DBE Blogs: The Batter Character Blog


“The world gives you so much pain and here you are making gold out of it, there is nothing purer than that” —Rupi Kaur

The world is a place full of injustices, evil, sins, and impurities, which emerge from the depths of the human mind, rotting the world and ending it little by little. 

It is at that moment that the world needs a savior and prophesied messiah to save, or rather, to Purify the evil.

The Batter, the embodiment of purification and the messiah who will bring purity to the world by eliminating wickedness.

Son of the creator of the world, The Batter, the purest incarnation of the Purification itself, is destined to save the world from the Spectres, the evil deeds of the world, evil souls that rot the world.

Will The Batter be able to purify DEATH BATTLE? We will find out in DBE Blogs

Before We Start…

There can't be more readers on this Blog than me, so I must assume that you are nothing more than a fragment of my imagination. Anyway, I introduce myself, I am The Judge, guardian of Zone 0 and protector of this page. Even though you are just an illusion in my eyes, I feel obliged to guide you through this Blog and explain some sections to make your reading easier. I am glad you are here, so I will give you a brief summary of what you should know before going to your first destination.

To start, this Blog was made to better inform about OFF in Powerscaling, since our previous Blog (Omori VS The Batter) has information that we changed our mind about, we do this to explain things much better. Also, credits to two used reference Blogs, Sans VS The Judge (G∞Matchups) and Frisk VS The Batter (LandonBlogsALot)

OFF is an extremely rare game, its story is not clear and not fully confirmed, so the ambiguity of the lore makes that many things mentioned in this Blog are interpretations that I will try to explain clearly, but it's not something to take to the letter.

As for the content, OFF have only one game, but we will use extra stuff, like comics, official art, the official site, streams with Mortis Ghost and his Deviantart account where he used to answer questions. The last caveat will be that, while, there will be a Remake of OFF, this Blog came out earlier as it was announced before the Remake, and if necessary, will be updated later.

Special thanks to Roxx and Blue_Nines for the art in this Blog!

You will know how much you are communicating with me when you see these types of letters in your path, so as not to confuse my advice with that of Morta, the writer of this site.


“Escaping from your purpose is impossible”

Long ago, there was a world. Little was known of what this world was like before the great catastrophe, but a war caused by an unknown conflict brought about the end of the world.

Few survived, and those who did were stranded in a world with nothing but chaos. Among these survivors was Hugo, a young boy who lost his parents. Hugo had a special power, the power to create. He used it to create a mother and father for himself.

His mother, The Queen, arcane legends told of the Queen, living next to her husband in The Room, begetting the ghosts to destroy the world they themselves have created. Some say she is as beautiful as the heart of the sun, others are sure she is invisible. All this is, evidently, nothing more than unfounded speculation.

And his father, The Batter, a being with a divine mission, who abandoned Hugo for unknown reasons.

The Queen used the power inherited from Hugo to create, she created a new world, a nation based on the world that once existed, but she could not do this alone, for that, she got 4 guardians, survivors of the previous world, who ruled different regions of the new world.

The first, Dedan, was tall and short-tempered. His firmness of character and steely body assured him supreme reign over his Zone.

The second, Japhet, was kind and generous. Always smiling benignly, he was loved by all. He always wandered off in all directions, never failing to give more security to his subjects. 

The third, Enoch, was cold and righteous. He produced a fifth artificial element in his Zone, sugar. His people became addicted to this magical substance. They were happy, but disconnected from reality.

And finally, The Judge, an enigmatic cat, guardian of Zone 0, who had knowledge that others did not. He knew the truth of his world, and decided to isolate himself in a dead zone, with no life but him and his brother, Valerie, who left for Zone 2 never to return.

Hugo became friends with these guardians, and together, they ruled his mother's new world, created with effort and the remains of a previous civilization.

A long time later...

“You have been assigned to a being called ‘The Batter’. The Batter is on a mission. Be sure that it's accomplished. We will let you both out in zone 0. Good luck. For more information, find the one called ‘The Judge’.”

That's the message you get when you start OFF. You are assigned to the protagonist of this game, The Batter is a messiah prophesied to purify and save this world from the corruption that haunts it, and for this he needs YOUR help…

Experience & Skill

Since the beginning of the game, The Batter has been tricking and manipulating other people into believing in his divine mission to purify the world, from The Judge, and even you, the player, who will have a chance at redemption in the special ending.

The Batter is also a great melee combatant, as seen above, he is capable of defeating entire groups of enemies at once, and he alone, as well as controlling the Add-Ons as he fights as well. His best demonstration of IQ is that, seeing that it was impossible for him to defeat Enoch, he decided to escape to make Enoch crawl through the factories without taking into account his low stamina, and being tired, it is possible to defeat him.



  • Harold Bat: Possesses 90 hit probability, 0 critical bonus, and grants +5 attack.

  • Masashi Bat: Possesses 90 hit probability, 0 critical bonus, and grants +9 attack.

  • Emmanuel Bat: Possesses 90 hit probability, 0 critical bonus, and grants +12 attack.

  • Michael Bat: Possesses 95 hit probability, 0 critical bonus, and grants a +15 attack.

  • Yoshihiro Bat: Possesses 90 hit probability, 0 critical bonus, and grants a +20 attack.

  • Lewis Bat: Possesses 90 hit probability, 0 critical bonus, and grants a +26 attack.

