feats because it's questionable whether he's capable of destroying almost all of Cartoon Network, or if you interpret the infinite size of the book as referring to just one specific floor, Warden would take the AP (Attack Potency) through the Dream Machine and hax. This is because the cosmology of Villainous spans 3,553 universes, while the cosmology of Superjail! contains countless universes, or, in an extreme low-ball estimate, 5,612 universes/dimensions—easily surpassing the number of universes in the book.

    Now, onto our favorite section, speed!

    Warden's speed is highly varied. To start, he can block electric bolts created by Sunshine (MHS+), catch a sun, create a rocket and send it to the moon (1.42c), throw a golf ball to the moon in seconds, move the moon at abnormal speeds, and his best feat—creating a universe in less than a second (14 quintillion c). He also scales to other characters in Superjail, including Alice, who can block warplanes, the Twins, who launched stars into the sky to create a constellation (49 million c), and of course, Warden can escape Jailbot, who has performed impressive feats such as traveling to another solar system containing a pink planet (692 million c), a system with a blue star (27 billion c), and traveling from two black holes back to Earth (15 quadrillion c).

    While Warden takes a finite speed advantage (20 quintillion c), he also holds a much more solid immeasurable speed level.

    “What about Immeasurable Jailbot?”

    It's a complicated and somewhat debatable topic, but we'll explain why we do use this feat.

    First, something needs to be clarified: while Superjail! is an illogical show, the world outside the prison is completely normal. There, humans react scared when they witness something supernatural, like Jailbot capturing Jacknife. When Superjail was destroyed after Warden's arrest at the hands of the time police, Jacknife was arrested in a normal prison. This indicates that humans are normal and rational, just like any others. With this in mind... why would a time traveler jump 10 seconds into the future for no reason? Or why would he teleport to a location minutes away? It doesn't make sense to think of it that way—it makes more sense to say he traveled to the future, and Jailbot arrived at the same time as him.

    Second, the scenes shown give us the understanding that Jailbot's flight is a form of time travel. We see him moving from a nighttime location to a daytime one in just a second, and we see him pass by different stars. This wouldn't make sense unless it involved time travel, as the Earth in *Superjail!* (the show, not the place) is the same as ours and has been depicted at a normal size. Therefore, it can't have different stars, meaning Jailbot is traveling through time without using portals.

    But... are the intros canon and relevant to the story? Yes, they are, and there are two reasons to affirm this:

    In conclusion, while Black Hat holds an infinite margin in strength and has a greater finite speed, Warden can match in speed using Immeasurable, and can surpass Black Hat in strength if you only attribute him a Multiversal level.

    Arsenal and Abilities

    This is the most difficult yet crucial part of this debate.

    Starting with Warden's arsenal, we'll mention what we consider the most useful in this fight: Superjail Mecha-Drill. Controlled by the members of Superjail, this mech can fight and use its drill to destroy Hat-Bots left and right, as long as its operators remain alive. The Satellites provide long-range support, as their beams can recharge Jailbot if it runs out of battery and can disintegrate invading enemies. The Time Stick is one of the most efficient weapons, as it can save Warden from BFR (Battlefield Removal) by allowing him to travel through time and dimensions, making Flug or Black Hat's BFR attempts an unviable win condition (sorry FNaF BFR fans, but it won't work today...). Specimen 7 is a combat ally that can compete with Combaticus's combat abilities, a robot created specifically for battle with superhuman senses. Moreover, Specimen 7 can regenerate from fatal damage. Jailbot 2.0 has powers that can assist Warden, such as completely disintegrating objects and people to disarm Black Hat, using its scanner to analyze Black Hat's allies, and transforming into a large monster. Sunshine is an incredibly useful ally in this fight as long as Warden's control isn't destroyed. Sunshine can create storms that turn animals into rampaging monsters, conjure storms, stars, and attack with lightning and snow—things that most of Black Hat's support won't be able to withstand.

    With this arsenal, Warden can counter Black Hat's power, especially with the Time Stick nullifying any BFR tactics, and powerful allies like Jailbot and Sunshine offering relentless support.

    Dream Machine 

    This part is more difficult to explain, as it has been heavily debated whether or not this could kill Black Hat, but we'll explain our point:

    The Dream Machine was able to destroy the entirety of Superjail cosmology, including the dream world. This, debatably, could potentially kill Black Hat because, as we know from CreepyCharly, his true form exists in the collective memory and accesses our dimension through dreams. 

    “A subconscious element that may be spreading, with signals of something terrible trying to transgress into our dimension and perceived collectively through dreams…”

    The point is, if Black Hat exists within collective dreams and the Dream Machine can destroy the collective subconscious, the explosion could kill Black Hat permanently, and it would only cause Warden to wake up. This can also be supported by the fact that the explosion doesn't just rely on raw attack potency (AP) but also destroys the dream world, which is metaphysical and immaterial, effectively destroying the collective memory within Superjail and negating Black Hat's durability.

