DBE Blogs: Shrek VS Manny (DreamWorks VS Blue Sky)

"Family is not an important thing. It's everything."

-Michael J. Fox.
Before We Start...

The content for both will be simple, movies and shorts, although Shrek will be added The Adventures of Puss In Boots, because it is completely canon, too, I was waiting for the "Point Five Predictions: Puss In Boots VS Mao Mao" (Go see it, it's fabulous!) Is finished, because I participated in it and didn't want to Spoil the analysis, which explains why several scans and calcs are from that blog.



Shrek, a solitary ogre, is angered when fairy tale creatures are sent to live in his swamp ordered by Lord Farquaad. He befriends a talking donkey named Donkey, and they set off to meet with Farquaad.

The lord needs Princess Fiona to marry him so he will become the king of Duloc. When Shrek and Donkey visit him, they are forced to rescue her from an enormous fire-breathing dragon named Dragon in exchange for Shrek's swamp being vacated. The Dragon turns out to be female, and after a minute or two falls in love with Donkey.

Donkey, Shrek, and Fiona escape, and Dragon chases them. Once Shrek and Donkey rescue Fiona, they take her back to Lord Farquaad. Along the way, Shrek begins to fall in love with Fiona. Donkey finds out from Fiona that she is cursed and turns into an ogre at night. The only way the curse can be broken is by true love's first kiss. Fiona and Farquaad have a marriage ceremony, but they are interrupted by Shrek, who tells Fiona he loves her.

Donkey and Dragon enter, and Dragon eats Farquaad. Shrek and Fiona kiss and Fiona is permanently turned into an ogre. Shrek gets his swamp back, and the two marry there. After a karaoke party, the newlyweds set off on their honeymoon.

The second film opens with Prince Charming on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona from the Dragon. When he gets there, he finds the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs in Fiona's bed. He asks the wolf where Fiona is and the wolf tells him that she is on her honeymoon with Shrek. Once Shrek and Fiona return from their honeymoon, they find Donkey in the swamp who tells them he and Dragon are going through a rough patch. They then get invited to the land of Far Far Away by Fiona's parents who want to bless their marriage.

When they arrive, Shrek and Fiona are not what they expected. The Fairy Godmother and her son, Prince Charming, are trying to break up Shrek's marriage by making Fiona fall in love with Prince Charming. However it does not work and Shrek and Fiona stay together. Shrek and Donkey get a new sidekick called Puss in Boots. They have a lengthy quest to search the Fairy Godmother's cottage to get a love potion. Shrek and Donkey drink the potion and they become something quite unexpected. Shrek becomes human and Donkey becomes a horse. Since Shrek drank the potion, it also affected Fiona as she woke up to seeing her human form once again.

At the end of the film, King Harold reverts to a frog after being struck with the Fairy Godmother's magic, and gives Shrek and Fiona his blessing. After Fiona tells Shrek she loves him just the way he is, they revert to ogres.


A herd of prehistoric animals are migrating south in order to escape the forthcoming ice age. Sid, a clumsy ground sloth, is left behind by his family and decides to move on by himself, but is attacked by an angry pair of Brontotheres after accidentally ruining their meal. Sid is reluctantly rescued by Manny, a bitter Woolly Mammoth that did not migrate with the others; afterwards, Sid insists upon following Manny, though the latter wishes to be alone and is constantly annoyed by Sid's outgoing demeanor.

Some time before these events, a human tribe hunted and killed half of a Smilodon pack for their pelts. Soto, the leader of the surviving cats, leads a raid on the human camp, intending to take his revenge by personally killing Roshan, the chief's infant son. Soto's lieutenant Diego is tasked with bringing the baby to Soto alive; however, Roshan's mother beats him off and flees with her son, leaping over a waterfall to escape. Soto punishes Diego's failure by ordering him to pursue Roshan and bring him back alive, or else be killed in Roshan's place.

Sid and Manny encounter Roshan and his injured mother in the river at the bottom of the falls. The woman leaves the baby with them, but is washed away downstream, presumably to her death. Sid attempts to return the baby to the human settlement, but finds the camp deserted; Roshan's father, presuming his wife and child dead, has led his tribe elsewhere. Diego appears, pretends to want to help Sid and Manny, and offers to take the baby off their hands; mistrusting him, Manny decides to order Diego to track the humans for them instead. Diego complies, but one night he secretly sends word back to Soto that he is bringing both the baby and a mammoth for the pack to eat.