  • Katsuhiro Bat: Possesses 90 hit probability, 9 critical bonus, and grants a +32 attack. It also adds the Plastic attribute to the attacks. 

  • Ashley Bat: Possesses 100 hit probability, 100 critical bonus, and a +21(2x) attack. It hits twice when attacking, ignores enemy evasion, and has the Metal, Meat, and Special attributes to attacks. 


(Art by Ristorr on DeviantArt)

Like almost any RPG protagonist, The Batter has a party that helps him when it comes to combat, or something like that... The Add-Ons are spiritual entities, who have a metaphysical connection with The Batter and only he can join them as he has no real physical order. The Add-Ons are three, they can fight even after Batter died, have no conscience or personality so The Batter controls all their actions, and they have usable ability in battle.


Alpha is the first Add-On that The Batter gets. Alpha (Aα) is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and Alpha's class name is "Father". It is obtained in the annex tunnel of Damien's smoke mines, where the Elsen believed it to be the "leader of the spectres". When The Batter first gets Alpha, it is Lv. 1, and is equipped with an Audacious Symbol. The names of Alpha's Competences are based on programming terminology. The "String" Competences target a single enemy and deal high damage, while the "Bracket" Competences deal low damage and have a chance to inflict status ailments.

  • Saturated String: 50 Damage.

  • Expected Bracket: Can inflict Poison.

  • Converted String: 120 Damage.

  • Requisite Bracket: Can inflict Blind.

  • Long String: 250 Damage.

  • Open Bracket: Can inflict Mute.

  • Complete String: 500 Damage.

  • Impossible Bracket: Can inflict Palsy.


Omega is the second Add-On that The Batter gets. Omega (Ωω) is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, and Omega's class name is "Son". It is obtained on the 3rd floor of the Grand Library, after fighting Valérie there. When The Batter first gets Omega, its Level is the average of The Batter's and Alpha's, and is equipped with a Persistent Symbol and a Radius Epidermis. The names of Omega's Competences are based on photographic terminology. The "Perspective" Competences target a single ally and cure various status ailments, while the "Blur" Competences target a single enemy, dealing low damage and having a variety of useful secondary effects.

  • Inverse Perspective: Cures Blind and Mute.

  • Optimized Blur: 70 Damage.

  • Overdone Perspective: Cures Poison and Sleep.

  • Photographic Blur: Ignores enemy Defense.

  • Frontal Perspective: Cures Fury, Madness, and Palsy.

  • Gaussian Blur: Decreases CP instead of damaging.

  • Multiple Perspective: Revives. Heals instead of damaging.

  • Radial Blur: Decreases Defense instead of damaging.


Epsilon is the final Add-On that The Batter gets. Epsilon (Εε) is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet, and Epsilon's class name is "Holy Spirit". It can be obtained either in the east dormitories of Zone 3 Area 1, or in the room just before the fight with Enoch. When The Batter first gets Epsilon, its Level is the average of The Batter's, Alpha's, and Omega's, and it is equipped with a Choleric Symbol and an Aura of Justice. The names of Epsilon's Competences are based on artistic terminology. The "Drama" Competences target a single ally and increase various stats, while the "Tragedy" Competences target all enemies, dealing decent damage.

  • Classic Drama: Increases Attack instead of damaging.

  • Surrealist Tragedy: Hits all enemies.

  • Baroque Drama: Increases Defense instead of damaging.

  • Abstract Tragedy: Hits all enemies.

  • Experienced Drama: Increases Esprit instead of damaging.

  • Cubist Tragedy: Hits all enemies.

  • Unrevokable Drama: Increases Agility instead of damaging.

  • Fauvestic Tragedy: Hits all enemies.

The Add-Ons, besides being able to equip part of the items of The Batter, have their own items that only they can use.


  • Choleric Symbol: This Symbol has a 90% hit probability, a +7 attack and it adds the Special Attribute to attacks.

  • Loyal Symbol: This Symbol has a 90% hit probability, a +11 attack and it adds the Special Attribute to attacks.

  • Solid Symbol: This Symbol has a 90% hit probability, a +13 attack, and it adds the Special Attribute to attacks.

  • Fast Symbol: This Symbol has a 90% hit probability, a +18 attack, and it adds the Special Attribute to attacks.

  • Boastful Symbol: This Symbol has a 90% hit probability, a +27 attack, and it adds the Special Attribute to attacks.

  • Hidden Symbol: This Symbol has a 95% hit probability, a +16 attack, and it adds the Metal Attribute to attacks. 

  • Mysterious Symbol: This attribute has a 95% hit probability, a +30 attack, and it adds the Metal Attribute to attacks.

  • Perfect Symbol: This Symbol has a 95% hit probability, a +40 attack, and it adds the Smoke and Plastic Attributes to attacks.


  • Aura of Justice: Grants +3 defense.

  • Aura of Fear: Grants a +3 defense.

  • Aura of Perception: Grants +4 defense.

  • Aura of Greatness: Aura with +10 defense.

  • Aura of Clairvoyance: Aura with +18 defense.

  • Aura of Tenacity: Aura with +25 defense.

  • Aura of Lunacy: Aura with +41 defense.

  • Aura of Power: Aura with +59 defense.

  • Nicolas Tunic: Grants +4 defense.

  • David Tunic: Grants +6 defense.