    As for Black Hat, he also has very useful weapons, such as the Amnesia Magisword, which can erase memories and serves as a perfect counter for Warden's Worst and Best Memories. The Shrink Ray, while it may not incapacitate inmates by shrinking them (since Warden can use the giant serum), can transmute people and objects. The Completely Harmless Book is a special case, as Black Hat could seal Warden and his allies inside the book. While Jailbot and Warden could possibly avoid this through Immersion, they are vulnerable to Time Stop, and closing the book freezes time within, leaving Warden incapacitated inside for as long as Black Hat desires.

    Regarding abilities, Warden is incredibly versatile. Starting with his immortality, he can survive being torn apart, without bones or a head, and even the true Warden exists beyond reality in the real world, where Superjail is just a fictional dream. Warden's best memories allow him to create fire hot enough to destroy Superjail and melt robots like Jailbot, which can destroy Hat-Bots units since they haven’t shown resistance to extreme heat. Warden is also aware of the fourth wall, allowing him to move between the real world and Superjail, and he can send Jailbot to the real world to bring the viewer into the show, which could prevent Black Hat from trying to escape and leave Warden’s range. Warden’s regeneration can extend the fight significantly, as he can return even after the destruction of the cosmology, including the spiritual realm, the sky, and the dream world, granting him Mid-Godly regeneration. Although Black Hat can destroy concepts and negate regeneration, he would need to kill RW Warden. Warden's regeneration is paired with his immortality, allowing him to return to normal even after being crushed, losing bones, turning to dust, or even being erased from existence—something Black Hat cannot easily negate. Lastly, Warden’s most famous ability is his reality warping, which lets him create and erase universes in seconds, create illogical and impossible worlds that defy laws and logic, making surreal and impossible things to achieve whatever he wants. Black Hat hasn’t shown reality warping with the same range or effectiveness as Warden, so Warden has an advantage in this area.

    Now, regarding Black Hat’s abilities, he has an arsenal comparable to Warden’s, including Soul Manipulation, which allows him to extract and consume the souls of Superjail’s prisoners, potentially leaving Warden’s body dead. However, Warden can regenerate after his soul and cosmology are destroyed, rendering this ability ineffective. Madness and Mind Manipulation can cause significant issues for Warden by turning his allies against him. Although Warden can live without a brain, he can become temporarily insane and then return to normal, which might give Black Hat a few valuable minutes to attack. Finally, Conceptual Manipulation! This is incredibly useful and could kill Warden definitively by destroying his concept, if Black Hat were to use it initially. While Black Hat can destroy the concept of Order, it’s unclear if he would do so in a fight, especially against Warden, a being of complete chaos.

    In summary, both have a vast array of powers. However, Warden is more likely to use his best hacks from the start, such as warping the entire stage. He also has a wider range of abilities that allow for better control over the battlefield and tends to use his powers more coherently in a fight. Therefore, while Black Hat has better overall abilities, Warden’s more effective use of his powers in combat gives him an advantage in this area.


    One of the most relevant aspects of this fight, given that both are leaders in their organizations, is discussing their employees and how they impact the fight.

    Jared, the frightened ex-mafioso, has an arsenal and abilities that could be useful in combat, such as a bazooka for attacking from a safe distance, the ability to turn enemies into babies (though it's unlikely he would use this in combat), teleportation as an expert magician, appearing inside people to kill them internally, and transforming into Giant Jared, where he gains a huge boost in physical stats and can eventually revive after dying.

    Alice is a combat expert, possibly better than all of Black Hat's allies in terms of skill. She tends to use her brain to think and analyze the situation before acting, something only Flug does. Her best asset is the Ozzal crystal, which can seal someone inside and nullify powers like teleportation to prevent the victim from escaping. The only issue is that it seems to have a limited capacity, as it has only sealed two people at most.

    Jailbot is Warden's most useful assistant. He is a robot with countless functions and transformations, such as becoming armor for Alice, a human and her car, a mannequin for camouflage, and a guillotine. His basic weapons include machine guns, flamethrowers, missiles, laser guns, nuclear bombs, and explosive weapons like dynamite. However, some of his best weapons are ghostbusters, which can destroy restless souls when Superjail was haunted, something that could negate 5.0.5's regeneration due to its physical nature. His abilities include Nano Mode, which allows him to shrink and create multiple copies of himself to explore the world in search of criminals before returning to his normal form, and most importantly, he can leave the show to enter the real world and bring the viewer to Superjail, something that could be useful to prevent Black Hat from escaping.

    The inmates are an important part, as they will defend Superjail from any threat if necessary, attacking as a team.