After several misadventures and bonding moments, the group - informally calling themselves a "herd" - travels through an ice cave and discovers some human cave paintings. These give Manny a flashback to the time he lost his own mate and baby to human hunters; however, he has become deeply attached to Roshan in spite of this. Diego, beginning to second-guess his mission, decides to change sides completely after Manny saves his life from a lava flow. He informs Sid and Manny of Soto's pack waiting to ambush them at Half Peak; though the pair initially turn hostile to him, he convinces them their only chance is to trust him.

Sid, Manny, and Diego concoct a scheme to trick the other cats and escape, which initially works, until Soto and two others manage to corner Manny against a cliff. Diego jumps in to fight Soto and save Manny's life, and is severely injured in the process. Soto is killed when he is thrown against an overhanging rock, dislodging several large, sharp icicles; these fall and impale him, causing the rest of the pack to flee.

Though Sid and Manny grieve for him, Diego convinces them to leave him and get the baby back to the humans before the mountain passes fill with snow. Manny and Sid catch up to the humans and return Roshan to his father, who gives Manny a shell and bead necklace as a thank you. Having mostly recovered, Diego limps back to join them, and he, Sid, and Manny finally migrate south with the rest of the animals.

Manny, Sid, and Diego live in a valley surrounded by a high ice wall on all sides. The trio discovers that the ice wall is actually a dam that is barely holding a reservoir that could flood the valley if it fails. A vulture tells them that there is a boat at the other end of the valley that may save them, but they must reach it in three days. A chunk of ice breaks off from the top of the dam, initiating their immediate evacuation. Manny is also struggling with the thought of possibly being the last mammoth alive and Diego is revealed to suffer from severe aquaphobia due to his inability to swim.

Meanwhile, Cretaceous, a Cymbospondylus and Maelstrom, a Pliosauroidea—both frozen since the Mesozoic era—escape due to melting ice and seek to eat all the mammals they can during the flood. On their journey to the boat, the trio meet Ellie, a mammoth who believes she is an opossum, and Crash and Eddie, two mischievous opossums whom Ellie believes to be her brothers. Sid invites them to join their journey to the boat, and Ellie accepts. After a dangerous encounter with Cretaceous and Maelstrom while crossing a pond, Sid tries to teach Diego how to swim, while Ellie realizes that she is a mammoth. Manny begins to fall in love with her, but denies his feelings at first because he feels like he is replacing his deceased wife and child. Despite this bonding moment with Manny, she distances herself from him when he suggests "saving their species". Ellie and Manny ultimately reconcile when they must co-operate to save the group when the ground cracks under their feet. Ellie begins to reciprocate Manny's feelings afterwards.

The herd takes a break for the night, and while the others are asleep, Sid is kidnapped by a tribe of mini-sloths who believe him to be the God of Fire and that sacrificing him by tossing him into a volcano is the only way to stop the flood; Sid narrowly escapes and reunites with the others as they wake up. After being harassed by vultures, the group finds the boat behind a field of hot geysers. Manny, Sid, and Diego separate from Ellie, Crash, and Eddie when the two mammoths argue about which route is safest.

Just as Manny, Sid, and Diego bypass the geysers, the ice dam fails, unleashing a flood upon the valley. Ellie, Crash, and Eddie, who took the safer yet longer way, are trapped inside a cave due to falling rocks. Crash and Eddie escape through a small hole and warn Manny, who rushes back to save Ellie. Crash and Eddie are taken by the current; Sid tries to save them, but is knocked unconscious on an ice block. Diego overcomes his fear of water to save Sid and the possums. Cretaceous and Maelstorm ambush Manny underwater, but he tricks them into dislodging a boulder, killing them and freeing Ellie at the same time. Manny and Ellie reunite with the others atop a boulder, but the water is still rising. Meanwhile, Scrat, after a series of misadventures to get back his acorn, climbs the adjacent glacial wall beside them and inadvertently creates a long crack when he punctures the ice. The crack widens into a gigantic fissure which splits open the wall and drains the floodwaters, saving everyone; in the process, Scrat falls within the fissure and is washed away.