  • Min-Woo Tunic: Grants +8 defense.

  • Canepa Tunic: Grants +12 defense.

  • Taiyou Tunic: Grants +16 defense.

  • Neil Tunic: Grants +22 defense. This Tunic also grants increased evasion. 

  • Radius Epidermis: Grants +4 defense.

  • Ulna Epidermis: Grants +6 defense.

  • Humerus Epidermis: Grants +9 defense.

  • Tibia Epidermis: Grants +11 defense.

  • Fibula Epidermis: Grants +17 defense.

  • Femur Epidermis: Grants +21 defense. It can also prevent critical hits.

  • Color of Wrath: Grants +2 defense.

  • Color of Pain: Grants +3 defense.

  • Color of Sadness: Grants +5 defense.

  • Color of Hatred: Grants +10 defense.

  • Color of Force: Grants +18 defense.

  • Color of Defeat: Grants +29 defense.

  • Color of Neglect: Grants +32 defense.

  • The Eight Color: Grants +50 defense.

General Items

  • Luck ticket: Recovers a moderate amount of HP. Recovers a moderate amount of HP. Restores 100 HP.

  • Fortune ticket: Recovers a large amount of HP. Restores 1000 HP.

  • Silver flesh: Recovers a large amount of CP. Restores 50 CP.

  • Joker: Revives and restores 25% max HP.

  • Moloch’s meat: Cures the Poison condition.

  • Belial’s meat: Cures all conditions except Death.

  • Abaddon’s meat: Fully restores the team’s HP and CP out of combat. Restores the party's HP and CP, and cures all status conditions. Unusable in battle.

  • Inspiration: Object that’s utilizable in combat. Deals 75 base damage to a single enemy, increasing with Attack and Esprit.

  • Expiration: Object that’s utilizable in combat. Deals 400 base damage to a single enemy, increasing with Attack and Esprit.

  • Eye: Analyses the enemies’ characteristics. Equivalent to using Wide Angle.


  • Monday: Prevents any critical hit being inflicted on the Batter.

  • Tuesday: Halves CP consumption.

  • Wednesday: Prevents terrain damage.

  • Thursday: Grants 30% resistance to the Furious and Madness conditions.

  • Friday: Grants 50% resistance to the Muted condition.

  • Saturday: Prevents the Poison condition.

  • Secret Day: Prevents the Poison, Blindness, and Muted conditions.


Although they are not seen in the game, in the concept art we see The Batter using baseballs, which he uses to attack enemies.

Red Cubes

It is a cube, hovering in midair, as you have likely noticed. Nevertheless, you will be able to differentiate it from similar ones by the contrast of bad taste it imposes on your view of its clashing color, defying any sensible course of plastic arts. However do not judge it too quickly, because despite its criticisable appearance, this red cube is of undeniable use.

Aside from rendering you the entirety of your health and competence points, it is capable of saving your progress and sending you to the nothingness. The nothingness is a lieu of transition outside of space itself, where you can travel from one point to another at the speed of light.


Pedalos are small duck-like boats that The Batter can summon for use in Zone 2, used to navigate the ocean of flesh and even fight sea monsters.



The Batter’s main ability, purification, is his most lethal power. Because The Batter is literally the physical embodiment of the concept of Purification, he is able to use this power to destroy life everywhere in his path.

The Purification eradicates entire continents and worlds, leaving only white voids with nothing but whispering sounds, it even removes text from billboards, leaving only question marks, flooding the world into nothingness.

Enemies affected by this are completely erased, as seen with Hugo, who vanishes after being purified, or with all the guardians, whose bodies disappear, or as seen with an Elsen in the comic, who simply disappears from the scene even when The Batter did not attack him. This can affect Spectres and Add-Ons, the nature of which will be explained later. (see more in the Q&A section)

Combat System

The combat system in our world is complex and you must learn how to use it if you want to go far in this reading. Do you want to learn. I can't know your answer but let's pretend you do.

Your opponent however, in this case yours truly, will be located on the left, the correct place for a single combat. At the beginning of combat, you will be confronted with a choice. You have to decide whether to “Attack”, “Auto” or “Flee”. “Attack” naturally permits you to engage the fight in the classical fashion. If “Auto” is your decision, the computer will make the strategic choices in your place, making you simply the spectator. Finally, “Flee”, as its name indicates, is the option of the coward. I dehort this alternative.

You may have noticed that when you chose “Attack” for the first time after you selected the Batter, a new windows opened itself at the lower right-hand side of the screen. There, you have the choice between four new options:

  • “Attack” leads to a sole strike against a likewise sole adversary.

  • “Competence” permits you to use one of your special skills.

  • “Objects” will grant you access to the items you are currently carrying.

  • Finally, you have, yet again, the opportunity to “Flee”. But remember: solely the Batter is responsible for that option in his personal menu.


They are generally, in layman's terms, special moves. They can trigger surprising effects. They may induce a resurgence of health points, or may be in and of themselves, powerful attacks. Nevertheless know this: any use of competences leads to a consumption of competence points (CP). So I ask that you use these skills sparingly. Once your CP are completely consumed, it will be impossible to carry out heavy assaults. And if you happen to cross swords with a tougher opponent before being able to get some more CP, victory will be uncertain.

  • Wide Angle: Analyzes the enemies’ characteristics.

  • Save First Base: Heals an ally.