    • Jacknife: The most notorious criminal couldn't stay behind. Jacknife is a bloodthirsty individual who would show no mercy to anyone, and his 10,000 clones give him a significant numerical advantage.

    • Bobo: Due to his large size, Bobo can literally stomp on Hat-Bots and other Black Hat assistants.

    • Peedee: Similar to Bobo, Peedee can use a giant Robot Peedee to crush enemies.

    • Jean and Paul: This duo can fight together, use special moves to defeat Alice, and perform a Combo in battle, the "Rainbow Rainbow Combo Attack," to destroy enemies or Hat-Bots with their weapons while keeping a safe distance in a war car.

    • Nicky: He is the brain of the operation, capable of creating complex plans in a short time, making him an incredibly useful support in this fight.

    • Lord Stingray: The best fictional character, to be honest. He can cover ground with his ship and attack from a distance.

    • Ash Firin: Possibly the most useful inmate here. Ash can shoot fire from his hands, a skill that Black Hat’s allies have not shown resistance to, and this fire can melt Jailbot, making the Hat-Bots no problem. Ash can think of his best memories to enhance his fire enough to destroy Superjail, as well as teleport with fire and create giant explosions.

    The Twins are a significant factor in the battle, as they will assist if Superjail is threatened. Their contributions include:

    • Combaticus: A robot designed for efficient killing with unparalleled skill and agility, superior in direct combat to any of Black Hat's support.

    • BFR: Can send Black Hat's allies to another dimension, though it requires proximity to be effective.

    • Transmutation: Useful for dealing with Black Hat's allies, as they have the AoE to cover entire moons.

    • Size Manipulation: Allows them to cover much of the battlefield by growing larger than the Superjail universe and making it tremble.

    • Hacking: Can hack robots like Jailbot, potentially turning Black Hat's robots against him.

    Lastly, The Doctor, the mad scientist from Superjail, is known for creating many of the monsters used. The most notable creation is Donor Monster, which grows larger as it consumes more people. However, The Doctor's destructive tendencies could endanger his own allies, and while Hat-Bots are not made of flesh, they can be destroyed if their human brains are targeted.

    As for Black Hat, he also has formidable support. On his side is the incredible Doctor Flug, a genius with remarkable inventions such as the Stinky Flower, which can manipulate the emotions of those it affects. The Quetzalcoatl Head can reduce anyone hit by its fire to ashes. The Anubis Head, a relic that can turn everyone into dogs (including the narrator!) and control their minds. The Dart Gun is useful for putting someone to sleep, along with various weapons like lasers and flamethrowers, and even a gun capable of sending someone through time. Most importantly, the Universal Remote can not only freeze time (which Warden and his allies cannot resist), but also eject everyone into space, use the off button on The Warden, or even rewind the program if something goes wrong.

    Dementia is impressive in combat, though not as much as Alice and Combaticus. However, she comes equipped with items like forks for throwing, flamethrowers, toxic waste, and bombs with snakes. Her abilities include transforming into Super Saiyan, creating fire, carrying anything in her hair, and leaving the show to attack the narrators and take control of the show.

    5.0.5 is the least useful in this context, as while he can alter the mood of those around him, this requires spending a considerable amount of time with him. His best power is definitely his **Regeneration**, as he can regenerate no matter how destroyed he is, even if Black Hat himself is the one who destroyed him.

    The Hat-Bots are the primary support for the Organization, starting with the Hat-Botlers, which have functions such as healing, self-destruction, instant resurrection, shields that reflect attacks, and magnets. But their most important aspect comes from their video game forms in *Mechanical Evil*. Here are the most useful ones:

    • Mask: Gains health with every attack, healing itself with each hit.

    • Ice King: With the Ice King’s crown, this Bot can freeze any enemy it touches.

    • Flug: Passively destroys the circuits of nearby enemy robots.

    • V.I.R.U.S: Capable of hacking enemy Bots.

    • Black Hat: The most powerful, with literally infinite power. The damage dealt by this Hat-Bot is measured with the infinity symbol and can kill any enemy with a single blow.

    Additionally, the most formidable of the Organization are the Hat-Bot Sentinels, robots with enhanced strength and incredibly resistant metal armor. They can shoot rays from their eyes and self-destruct.


    Both leaders undoubtedly have formidable teams. Black Hat's planet-conquering army boasts at least 147,475,065,556e+22 Hat-Bots, giving him a massive numerical advantage. In comparison, Superjail has about 90 million prisoners, which means Black Hat has a significant numerical edge. However, Hat-Bots can still be defeated if their brains are destroyed, and they lack resistance to most of Warden's abilities.