Shortly after, Sid encounters the mini-sloth tribe again. Their leader suggests that Sid should join them, thinking he is the one that stopped the flood, but Diego refuses to let Sid go, saying that he is a vital part of their group. A group of mammoths later appear from the fissure, proving to everyone that mammoths are not really extinct. Manny initially lets Ellie go with the mammoth herd, but after some encouragement from Sid and Diego to move on from his past, he catches up to her, expressing his desire to stay with her. Manny, Sid, Diego, Ellie, Crash, and Eddie then venture out of the valley.

Experience & Skill 


Despite being underestimated due to his appearance or nature as an Ogre, Shrek from the beginning proved to be an expert in various battle styles, standing out mainly in wrestling and combat with medieval weapons. He has general knowledge about all the creatures and races in his world, as he has an innate ability to tell stories invented by himself. He has analytical and strategic capacity, being able to handle any unfavorable situation and come out victorious, generally having help from his friends, but on his own he is quite good at solving problems, managing to manipulate his enemies to do what he wants, or even defeat them with a strategy that him have created improvised


Manny is someone capable of devising strategies quickly, from the beginning, he momentarily fooled some rhinos with the sand in front of them being quick (which only went wrong because of Sid). Together with Diego and Sid he planned a strategy to get rid of the saber teeth. Additionally, he was able to devise a plan to distract Captain Gut's team and thus steal his ship. In fighting he is good at fighting against enemies that outnumber him, such as saber-toothed tigers, rhinos, and humans since he was able to escape their attack alive, this in the first movie, in the third he was seen to have power.

 With the small dinosaurs, he can fight Captain Guts and was able to get rid of him by sending him away. He can fight against aquatic animals such as giant fish in the second movie, and he can face beings much larger than him as he did with Rudy.



Medieval Equipment

Shrek has used different medieval weapons, including armor and swords (in the images), or even shields and axes for training.

Ogre for a Day

is one of Rumpelstiltskin’s Magical Contracts. It is the contract Rumpelstiltskin tricked Shrek into signing. The exit clause for this contract was true love's kiss.

Happily Ever After Potion ♡

The Happily Ever After Potion is a potion manufactured in the Fairy Godmother's Potion Factory. It has a glowing blue color and gives the drinker a beautiful, romantic-themed appearance, also affecting anyone the drinker truly loves. It also works on animals and plants.

It gives one a more beautiful and comfortable yet temporary form. If the drinker and their lover kiss before midnight they will permanently remain in their beautiful forms; otherwise, they will change back to the original forms they were in before the potion affected them.

WARNING: Side effects may include burning, itching, oozing, weeping. Not intended for heart patients or those with nervous disorders. To make the effects of the potion permanent the drinker must obtain his or her true love's first kiss by midnight.

Fairies Dust

In the Shrek universe, fairies release dust that makes anyone they touch fly. Donkey used it to fly momentarily and escape from some guards, while Shrek used it to fly and go out through the chimney.


Tusk and Trunk

As a mammoth, Manny is armed with a long trunk that he can use in combat to attack from a distance, and tusks that he uses to attack and block attacks from his enemies.

Second Pirate Ship

After losing his first, Captain Gutt enslaved an entire island to build his second pirate ship. Manny devised a plan with Sid and Diego to steal it and return home safely.




As funny as it may seem, Shrek's farts not only kill small animals instantly (in the Gif) and Shrek said he would have killed Donkey if he smelled one, but they also grant different abilities useful in combat.
  • Poison Manipulation: Kills swamp fish that smell it.
  • Power Null: Nullified the Dragon Statue's fire with a fart (Note that Shrek's farts affect non-biological beings who should not be affected by bad smell and poison, since the Dragon Statue is made of stone).


Something that Shrek has demonstrated several times. Shrek is agile like an acrobat, he can use his surroundings to do diggas pirouettes of a circus show. Come on, we all wish we were that agile with that physique...

Breaking the Fourth Wall 

Like any good animated movie character, Shrek is aware of the fourth wall and of us, the viewers, this is maintained with other characters like Puss, who speaks directly to the viewer.