  • Run with Courage: Deals Metal damage.

  • Furious Homerun

  • Save Second Base: Heals an ally.

  • Run with Grace: Deals Plastic damage.

  • Special Homerun

  • Save Third Base: Heals an ally.

  • Run with Dementia: Deals Smoke damage.

  • Magic Homerun

  • Save Fourth Base: Revives and heals an ally.

  • Run with Belief: Deals Meat damage.

  • Save Secret Base: Heals the party.

  • Ultimate Homerun

Save and Load

One of the abilities of our purifying friend is the ability to save the progress of his game to save it later. When The Batter uses a red Cube, he can save the game in another save and come back later, or in case he dies in a fight, which will return him to the last save point.

With these cubes, The Player can also travel to different files to access different sections of The Room, allowing The Batter to travel to normally inaccessible places.

Non-Physical Interaction 

The Batter is capable of damaging a wide variety of non-physical beings, mainly Spectres, intangible and abstract ghosts, and The Queen’s Add-Ons, being that the Add-Ons are spiritual in nature. Thanks to his nature as a Purification concept, The Batter is able to bond with Add-Ons, causing a metaphysical reaction, and The Judge claims that he is not able to bond with an Add-On, but someone without a physical order like The Batter is able to do so.

Text Manipulation

As seen above, The Batter is apparently able to create dialogue by speaking, which might not seem like nothing, but in OFF, the text balloons are usable allies in combat, which both Dedan and the Spectres can use. Though this is likely not literal, as The Batter never did this in the game.

Perception Manipulation

The Batter's appearance is not defined, as it depends on who sees him and in what way, as we see at the end of the game, when The Player changes his perspective to that of The Judge, The Batter becomes a monster with big hands and the head of something similar to a crocodile.

Body Control

In the concept art, we have seen that Batter can flare his arms and enlarge his hands (as you can see above), this is not a unique chaos, in fact, we see that Batter does the same thing twice more, so it is a consistent ability that can be taken into account.


What kind of game wouldn't have the option to escape if you were in a dangerous situation? Luckily for us, OFF is not the case. Flee option will allow the Batter to escape from a battle, however, only he can choose it, and he usually prefers not to do so unless he has no chance in the fight, as in the case of Enoch, where he fled for a chance to win, being at a disadvantage.

4th Wall Awareness

Of course, OFF is not just any game, it is one that constantly breaks the fourth wall. From the very first moment in the game, The Batter points out the controls to the player, and later, introduces them to The Judge, stating that they can't see them, but the player sees and hears everything. In the official art of Mortis Ghost, we see The Batter coming out of the video game and talking to the Player, motivating them to play OFF.

Throughout the game, more examples of breaking the fourth wall are given, Zacharie mentions that everyone is a character in a game more than once, and The Judge says that The Player and The Batter are separate entities, as well as knowing of our existence even before downloading the game.

Conceptual Manipulation (Debatable)

Since Purification is capable of removing Spectres and Add-Ons (both of the same spiritual nature), a better thing can be made for this power.

According to the OFF site, Spectres are “evil incarnations” (incarnations maléfiques), the use of this word in OFF means they embody the concept itself, for example, Batter is described as a “purifying incarnation”, and the site says it is the “embodiment of Purification”, telling us that Spectres are variations of the concept of evil incarnate, but this is not all.

In the library books, it is said in a straightforward manner that spectres embody the evil deeds of the world, plus there are spectres literally called “abstracts” and “ectoplasmic incarnations”, and by sharing nature with the Add-Ons, they are metaphysical entities.

The only counter argument is to say that this is all flowery language or too vague to be taken literally, but that is up to your opinion.


The Elements are incredibly important in the world of OFF, as they sustain the entire world and give it order, and without these elements, the nature and order of the world could be in danger. The Batter is able to obtain the elements, and use them in combat, which includes:


“As the first of four elements... It's the most important element. Because without smoke, people would have nothing to breathe.”

Smoke is the first element the Player discovers in the Smoke Mines of Damien. Smoke is what the occupants of the zones breathe, and it is exported from Zone 1 to the other zones. It is harvested through the rocks within the mines of Damien and through the use of special tools. It is then shipped to other Zones via packaging into bottles. It appears to be sold in the Gomez Galleries.


“As the first of the four elements... It's the most important element. Because without metal, people would have nothing to walk on. They would sink and drown.”

Metal is the second element the Player discovers at the Metal Farmsteads of Pentel. The metal is made by extracting it from the cattle found on the farms via chopping them in half, and makes up the tools and ground of the zones. Metal of poor quality is discarded by being thrown onto the ground creating soil they walk on, while metal of desirable quality is "purified" through an unknown process and is then used to create tools and the like.


“As the first of the four elements... It's the most important element. Because without plastic, the world would have no boundaries. People would walk and walk without ever stopping.”

Plastic is the third element the Player discovers in the Plastic Administrations of Shachihata. The Elsen in the Administration ship packages to the Courier Service and receive parcels full of plastic in return. Liquid plastic makes up the lakes and oceans, while solid plastic can also be used to form various objects.


“As the first of the four elements... It's the most important element. Because without meat, people would have nothing to eat, and they would devour each other.”

Meat is the fourth and final natural element the Player discovers at the Meat Fountains of Alma. Meat is poured into bottles to be shipped to the other zones for consumption. Meat seems to be the only edible material in the zones. It is not entirely known where the meat flows from, but a paper in the postal service in Shachihata talks about "a sole big insect, whose mandibles spit meat".