    On Warden's side, the prisoners are better fighters than the Hat-Bots and can gain an advantage by attacking together, using combo attacks, and leveraging Power-Ups for invulnerability. The prisoners have more combat experience, greater AoE, can revive, and erase enemies with Worst Memories. Despite being outnumbered, they possess superior arsenal, range, hax, and immortality compared to the Hat-Bots.

    What about the three main allies? Well, this is simpler. Flug has a much, MUCH more useful and varied arsenal than Warden’s allies, with items like the Amnesia Magisword and Universal Remote that can easily handle enemies. Jailbot, while useful for preventing Dementia from leaving the show and tracking her, is very vulnerable to hacking, so Flug could turn him against Warden. Hat-Bot Flug could destroy Jailbot's circuits, though Warden can rebuild Jailbot in seconds after being destroyed, so this wouldn’t help much. Ultimately, Alice is a better fighter than Flug, Dementia, and 5.0.5, but this wouldn't be very useful if she is outmatched in stats and hax.

    Tertiary Factors

    Black Hat obviously has a lot more experience than Warden, which cannot be denied. We are talking about an ancient cosmic being who has been in the business of villainy for eons, whereas Mark is merely a mortal adult human.

    However, something to consider is their personalities. Black Hat is not someone who fights directly; in fact, he has said, "A true villain doesn’t get their hands dirty unless necessary," which implies that Black Hat will not intervene in the fight until he sees Warden as a genuine threat, and he will let his allies handle the fighting.

    On the other hand, Warden has shown a serious approach to combat. When someone threatens Superjail, like Sunshine, who started destroying Superjail and killing inmates, Warden used his powers effectively to kill him. The same happened with Lord Stingray, who took control of Superjail, but Warden and the inmates defeated him and his army. So, while Warden may not be the best in combat, he would be the first to engage directly and tends to use his powers more competently in a fight. Additionally, Warden is generally more intelligent.


    “Superjail! That's your home tattooed scary man, and it's your home serial rapist, and yours too white supremacist guy, and it's something worth fighting for!”


    • Smarter in general

    • More useful and varied equipment

    • Better Immortality

    • Higher cosmology and AP if you don't buy Multi+ or Low Complex Multi Black Hat

    • His allies are harder to kill and possibly more efficient in a direct fight.

    • The dream machine could possibly kill Black Hat if it explodes

    • He would be the first to want to kill the other and take the fight seriously

    • Superjail is an amazing show, please give it a chance

    • Soundtrack

    • Christy Karacas


    • Speed with infinite ends

    • A terrible person

    • Ash Firin :3


    • Infinitely weaker

    • Slower with finite Ends and inferior arguments for Immeasurable speed

    • Even if he's the first to attack, he is much less experienced and possibly worse in a direct fight

    • His support is much less reliable, and they would hardly work as a team

    • Overwhelmed by numbers  

    • His equipment falls short compared to Flug's

    • Going crazy or feeling fear would make him vulnerable long enough for Black Hat to take advantage

    • Cancelled show, sad…

    • His name is freaking Mark Davis, it’s SO LAME (crying emoji)

    • The prisoners are better people than him, how the fuck


    Even with a noticeable disadvantage in stats, Warden has enough to stay in the fight: better immortality that is harder to overcome, more useful support for the battle that is also easier to eliminate, a personality that would make him take the fight more seriously, and overall, the necessary equipment to win the fight in his favor.

    And thus ends the greatest hero vs. villain battle the cosmos has ever known, with good triumphing once again. Black Hat was the greatest villain of all time, a formidable opponent, and the king of crime in the Multiverse, but he could not match the sense of justice of The Warden, who ultimately locked away his entire network of evil and gave Lord Black Hat a colorful ending. Despite putting up a great fight, Black Hat could not return home after the encounter. The winner is The Warden! (Hey, that's Me!)

    Final Tally

    Team Black Hat (7) - Morta, Mav, ishi_yuki, Roxx, Yultehdoof, Why Am I Here, Dementia Was Here!

    Team Warden (3) - Ryzo, Spectral0108, Gh0st (pity vote)

    Team Doctor Flug (1) - Morta

    Team Demencia (1) - Lua

    The winner is our lord, Black hat.

    Another useless hero defeated.

    (Art by SCP The Merch Maniac)

    Next Time…

    (Trailer By NicoMasterCat)


    Lastly, credits to some blogs and pages we used as references for certain scans:


    Esto fue increible, deberas se la rifaron con todo el análisis consistente y es que ciertamente Black Hat es la clase de personaje que da dolor de cabeza pero de los buenos, me gusta que se enfocaron en lo que al menos la propia serie brinda y no un sancocho de todo Cartoon Network. Además que aprendi de Waden (que no es un personaje que conozca así de algo) y me convencieron que es sin duda el mejor oponente que le podrias dar al Lord Black Hat. Orgulloso de mi comunidad en español!

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