Super Breath and Wind Manipulation

The Ogres' favorite way to scare. Shrek's screams can generate a wind strong enough to slightly blow those in front of him away. He also has a super breath that will be talked about later.

Sound Manipulation

The ears of Ogres like Shrek can produce sounds that they use as a war trumpet. It's useless in combat, but who wouldn't like to be able to do it?

Ogre Claus

When he is Ogre Claus, Shrek gains potentially enhanced abilities beyond his base state. Among these, he has the ability to fly, and his super breath is improved, being able to cover his entire house with a burp. (Merry Christmas 2023!)

Human Form

After drinking the "Happily Ever After" potion, Shrek and Fiona turned into humans (super sexy btw). Although he appears weaker, he can still take down knights from Far Far Away, the same ones who fight against Puss.



Woolly Mammoth Physiology

The mammoth lineage provides an example of rapid adaptive evolution in response to the changing environments of the Pleistocene.

Mammoths had more than woolly coats to protect them from the frigid conditions of their sub-zero stomping grounds, scientists have discovered.

The extinct beasts had a form of antifreeze blood that kept their bodies supplied with oxygen in the sub-zero temperatures, according to a study of DNA extracted from 43,000-year- old mammoth remains.




  • Saved Fiona from the dragon tower.
  • He defeated the Dragon.
  • He overthrew Farquaad's empire.
  • Defeated Charming and Fairy Godmother. 
  • He defeated Rumpelstiltskin and returned to his reality.





  • He returned Bodoque to his family.
  • Defeated Diego's herd.
  • Saved Sid.
  • Saved Ellie from the flood.
  • He fought against Rudy with the help of his friends.
  • Defeated Captain Gutt and his pirates.
  • Stopped the impact of the Meteorite.


  • Resists attacks from Captain Gutt.
  • Resists falls from great heights.
  • Comparable with Buck, who withstands an attack from Rudy in the face and being crushed by him.
  • Comparable to Sid, who withstood several hits from Scrat. (Debatable)



Puss in Boots
"Fear me, if you dare!"



Buck Wild

"I am the pint size protector of this lost world! But my friends call me Buck."
Captain Gutt

The Herd

An unusual herd. Manny's family that started when he met Sid and has been with him ever since.


Manny accidentally stomped Scrat and He is comparable to Diego, who can attack him and sent him flying with one hit. (Debatable)

Before the Verdict...

Scrat Scaling

This argument is quite used, and although it was used in the analysis, there are a couple of things to clarify regarding it.

While it is true that Manny stomped on Scrat, Diego sent him flying with one blow, and Sid withstood several of his attacks, there are many problems with scaling him. The first is that Scrat is a Toon Force character, that is, he is inconsistent because of the jokes because he is not taken seriously, which is why his feats vary so greatly in level, going from being one shot by a 9-B, to having feats of 5-A and then Low 2-C feats that are not repeated.

The second, it is problematic to affirm such an exaggeratedly high Tier to the protagonists due to the thousand anti-feats they have, which although normally they would not be a problem, here they contradict the scaling of an inherently inconsistent character, since we would be saying that any dinosaur normal is of a Universal+ level with MFTL+/Immeasurable Debatable speed, added to the fact that the characters always have a consistent Tier, having two MCB feats (the KE of Rudy and Buck throwing a coconut), one Small Town feat, and a constant Mach speed for their own feats, which shows that they always follow a close level without exaggerating to a Planet to Universal level, which makes sense since NO ONE of the main characters has even demonstrated a feat comparable to a normal Scrat one, so, yes, give Manny the level of Scrat is not something we can do.



This will be somewhat brief. Manny scales to a quantity of 249 Tons due to Buck's feat causing an explosion, and a maximum of 3.1 Kilotons due to Sid's feat, little or nothing compared to Shrek, who has a minimum quantity of 19.4 Kilotons due to the fireball of the explosion. Dragona, and with the exploits of the Puss show, 62.2 Teratons maximum, with a minimum of 62.2 Gigatons, which would put it at an Island level without many problems.
Even if we were nice and just used movies, not counting the Show, Puss is already on a solid scale of 7.9 to 56.6 Megatons, entering the city level, and dwarfing Manny with his Small Town level.