“It's a secret element... The fifth element... The most important element... Because without sugar, people could no longer bear reality, and they would go mad.”

Sugar is the fifth and final element the Player discovers at the Sugar Ovens of Vesper. Here, corpses are burnt and converted into sugar. Sugar is a “man-made” element created by Enoch to reward his workers for their daily work. The Elsen of Zone 3 are addicted to sugar, and most will not stray from the subject if interacted with. If their access to sugar is threatened, the usually timid Elsen become violent and desperate.

Other Abilities



Bad Batter

The form of The Batter we see at the end of The Judge, upon learning his true intentions and seeing him through The Judge's eyes, Batter takes the form of a monster, with a crocodile-like head and giant hands.



“Zacharie is the official merchant of Off - the only one, in fact. However, his business is not one of the most flourishing ones: only heroes are willing to buy artifacts from mysterious strangers. No one really knows where all the items he offers are coming from, nor how he even got hold of them, but as a video game player, you probably couldn't care less about it, could you?”

Zacharie is the item seller in OFF, who from the beginning of the game, will support The Batter, giving him all the items he needs, even appearing before the battles to give him better items on the condition that Batter pays him later.

While Zacharie has things that could be useful in a fight, such as wings, a sword, or even being able to alter the game at a certain level, he will never interfere in a battle, but he will always be there to support The Batter in his mission, even at the end of the game, as well as giving advice to advance in the game when The Judge can no longer do it.

The Player 

Oh, my dear reader, you have finally arrived to the section where we will talk about the real protagonist of this story: YOU!

The Player is a real entity in the OFF world, who is mentioned from the beginning as the one who controls The Batter, and although they can't talk to the characters, they can see and hear everything. The control that The Player has over The Batter is limited, Batter makes his own decisions without you knowing it, he gives you control when he wants, but he doesn't obey your orders, he can even take control of you, without following anything you tell him.

An interpretation of The Judge's dialogues tells us that, actually, The Batter and The Player are the same entity, since The Judge claims The Player for having killed their son and wife, even though The Queen and Hugo are The Batter's family. Although this could contradict with the fact that The Player can abandon The Batter if they decides to do so, but as long as this does not happen, The Batter will be immortal thanks to the player's help, who can help him travel to other saves or search through the game's archives.



  • Purified the mines in Zone 1, eliminating all Spectres

  • Saved an Elsens village from being attacked in Zone 2

  • Successfully managed to trick The Judge into guiding him through the world without knowing his true intentions

  • Purified the guardians of the Zones, eliminating everything in the process 

  • In the official ending, he succeeded in purifying the world and fulfilling his divine mission

  • His game became one of the most influential indie RPGs, inspiring many other games in the genre

  • Obtained two tracks from Brandon Yates

  • Lesbian Icon

  • Getting Toby Fox OST






Regular Enemies

What kind of game would a game be without enemies standing in the way of the protagonist? Fortunately, OFF has a variety of Spectres and other enemies, such as Elsens or Secretaries, all being inferior to The Batter, which is capable of defeating entire waves of enemies at once.

The Guardians of the Zones

The guardians of the Zones, survivors of the previous world, who were chosen by the Queen to rule the new world and create the Zones. The Batter faces all the guardians, and kills them one by one in different stages of the game, besides having defeated The Queen, who emanates the power that the guardians use to create their worlds.


“Stay In Your Coma…”

Our beloved protagonist, as powerful as he is, is not invincible, nor completely immortal.

He can be affected by emotions, which give him multiple negative effects, such as rage, which will make him only attack physically without control, insanity will make him attack his own allies, and his powers can be simply nullified.

In addition, his Immortality depends on the player to a great extent, since if the player abandons him, The Batter can be killed without using saves.

Q&A Section

Due to the amount of questions that there are about OFF powerscaling, in this section I will explain everything that people usually question or use in discussions of the verse.

The Purification

The Batter’s main ability, Purification, has several arguments against this being a true existence erasure, arguments that I will review and answer in this section, to give my point of view on why this is an existence erasure.

  1. “The Zones are not purified by Batter; they are merely effects of a guardian’s death.”

The argument comes from this statement by Mortis Ghost, who says that the colors disappear with a guardian.

The main problem is that here he doesn't talk about the colors disappearing solely and exclusively because of the death of a guardian, he just says what we already know; they both disappear at the same time, but even so, here he specifically talks about the colors disappearing, but this is not the only thing that happens after the actions of the Slugger. In the special finale, we see how the judge walks aimlessly through the dead zones, until they eventually disappear leaving a blank white void with nothing. If the colors disappear because of the guards, there is no other explanation for the Zone itself disappearing, this can only be the effect of a wipe. Also, The Batter is the “embodiment of Purification”, it would make no sense for him to embody a chain effect that he does not directly cause.

The biggest contradiction we see to this is in Zone 3, where we can appreciate a room completely purified by The Batter when Enoch had not yet been killed.

The logical answer to this could be “as Batter damaged Enoch a little, this could purify a room before killing him”, which is wrong, as Batter can beat up Japhet making him run away from the fight by losing, but this does not purify any part of the Zone.

The only logical explanation is that Batter can purify spaces without killing a guardian, but the guardian somehow prevents the Purification from occurring.

