DBE Blogs: Slenderman VS Siren Head
(Spycrab) (Morta) (Freddy999M) (Tortilleli) (Roxx) (Spectral) (Crane) (Axo Axolote) (Gh0st) (Wou) (Blue_Nines) “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” ― H.P. Lovecraft The depths of the forest, a mysterious and lonely place, where few souls go in search of adventure or exploration, but, if a tree falls and no one hears it, did it really fall? And more importantly, if you scream in agony in the middle of the forest and no one hears you, did you really scream? The forest is not a completely empty place, when night falls and people get lost, two mysterious supernatural entities stalk those unfortunate enough to cross their path, and eventually, they will get hooked on a tree branch, but it won't be a branch, it will be one of their fingers. (By Blue_Nines) The Slenderman, The virus of the Collective Unconscious that exists thanks to people's thoughts and beliefs. Siren Head, The Patron Saint of Goi...