Moving on to speed, Manny has a Mach 2.78 displacement, due to his feat with Diego, and a Mach 32.06 Reaction speed due to the various Meteorites of characters like Crash, Eddie or the Dino Birds. Shrek, for his part, has a displacement of Mach 1.0 thanks to Puss, being able to follow the Goose, with a reaction and combat speed that goes from Mach 99.5 to Mach 199 due to the Dragon's feat, and reaching Relativistic speeds to FTL with the best feats and scaling of the Puss show.

Manny has an advantage in movement speed and Lifting Strength being comparable to Gutt's feat moving a giant Iceberg, while being kind and giving Shrek scaling the giant Jack Horner, he would barely reach Class K, lower than Class M of Manny

Arsenal & Abilities

They both have an interesting arsenal and powers that are worth mentioning in their own section. Manny has Captain Gutt's pirate ship, Natural Weaponry, and things he gets from his surroundings, like the log he used to deliver a final blow and send Gutt flying. For his part, Shrek has different magical items, such as the "Happily Ever After" Potion, fairy dust for limited flying, the Ogre Claus Powers that allow him to fly more freely, throw burps with a massive AoE capable of covering part of the swamp, and Battle Weaponry, such as shields, swords, axes, and soldier armor to cushion incoming damage and deal slashing damage.

Shrek has a more extensive and useful arsenal for battle. Fairy dust would allow him to fly to keep distance from Manny and attack from afar, his armor to take less damage in battle, and his weapons to deal even greater damage in the fight, and even though Manny has greater melee range due to His trunk and weapons such as the trunk would be of little or no use against an enemy that is flying and can attack at a massive distance with its belches and farts.

Moving on to farts (yes, I'm serious), it's an ability that possibly guarantees a victory for Shrek, although, Manny might Resist the Poison capable of killing Dinosaurs, this would eventually kill him as Buck implies, which would make him their resistance is limited, added to this, Shrek's gases can be effected on monsters that have no biology and should not be affected by poison and bad smell, such as the Dragon Statue, which is literally a stone statue, so, in everything If Manny resists them, Shrek's gases would end up killing him.

Tertiary Factors

In this section, we will look at their standard behaviors in a fight, which will end up defining the fight.

I'll get straight to the point. Shrek has much greater agility due to being smaller, faster and having Acrobatics capable of removing him from risky situations by taking advantage of his surroundings, which will allow him to move away after attacking or attack from a distance without being hit by his acrobatic and greater ability. AoE through skills, one fart would be enough to win, and this is something I wouldn't hesitate to use here. He has already used his farts against "animals" much larger than him instead of getting into a direct confrontation, such as the Dragon, whom he stunned from a distance using his farts on purpose and then fleeing, and seeing Manny's massive size (6 Meters), would probably be the first thing him do.

Manny is no slouch, as he is probably better in a straight fight. He defeated Captain Gutt, who is just as agile as Shrek in terms of Acrobatics, using his surroundings to attract him and hit him directly with the trunk, thanks to having taken advantage of his enormous weight and the Iceberg to move Gutt.

Although both have a special tactic that would lead them to victory, Shrek has a greater advantage due to his speed, which would help him maintain a safe distance and defeat Manny without running the risk of being subdued by a greater Lifting Strength.



  • More faster in movement
  • More Lifting Strength
  • Increased melee range
  • Possibly he can resist the Farts...
  • Weaker by a considerable margin, even with Shrek's Lower End
  • Slower in Reaction and Combat, even without Rela or FTL
  • ...But they'll end up killing him anyway
  • His sixt Movie

  • Take the Trinity of Stats with the most Ends
  • More agile and skilled
  • More useful and varied equipment
  • AoE via Farts and Breath
  • Is Love. Is Life.
  • Slower in terms of movement
  • Shrek The Third

Final Conclusion

The advantages are clear, Shrek surpasses abysmally in almost all statistics except Lifting Strength and Movement Speed. He is more experienced in fights with enemies larger and stronger than him, and has more useful abilities such as flight, farts, super breath, etc. that would lead him to a direct victory. Manny may have been a tenacious and formidable adversary, but his Happily Ever After didn't last Ever, and Shrek took him to the Meltdown.


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