2) “The Elsens do not die from purification; the secretaries kill them or they become secretaries.”

This comes from a Mortis statement, where he says that the secretaries are killing machines that attack everything they see in the Purified Zones

The problem here is that this statement contradicts with what he shows us in the game (let's ignore that Mortis ends this statement saying “i don't know”).

The way to know that the Elsens are erased is through a statement of Enoch, when after being defeated, he says that the Zone is destined to disappear, and the men who live in it, deserving or not, will fall into nothingness never to return.

Falling into nothingness is a weird way of saying "they will be killed by monsters that physically attack them", it is simpler to assume that the Zone is erased along with the Elsens, which makes sense, since Hugo's death clearly shows us how he fades away as if he had been erased.

Besides that, Mortis only says that they are killing machines that attack everything in a purified zone, not necessarily talking about the Elsens, it may refer to those who enter the Zone, such as Batter or The Judge.

3) “Some enemies are not erased.”

Several examples highlight this: 

The main problem is that the message Purified Adversaries does not always mean that Batter purified the enemy by erasing or killing him, it is only a synonym of victory over an enemy, for example, if you defeat Japhet in Zone 2, he runs away without dying, showing that victory message, this does not mean that Japhet resists the purification or him having godly regen since he is killed with this one.

The defeated enemies are not always erased, in fact, there are examples of enemies that are  erased 

Finally, to demonstrate that this is a real hax by The Batter, The Judge says that Batter's ability is a purifying light, which we see every time The Batter kills a guardian, there is a big light that covers the entire screen before eliminating the entire Zone. That is, it is the light that purifies everything in the place, and not just an effect of the guardian.

The Nothingness + Rela OFF

Oh god kill me

This is probably the most controversial topic of the Blog and one that I would prefer to avoid, but I must clarify. First of all, you have to know the counter-arguments to the speed of The Nothingness.

  • 1. Judge does not say that the motion at the speed of light occurs within the Nothingness, but that it occurs when you teleport.

  • 2. An animation in the Remake shows that a light 

Although I said I would not include things from the Remake, because we have no context of what will happen and it would be wrong to use some things, I think it is important to mention this. In a new animation that will be added, you can see how once Batter uses the red box, what seems to be a light leads Batter to The Nothingness.

This may look blatant, but let's analyze Judge's statement for a moment.

OG: “Le néant est un lieu de transition, un endroit hors de l'espace réel, où tu pourras voyager d'un point à l'autre à la vitesse de la lumière.”

Here, Judge clearly says “where you can travel from one point to another at the speed of light”, and what are these points? They are literally the points that give access to each Zone, so by traveling from one point to another, Judge is referring to the movement from one point to another, which occurs within nothingness. This also makes sense, since Judge says that The Nothingness is a place where everything travels at the speed of light, he does not say “you get to The Nothingness by traveling at the speed of light”, it is clear that Judge is referring to the movement IN The Nothingness.

Another point against, is that the points in The Nothingness are described as lights, but this again contradicts not only Judge's statement, but also the animation. What invokes the light happens because of the red box, not because of the points of light, and again, these points take you to other Zones as they serve as entrances, not a movement that occurs within The Nothingness. To that we can add that these cubes can be used in The Zones, and the animation would occur in the world, that again contradicts Paul's words, since then the movement at the speed of light could occur even outside The Nothingness.

if it were the cubes that allow you to move at that speed, The Judge would never mention nothingness because those cubes can be found in places outside of nothingness and nothingness can be used without those cubes/markers as we see when Batter arrives at Hugo's room after fighting the queen, Batter arrives at a place at a moment's notice and that was not player help because The Judge (who also uses nothingness to travel) was able to get there. The markers/cubes are not necessary to use the nothingness.

Even if we don't know how it got there, the most obvious answer is nothingness, since the player can't send them anywhere else, there are no gates to get there and they have no Teleportation, and they both can use nothingness to travel, it's the only answer that makes sense, plus The Judge tells the Batter that since he also uses nothingness to travel, they would both meet again later, which makes sense that they both used nothingness to get there, no need for markers. And if you want to argue that, an off-screen marker makes no sense, because if you had played OFF, you would know that markers always lead you right to a cube with a visual and sound effect, but The Batter just appears from one moment to the next without a cube nearby or the effects of travel by markers.

TL;DR: The red cubes are NOT necessary to use The Nothingness, and it is even possible to use The Nothingness to travel between locations within the same Zone (as seen when Batter goes with Hugo after defeating The Queen), so Batter there had no access to cubes or points of light, making it clear that he is able to move through The Nothingness at the speed of light without using the points.

But even if you accept this, does Batter scale?

Well, yes. There is nothing to indicate that Batter's reaction also increases his speed when he is in The Nothingness, it is just said that everything travels at that speed. And yes, Batter can react at this speed, because even though there are no objects to dodge, Batter can stop just above the points when moving at this speed, or stop before hitting the walls, when he should hit everything and not control his movements in this place if he couldn't react.

Ultimately, we see it right to argue in favor of The Nothingness for now, as it would be best to wait for the remake to come out and have more context on this, as even The Judge's dialogue could change, for better or worse of the argument.

Immeasurable OFF?

Short Answer: Hell nah

This will be quite short as it is easy to explain; this argument is that the spectra go beyond the divine laws and the world, and according to the powers of Enoch, the laws are cause and effect. However, in the text they only say:

“il n'existe que pour une seule mission: détruire spectres outrepassent les lois divines”

This has several possible translations:

  • “It exists only for one mission: to destroy specters that transgress divine laws.” (This is a very direct and literal translation.)

  • “Its sole purpose is to destroy specters that defy divine law." (This version uses “defy” to convey the transgression)

  • “It exists for only one reason: to destroy specters which surpass/violate divine laws.” (This option suggests “surpass” or “violate” as alternatives to “outrepassent”)

As you can see, the translation never refers to transcending the laws as such, only to violating, transgressing and defying them, not being beyond them. In addition, the laws of the world are never mentioned, and if that were not enough, this description of divine laws only refers to the fact that the specters, being specters, are not governed by the same type of natural laws as the living, it has nothing to do with transcending conceptual laws or causality, this is reinforced since these references to divinity go hand in hand with the sacred mission of Batter, discarding any idea that it is a transcendence of any kind.

Another interpretation is that simple Spectres break or violate the divine laws imposed by the god-like Guardians, and by invading their zones and killing Elsens, they are a problem that violates their rules.

The Zones and The Guardians

Starting with the size of the Zones, we know that they contain real oceans, a sky with atmosphere and clouds, and in the 2023 stream Q&A, Mortis confirmed that the Zones are not planets at all, but continents floating in the world (which is the same size as ours, i.e. a planet).

“What things did the guardians create?”

One debunk I have seen is that the guardians did not create the whole continent, but only the cities, since Enoch states that the guardians create spaces for men to live in, which contradicts a statement by Mortis (which is actually repeated twice).

In DA, Mortis confirmed that when a guardian dies, his Zone loses colors along with him, this is because guardians are literally the living engines of the zones, and without their guardian, the Zone falls into nothingness and disappears. In the 2023 stream, Mortis again states that the zones die once the guardian also dies, which means that everything that loses color, loses it for lack of the engine that keeps them afloat, that is, everything that the guardians created is what loses color after the Purification. This is very important, because not only the cities lose their color after the purification, the mines under the ground also lose their color, the ocean also, and even the sky and the clouds lose their color, making it clear that the guardians did create the entire continent, under the ground and even the sky and clouds of the Zones.

In addition to that, Enoch confirms that the guardians do create the entire Zone, since they create worlds in the nothingness, and it would not make sense for them to create cities in the nothingness without there being a continent created by them as well:

> We are a little like gods, drawing from the infinite power of the sun to sculpt our worlds into the nothingness.

There are two ways to define the level of this, one is to just assume the creation of the continent, which results in 65.87 Teratons of TNT, and the other is to take into account the creation of the entire ocean and sky of the continents, which results in 18.55 Petatons of TNT.

“The guardians scale to this Physically?”

Clearly they do, they are able to absorb the energy sent to them by The Queen and turn it into solid matter, the Library books say that Japhet created the library with his waning forces, the guardians are literally the engines that keep the zones existing, and most importantly, Mortis Ghost stated that only people who have a certain power can harness The Queen's energy, so physical power is necessary to create the Zones.

Even if you choose to ignore all this, we still have a key statement: The energy that The Queen sends to the guardians to create the Zones directly emanates from The Queen and Hugo, they can generate the energy to create the zones from their bodies, and The Batter is able to kill them both, so if the guardians don't scale to create the Zones, Batter still does, by defeating those who emanate the energy needed to create the zones.

“What’s about the Timeframe? The Judge states that Valerie was gone for many years, that means that too much time was spent in the creation of the Zones”

It is true that the Judge says that, but he is not referring to the time of creation of the Zones. The books indicate that Japhet created Zone 2 long before he controlled Valerie, by saying that after Japhet created his zone and the library to make the Elsens happy, he became a cat and then a tyrant, so these years of Valerie living in the zone occurred after the creation of this one 

The most important thing is that clearly not much time went into the creation, in The Room flashback we see that hugo is old enough to write and talk, this was before the guardians create their Zones, and in the current game, Hugo still looks the same as he does in the room, it is impossible that they spent so many years or even months creating them knowing that Hugo literally looks like a baby. We know that Hugo is a normal human and that his parents died, so he is not immortal or unable to age.

The most logical answer is that the creation of the Zones took very little time, since they spent years living in the Zones after their creation until Batter’s arrival, if the zones had taken years to create then Hugo should be much older.

Invalid Feats

“Hugo and The Queen created The Room, which contains three suns, or even the universe”

What was used for years to argue the star level of OFF; Queen creating The Room, which contains the sun.

Don't get me wrong, The Queen and Hugo did create The Room, but not the sun (to a certain extent). Hugo, as we know, is a normal human, one of the few humans that lived in the world of OFF before the apocalypse, Hugo is a survivor, and his parents died. This is very important, because knowing that Hugo has parents and is a human born in the OFF world, means that Hugo didn't even create the planet, all Hugo did was create The Queen and The Batter, and The Queen rebuilt the world.

As for The Queen’s creation, this does not include the stars, since as she says before the final fight, The Batter destroyed the nation she had rebuilt, and the guardians say they will recreate the world by creating nations that will belong to them. That is, The Queen and the guardians only created the continents to repopulate and rebuild the planet, not the sun.

This gets worse when we learn that Hugo is not special, in fact, Mortis Ghost leaves the possibility that there are other survivors in the world who have the same power as Hugo and The Queen, the power to create Lands. The word “Lands” is key, as it refers only to continents (The Zones), not universes or stars, and by this point in the game, the only thing The Batter had destroyed are Zones 1, 2 & 3, and The Queen refers to the destruction of the world she rebuilt as the destruction of the Zones, as the recreation of the world from the previous one is only the creation of the Zones and their inhabitants after the apocalypse, something that makes sense when we are told that Japhet created his own world by creating Zone 2.

“Sun Travel Feat”

While I was planning to give my own explanation of why this feat is not valid, The Judge VS Sans blog covered it in an amazing way, and I really have nothing new to add, go read that Blog's explanation, because they really did a good job!

Star Level Queen + Light Speed attacks

This goes back to the most important statement of the verse in terms of power, and the one that everyone knows, which we must analyze carefully:

> Of course not. I'm Enoch, the guardian of Zone 3. My role, like of all guardians, consists of modeling the energy sent by the Queen Mother to shape a solid context. I am the living engine of Zone 3. The Queen relies on us to create living spaces for the people. We are a little like gods, drawing from the infinite power of the sun to sculpt our worlds into the nothingness. Ahaha, I love that metaphor. Yes, like gods... precisely.

Enoch says that the guardians use the power sent by the Queen to carve worlds out of nothingness, creating the Zones for the Elsens to live in, this power is the infinite power of the sun that they harness. This is relevant, because while you can say that no one created the sun along with the Zones (which is partially true), we are told that this power the guardians use emanates from the Queen and Hugo as such:

Q: Is it possible that there are other lands in the nothingness or across the sea?

• The idea is that it is a post-apocalyptic place, and the Queen and Hugo have power that emanates from them that certain people are strong enough to use that power to create worlds. Judge, Dedan, Enoch, and Japhet are those who can use this power, which is why when you kill them their zone dies. Though it is possible there are other survivors out in the world that may weild the Queen and Hugo's power to create lands.

What we are told is that the power that the guardians use, the power of the sun, emanates directly from The Queen, she sends it from the sun to the earth, that is, she is the sun, since the power of the sun as such comes from her, which may make sense, since in The Room, we see that Hugo's map has a drawing of all the guardians, as for the Queen, her drawing is the sun, with the text “mom”, as to whether this is a real sun or not, in addition to having Enoch's word supporting this, Mortis Ghost stated that the sun is real in the 2023 stream.

If you decide to go by this logic, there is one thing you can argue for speed in OFF. Because The Queen is the sun, her attacks should be by light logic, we are even confirmed that from her emanates the power of the sun which she sends from the sun to the earth for the guardians to create their worlds.

But, does The Batter really dodge attacks?

Well, yes. For this, we must go back to the tutorial in Zone 0, and analyze the following statement of The Judge in the original language:

“Il est aussi possible que vous ou vos adversaires évitent les mouvements offensifs que vous vous offrirez avec sournoiserie.”

The most accurate translation is this:

Basically, The Judge states that The Batter can dodge attacks, he doesn't talk about simply avoiding them before they are launched, he literally says dodge, and knowing that sometimes there are attacks that don't hit Batter, this could mean that The Batter actually dodges attacks, which includes The Queen's light.

Of course, this is an unconfirmed interpretation, so you can choose to believe it or not.


“From now on, there will be no more darkness.”

  • Attack Potency: Country to Multi-Continental, debatably Star

  • Durability: Country to Multi-Continental, debatably Star

  • Speed: Supersonic+ (Mach 4.26) with Relativistic+ (0.64 c) reactions and combat speed

  • Lifting Strength: Class M

  • Powers and Abilities

    • Elemental Manipulation

    • 4th Wall Awareness

    • Purification

      • Existence Erasure

      • Void Manipulation

      • Conceptual Manipulation (Debatable)

      • Soul Erasure

    • Immersion

    • Metaphysics Manipulation

    • Immortality Negation

    • Abstract Existence (Type 2)

Body Control

  • Text Manipulation

  • Non-Physical Interaction

  • Save and Load

  • Perception Manipulation

  • Competences

    • Information Analysis

    • Healing

    • Resurrection

  • Add-Ons

    • Durability Negation

    • Poison Manipulation

    • Power Null

    • State effects induction

    • Stats amplification

    • Stats reduction

    • Paralysis Induction

  • Resistances

    • Plot Manipulation

    • Existence Erasure

    • Void Manipulation

    • Empathic Manipulation

    • Control

Favorite Oponent


(Thumnbail by me, Morta)

Yeah cry about it

Final Words

Hi, I'm Morta, owner of DBE and the writer of this blog. I really hope you enjoyed reading this blog as much as I enjoyed writing it. OFF is a game I love since years ago and is part of me, it was one of the first verses I analyzed when I was introduced to power scaling, and seeing how it has become relevant in the debates again, added to the announcement of the remake, encouraged me to do this (that and Sans VS The Judge is my most wanted at the moment)

As for the Blog we are currently working on, we will finish it in no time, it has been delayed due to things like busy participants, but we will finish it as fast as possible.

That's all so far, good night.

Hi i’m roxx everyone’s favorite fish this is a evil cameo muahahahaha


Question: Do you think the results of Batter vs. Omori change with this blog or no? If so, can you explain why or why not?

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